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Thread: A party For Cweef (To be held with Slags)

  1. #1

    Arrow A party For Cweef (To be held with Slags)

    Hi, im cweef (or i was) and i would like to tell you the story of how funcom backstabbed me by changing my name in a similar manner that slag got his changed, and later banned me for three days because i requested my name back. Im aware of the party coming up for slag and would like your full support for the against the exact same thing that has happened to me. But first , here is the event details!

    Although i will not be in attendance (because the GMs banned me for 3 days because i want my name back ) i would like you to support the anti-abuse by funcom cause by /petitioning them about how unfair they treated me and screwed both of my main characters over as part of the party.

    At slags party (Congratz slag burn away that power)simply do this
    /petition give cweef his name back
    Times for the party are:
    6:00PM PST, Friday the 5th
    9:00PM EST, Friday the 5th
    1:00AM GMT, Saturday the 6th
    11:00AM in Sydney, Saturday the 6th

    The party is at reets.
    PLEASE help me out by sending a /petition to fight the funcom machine of HATE!
    If you feel that i am whining, feel free to read this story of treachery, unhospitality and downright ABUSE

    So the story starts when i was in a team mission with friends when the map dissapears on me and i die by wondering into unfinished room. So i petition to suggest that they prevent the map from dissapearing. after waiting about 15 minutes (the shortest waiting period ive ever expierienced), An ark shows up. I begin typing what has went wrong and poof A GM apears as well. Knowing that the GMs are only there to "correct", if you will, what they see as wrong behavior rather than help players, i immediately show signs of dismay. Aww , a GM i say in vicinity, but the name that said those words in the chat box was not mine but Default8's. Soon i look at 3rd person view and there i am Default8. The gm tried to explain to me that my name was unnaceptable. She failed to show in any way what category my name fell under. It was funny how the ARK stood there , passively the entire time because he was the one who ranted on me for the name Cweef.

    Next i tell them how im not in violation of thier policy because the word cweef means crater in spanish. Then they insist that it is offensive though NO ONE has every displayed signs of umbrage of my name Cweef. This is when i get mad, because now i realize that 1) this ARK hates me 2) This GM hates me and 3) im never gonna get my name back. So i begin to tell it how it is and demand to know why this ARK, who was sent to help me has turned his back on me by ratting off to mommy about a name that our community gladdly accepts. They ignore me, yet still ask if i had selected a new name yet. I really didnt care cause i knew that they had done screwed me over so i suggested RainbowBright. By this time, my team was really flippin angry as well, continuosly running the /flip macro and telling them stop stop hating us. So the GMs insisted that i do not talk in vicinity so my team wouldnt know that this bullcrap was happening. I refused but continued to tell them how they had screwed me over by changing my identity and my place in the messed up community that the GMs should contribute to , not destroy.

    Like slag, they tell me nope no way. and leave me with default8 untill ive selected another name. There was a reason i selected this name though and im reluctant to the bone to give it up , so i /petition again to discuss this with another, perhaps nicer GM. he made me explain the entire thing again, which he obviously already knew (they love to talk about players in thier GM chat , i can imagine them saying , this loser wants his name back, act like you care and evaluated the situation well.) He again fails to specifically name the cattegory of the naming policy that the name cweef falls under. He assures me that i will remain default8 forever if i have to because im not getting cweef back. Ooooo im only a kid , but im a host at a restaurant where hospitality from the customer service staff is mandatory, this was as curt and brusque as it gets, defying the actions of what ANY normal customer service staff would do. So, i follow through and tell them how they are NEVER helpfull and seem to HATE us and treat us like customers at a mcdonnalds joint: one at a time while biting thier lip waiting for thier shift to end. He made a fake apology that he admittedly screwed me over and said sorry that im gonna cancel my account if i dont get my hard earned character back. He was so sorry that he severed communications with me untill i had selected another name.............

    This didnt cut it, i wanted my name back so i sent another /petition. while waiting forever i talked to my guild. Who the hell is default8? he is a sploiter? Who let him in ? Lets talk to the leader guys, no one let him in? soon i get the -kicked from guild message- I was dissowned by me own guild that i had spent many hours of enjoyment with because of my unrecognized name. Though i was really really really really mad at the time, i knew for sure this could easily be taken care of and i could be in the guild again in no time. Then the long waited response from a GM appeared.
    ---Hail Default8. You have abused our petitioin system by repetitive /petitioning. We will not tollerate this abuse. Your account will be suspended for 3 days.----------

    Screen turns black, login pops up. Game Over.

    And they claimed that i was abusive.......



  2. #2
    a) seems strange that you imediately think the GMs and ARKs hate you. What's the history behind that? Not to be blunt, but to you really think you're that important to them?

    b) Seems really bizarre that your guild would kick you out because your name changed. What's that all about?

    c) what naughty little thing is a "cweef" anyways? I never heard of it.


  3. #3


    d) The Slag party has been combined with the Devil's Advocate party which is not being held at Reets.
    Janella "Nevver" McCallagher
    Board Member of
    Devil's Advocate
    Why settle for less when you can oppress?

    "First get your facts; then you can distort them at your leisure." - Mark Twain
    "Nevver: Like the thing that hides in your closet. But worse." - Gueve

    Also known as...
    Jacquelynn "Kaitakait" Moscardelli
    Sun "
    Jamais" Soleil
    Sari "
    Nixis" Wagner

  4. #4
    a cweef is a fart but not from the male anatomy but a females, and not from her butt. its also spelled differently from cweef but thn again not many of the "helpful" staff there i know could spell that good anyways.

    /petition give Superslag and Cweef their names...or at least use a dictionary and ask about their name before insulting us and our so called "privilage" to play your software.

    hows that?

  5. #5


    Well... considering how rude you where acting in Rompa's the other night, and how quickly I slapped you on ignore, I'd say tough luck. Making an educated guess, I would bet green money that you did not choose your name because of the Spanish meaning, and thought you where clever. If I where an ARK, I'd have done the same thing. Not because of hate, but because of common sense, and maturity.

    Whether or not your story is true, I do not know... but when you interupt people you do not know's conversations, wagging your rear-end in their faces, then shouting that you're the manager of the place and you want them out, don't expect much sympathy for your plight.

    I'll have to remember to put 'Default8' on my ignore list too, next time I log in...

    Personally, I don't buy this story... Pretty much for the same reasons Blix quoted, but more so, because I had the displeasure of meeting you the other night...
    *Cuts to the cold static of an ended Grid-feed...*

    Division 9 RSGE

  6. #6
    Personally I think this guy is very nice...he has been making monster parts into plasma for me for free for a bit now...

    Katelin "Missmaul" Locknane -Sloooowly climbing her way out of the dank pits of gimpness. But stil crazy. Ya know...just in case you cared.

  7. #7
    IM sorry daetona, all i wanted at rompas was buffs, but no one wanted to give them to me. Perhaps because i was dressed in a leather miniskirt with holes and a female top.

    -People treat cross dresser so bad heh, i dont know why, we just try to enrich the vapid community of AO. In addition, i cant believe you wouldnt wanna help me out, its not like im a bad man or something. Its kinda like the people that wouldnt ressurect the dead guys they didnt like in Ultima Online........Not Cool

    Someone said that I shouldnt automatically assume that the hate me. Well as i mentioned, they screwed up my Main too. Here is how.

    After completing the first stage of the Alvins quest, i turned in the brain looking thing and got my tokens and first pads. yay. So in my inventory apeared the Alvins ID card #1 which is necesary to proceed with the quest. So i give this to alvin like i am suppost to and nothing happens. I wait and nothing happens. I zone, the next two items are not in my inventory. Alvin stole my ID card

    Surely something could be done about this , i thought so i sent out a /petition that read "Please Help im stuck in the alvins quest" I was amazed about how fast they showed up and surprized that a GM accompanied the ARK. I was at bronto burger so they accessed the situation to the best of thier ability and chose to scold me: When you petition about being stuck, and you are not suck in the geometry of the game, you are abusing the petition system. Your account has been noted accordingly. Do not do this again as it will not be tolerated------Poof the GM dissapears.

    At this point, every one at Bronto Burger is laughing at me. So i try to explain to the ark that i cannot finish the alvins quest because he stole my ID card. I know people have gotten this back before cause this quest has HUGE flaws. He tries to explain the no return policy crap that ive heared ten thousand times before about lost items. Then he warns me again not to abuse the petition system like im a criminal or something and poof hes gone.

    Ok , i was angry again so i speak to my guild. THis has happend to someone and they have recieved thier ID card back. So i petition again. i was like 19th in que or somthing, so i waited all the way to one then i realized that ive waited a really realy long time so checked my /petition status again. I had no petition in the que. So they purposely deleted my petition. I was mad i went to bed

    The next morning i was lucky. I petitioned for my alvins card back. Got an ark after 2 hours, that escalated my request to a GM. waited about another hour and finaly a *nice(no kidding)* Gm appeared and redeemed it no problem at all, we even had a cool conversation. I had the ID card but i had to go to work so i logged off immediately.

    When logging back in after a hard days work, It was strange that i was in a different part of the shop that i logged off at. Wanting to move to the 2nd step of alvins quest, i checked in for ID card. IT was nowhere. Poofed while i was gone. So.....(sorry for being long) i /petitioned again and my request got escalated again but i must had inadvertenly used the phrase"stuck in alvins mission again" so the GM immediately treated me like absolute CRAP. She explained to me that there is no way she will give me the ID card back because she thought i was exploiting. I explained to her how it dissapeared after i logged off. She still thought i just wanted another so i could exploit or something and told me that she would see to it that i dont get another ID card.. Grrrrrrrrr!!!! why the HATE??? so, i expressed my dismay and didnt last long because she suspended my account for one hour for "abuse of the petition system"

    How my main got screwed over. 1) i cant get pads which puts me at a huge dissadvantage to other players. I also can in no way start the mission over again 2)I was embarrased in public which really wasnt necessary. 3)The GM scarred my account so ill always be treated poorly by GMs (Scarred for abuse of the petition system) 4) they made me so mad that i didnt even wanna play that character anyp more.

    And Justice for all............................................... ..

    and thanky missmaul, ill always do your monsterparts for fwee! Just look for the name default8 though!

  8. #8
    Jees guys i just want my name back.............. its not that hard to protest against injustice.

  9. #9

    Thumbs down "Jesus H Christ," said Lee Ermey.

    I think I know why you were banned. I had plenty of people contact me and tell me about your behavior -- e.g., being extremely profane and childish in public, trying to create a scene. All to get your name changed back? Come on, man. Every time you fire the game up you click "I agree" to the EULA. Included within that EULA is a clause which looks like this:

    6. We may terminate this Agreement (including your Software license and your Account) immediately and without notice if you breach this Agreement or repeatedly infringe any third party intellectual property rights, or if we are unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to us, or upon gameplay, chat or any player activity whatsoever which is, in our sole discretion, inappropriate and/or in violation of the spirit of the Game as set forth in the player rules of conduct, which are posted at If we terminate this Agreement under these circumstances, you will lose access to your Account for the balance of any prepaid period without any refund. We may also terminate this Agreement if we decide, in our sole discretion, to discontinue offering the Game, in which case we may provide you with a prorated refund of any prepaid amounts.
    Now in that code of conduct, there are three good points:

    1. You may not harass or threaten other players in any form while online in Anarchy Online. You may not use information you get in-game to harass people out of the game.
    2. You may not use any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive language. This includes all communication with other players.
    6. You will always follow the instructions of authorized personnel while in Anarchy Online. Authorized personnel are here defined as GMs and ARK members.
    Apparently you have a problem with all of the above. Now don't be a schmuck and think that the EULA is meaningless. The courts have already affirmed that its an enforceable, binding agreement -- Blacksnow found out the hard way. If you don't agree to the rules FC sets forth, and prefer to just be a jerk in public and towards ARKs/GMs, then please, do us all a favor, don't be a part of our community. Go terrorize some other game. Or better yet, make your own game so you can play by your own rules. They changed your name for a reason, a very valid reason. Be a man and accept it, don't sit around crying and planning these little temper tantrums.

    I wouldn't recommend anyone participate in such an idiotic stunt as to flood the petition queue unless you want to get into trouble like Cweef here has managed. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe it constitutes petition abuse.

    Be an adult and learn that you're not entitled to play AO -- if you break the rules, you'll be punished just like anyone else. Buck up. kthxbye
    Aaron Simons Harkonnen

  10. #10

    Spanish for cratar

    Hummm.... I remember a while ago you told me about this tragedy, didnt you say that you told the GMs that cweef was spanish for cratar or something? lol. Pretty lowsy excuse hehe oh well. Anyway that really stinks that you were banned for 3 day. Sorry

    Deuscloud ~ lvl 115 Metaphysician
    Unit Leader of Red Tape

  11. #11
    *cough* morons *cough*
    "How do you prove that you exist...?
    Maybe we dont exist..."

    "Love goes, Like night... Its a fading dream"

    "15 candles
    Redeemers of this world
    Dwell in hypocrisy:
    "How were we supposed to know?"

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