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Thread: A proposed Bone thrown to melee weapon users

  1. #1

    A proposed Bone thrown to melee weapon users

    An Idea:

    I think special attacks for Melee users would be a cool addition to the game. They would be similar to MA's special attacks like Shen and BoP but instead would rely on weapon skills and you would be required to have that particular weapon equiped. For example you find a special attack for 2he, but you would have to be using a 2he to use the attack. Heres a few that i came up with. It would be nice for a enforcer who had no purpose in life other than swinging something to throw a little technique into it.

    Knee Bash

    ql 100
    1h Blunt : 450
    Fast Attack: 250
    Dimach: 170
    Must be Using 1h Blunt weapon

    Damage: 200-700

    Smashes the knee's of the target making them unable to move for x seconds and locks 1hb for 15 seconds


    Spin Cut

    ql 100
    Multi Melee: 450
    Brawl: 300
    Fast Attack: 350
    Must be Dual Wielding

    Damage: 1-900

    Damages all enemies in a small radius and locks 1he for 30 seconds


    Puncture Vital Organs

    ql 100
    Piercing: 425
    Sneak Attack: 250
    Dimach: 180
    Must be using piercing weapon

    100-200 DoT
    Attempts to puncture vitals inside Target causeing internal bleeding and locks Piercing for 50 seconds.


    Pulse Blade (or possibly some Japanese ninja type name)

    ql 100
    2he: 500
    Dimach: 250
    Sensory Improvement: 400
    Matter Creation: 400
    must be using 2he

    Damage 1-1200
    Swings weapon through the air fast enough to creat a shockwave that can be aimed at a distant target. Locks 2he Skill


    Mongo's Induced Concusion

    ql 100
    2hb: 500
    Brawling: 300
    Psycology: 250
    must be using 2hb

    damage 200-1500
    Attemps to smash the targets head and debuff nano skills for 10 seconds. Locks 2hb Skill for 60 seconds.


    Blood Theft

    ql 100
    1he: 450
    Sneak Attack: 250
    Biological Metamorphesis: 400
    must be using 1he

    Damage: 1-500
    Self Healing: 1-400

    Attemps to steal the life of the target and locks 1he for 45 seconds.


    Boiled Blood (definately wont happen but what the heck)

    ql 100
    Brawling: 400
    Dimach: 200
    Psymod: 400
    Sense Imp: 400
    Must be Enforcer

    Lands one critical hit and locks all weapon skills for 2 minutes

    Yeah... These are just ideas but I'd like to present the concept and let whoever balance it. I think that it might give Melee users a much needed boost in the PVP department as well as have something cool to have in thier respective bag of tricks.

  2. #2

    Re: A proposed Bone thrown to melee weapon users

    Originally posted by Vashti
    An Idea:
    Yeah... These are just ideas but I'd like to present the concept and let whoever balance it. I think that it might give Melee users a much needed boost in the PVP department as well as have something cool to have in thier respective bag of tricks.
    What is YOUR melee character using? Bloodworm Carapaces?

    Their damage output rivals, if not surpasses ranged users.
    Why on earth do they need an additional source of damage?
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  3. #3

    That is where you are wrong

    Me? i dual wield Byom Blades and no my damage doesn't rival ranged users. My damage is nearly the same a MA's but they are faster and have alot more criticals due to self only crit buffs. Ranged users do alot more damage than I do. I've been in groups of Agents that continously pop off criticals for 10k. Most shotty users drop at least 4k hits with lvl 200 weapons. My crits with a ql 200 byom blade are around 2.2k Soldiers also out damage me with their new weapons. I'm not sure about pistol users. But its my opinion that since i dont use a ranged weapon i should have an superior damage because i have to make sure and get close to the target. I've given up shooting at a distance. But in most cases, ranged users out damage me by a long ways.

  4. #4

    Re: That is where you are wrong

    Originally posted by Vashti
    Me? i dual wield Byom Blades and no my damage doesn't rival ranged users. My damage is nearly the same a MA's but they are faster and have alot more criticals due to self only crit buffs. Ranged users do alot more damage than I do. I've been in groups of Agents that continously pop off criticals for 10k. Most shotty users drop at least 4k hits with lvl 200 weapons. My crits with a ql 200 byom blade are around 2.2k Soldiers also out damage me with their new weapons. I'm not sure about pistol users. But its my opinion that since i dont use a ranged weapon i should have an superior damage because i have to make sure and get close to the target. I've given up shooting at a distance. But in most cases, ranged users out damage me by a long ways.
    Hahaha, WTF then? Ma's have probably the best damage output
    in game. If you're "having a lot more criticals" then what's your
    beef? I use a QL180 X-3 on my agent. First off, continuoulsly
    popping off 10k criticals. You're full of it, pal. Even high end game,
    the crits for them are 3k, at best. Mine are 2.1k, at 100.

    And the 10k aimed is not a VERY common thing.

    Agent/soldier regular damage is crap, at times, and is slow in
    comparison. You have steady, FAST, damage. It rivals special
    users *over time*. Soldier specials are good, but you're off your
    rocker if you think a soldier hits for thousands of points of
    damage at a time, every time, meanwhile you're hitting for good
    base damage, and doing it a LOT faster than them. Hell, brawl
    recycles 2-3 times in a fight. Ranged specials one. 2 for fling.

    Does an ENF need more damage output? Hell no, they rock.
    An ADV? Yes, and for them it may be an *ADV only* option.
    MA's? No.. they have specials, and roxxor claws.

    Everyone else is ranged, or is a pet/healing profession.
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  5. #5

    Re: Re: That is where you are wrong

    Originally posted by Morthoseth

    Hahaha, WTF then? Ma's have probably the best damage output
    in game. If you're "having a lot more criticals" then what's your

    I think you probably misunderstood me there but owell. The entire goal of my post was not to increase the damage of anyone in a significant way but to but to give more content and possible more PVP balance. The specs I used here were not for argument sake but as an example. I've been swinging various blades much the same way for 130 lvls and I'd kinda like to see something else that may be an alternative to needing more weapons.

    Repeat this is not a damage gripe, I just wanna see more game stuff and a possible ave to diversify cookies.

  6. #6


    Okay, understood... I can dig that.

    However, that's a big undertaking, as all melee classes are pretty
    diverse. Not only that but MA attacks are pretty fuxxored.

    My MA nearly always hits for minimum damage. (Or less.)

    ...we sure we want to open that can of worms, hehe?
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

  7. #7

    First places are Melee weapons after that you get range weapons start to come.
    You can mess whit INI in some ways but Meele weapon will be on top anyway. and in fact the more INI you get the more Melee weapons will get to the top.
    And i have been counting on MOBs that have 5k AC

    But if you set high Crit ratio like 50% (probably possible only whit MAs) and set INI to 0 ( because of scope) you will get fast lowbase highcrit guns on the top.
    Cyrus "Makarov" Scola (so called creator of never released Kamikazebots)

    Kids= 30sec pleasure +18years of suffering.
    Al Bundy

    The entire free-trade community from North, Central and South America, along with the EU and the rest of Europe, Russia, the former Soviet States, India, Communist China and the rest of Asia along with industrialized Africa (mainly S. Africa) all know what slag is, and use that term regularly.
    So just what culture is being offended by the term "slag"?

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