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Thread: Extend Bone Crusher to MPs?

  1. #1

    Extend Bone Crusher to MPs?


    Since the perk changes are up, thought I'd drop in a mention for giving MPs access to some levels of the Bonecrusher Perk Line. It's a weapon choice that has always been an MP choice with the creation staves, but has more recently become a serious choice since the introduction of the more effective Staves and the Shield of Zset. However, it's a low maxing choice that has had little in the way of buffing support for MPs.

    It would be nice to see some access to Bonecrusher for MPs in recognition of these changes.


  2. #2
    bump. sounds reasonable, although I'm not sure how well it fits with the : Metaphysical aspect (MP's?)

  3. #3
    bonecrusher being the only enf only wepon perk line...
    MPs already has access to the 1hb perk line.
    Moonbolt - 220/26/something. Trox Enf RK1 General of Hells Heroes.
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    Moonkiss - 219/21/something opifex shade.
    Mooncloud - 150/18/somethin solitus MA.

  4. #4
    {edited by Anarrina: unnecessary comment}

    But yeah, as long as 2HB weapons keep being tossed at MPs, having perk support might be nice. Might go a long way towards lessening the cookie cutter business.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Oct 19th, 2009 at 01:55:22.

  5. #5
    MPs have 4 major and a few minor builds, one of which is 2hb.

    The bigger problem in my mind is that 2hb users are using nothing but creation weapons, while it might be nice to see someone stuff on a Xan 2hb, it'll probably lose out in terms of AR to the Redfire staff in a huge way.

    Another problem I see is that most 2hb users being creation weapon users, they'll be hosed out of the perk actions since they require that the weapon be 'a 2hb weapon' which creation weapons technically aren't (they're TimeSpace weaponry).

    I'm all for a bit more perk flexibility, however, if this could be made to work.

    Also going to put in my 2 cents and say a creation Mastery sort of perkline wouldn't hurt either.

  6. #6
    With current perk mechanics, it would only allow more DD perks for un-improved Xan 2hb users (I think Bhan'zor is impossible to equip as a MP, at least in any kind of sensible PvP setup where he could hotswap between it and Zset), so it seems a bit pointless, as I haven't even heard of anyone using it.
    But hey, the more choices the merrier, so why not?
    Battle "Kitesfear" Hymns Field Marshall
    Arzamas "Reken" Sixteen Supreme Creator
    Bunch of alts

    7.62 - One size fits all.

  7. #7
    I'm a MP, but please, keep weapons away from us and concentrate on our pets and nanos.

    So... No thanks.

  8. #8
    And if I may add... Nano skill based perks.

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