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Thread: A shield for Keepers

  1. #1

    A shield for Keepers

    Shield of the Indominable



    Parry: 1001
    Riposte: 801

    Location: LEFT WRIST

    500 Melee AC
    50 AAD

    Parry: 1001
    Riposte: 801

    Locks: 2he for 15s (cannot attack during shielding, stunned runs in NCU)
    90% reflect all dmg types 9 seconds

  2. #2
    not a bad idea for an item....
    my only concern is that keepers with their massiev parry/riposte already gonna out tank enforcers by far in both PvM and PvP.
    adding sheilds with functions like this will definately do that.
    Moonbolt - 220/26/something. Trox Enf RK1 General of Hells Heroes.
    Renswind - 220/21/67 solitus trader.
    Moonkiss - 219/21/something opifex shade.
    Mooncloud - 150/18/somethin solitus MA.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbolt View Post
    not a bad idea for an item....
    my only concern is that keepers with their massiev parry/riposte already gonna out tank enforcers by far in both PvM and PvP.
    adding sheilds with functions like this will definately do that.
    since keeps got no taunts or negligible taunts, I dont really see how they can.

  4. #4
    keepers can hold agro with the taunt items pretty well tbh. not against shades or NTs but look at DB 2 for an instance where a doc and keeper and adv can do it so easy its like stealing candy from a child.
    Moonbolt - 220/26/something. Trox Enf RK1 General of Hells Heroes.
    Renswind - 220/21/67 solitus trader.
    Moonkiss - 219/21/something opifex shade.
    Mooncloud - 150/18/somethin solitus MA.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbolt View Post
    not a bad idea for an item....
    my only concern is that keepers with their massiev parry/riposte already gonna out tank enforcers by far in both PvM and PvP.
    adding sheilds with functions like this will definately do that.
    ya, as navy said, keepers don't have much for taunts.

    I think he's meaning in actual tanking ability, in terms of tanking a single mob.

    But, this is part of the keepers toolset. At Tl5, keepers have very very little for heals, so it's super important for us to be able to divert damage, or reflect it.

    IMO, the changes to parry represent excellent potential. And, if keepers/MA/shade can twink parry enough to get recharge to a point where it can acually block somewhat regularly, then it will be ok.

    For me, at TL5, I'd need it to be blocking at the very least 3/4 SA's and 1/2 fa+brawls. Keeper vs advy or enforcer at TL5 is like a slaughterfest. Keepers have no defences that can withstand even an average setup advy. Enforcers are 100% loss. Not to mention soldiers.

    The problem with parry that I can see, and, taking FWM in mind when saying this, is that if there is a 100% chance to block 1 special, good, but, if someone spams Fast attack and brawl before SA, then it's completely pointless, because it's the SA that is so OP'd damage wise on enf and advy.

    Now, if, as Means said, that depending on skill, there could be more than one special blocked, then that is ok, but, again, if the possibility doesn't open up till high skill, TL5 may be left out in the cold, which is, unfortunately, the crux of this whole problem, since, TL5 keepers are near the bottom of the pile when it comes to balance.

    At TL5 keepers are dealing with all the same problems that TL7 keepers are dealing with: 11 second AS, fast recharge Full autos, Full auto/AS swaps, way higher AR profs, SA,FA,brawl,dimach, and alien perk damage from advy/enf.

    So, whatever parry blockers do, the multiple blockers need to be accessible at TL5, not just at say, 2000 skill.

    The parry blocker IMO, should function as follows:
    Parry: use action: duration (10+skill/200)seconds (max 20sec)
    Recharge: 30+max(0,1500-skill)/30

    1st LANDED special hit: 100% block
    if hit is evaded, no blocker used.
    2nd LANDED special hit: if parry >1500, 90% scaling to parry>1000, 40%, otherwise 30%
    3rd LANDED special hit: if parry >1500, 20%, otherwise 10%

    Max 3 specials blocked over duration of action.

  6. #6
    IMO keepers shouldn't have something that hurts their 2he.

    If they did have a shield on their wrist then no DB/Alba bracers, and if your lower level all those other bracers. Arul sabas, reflect, etc etc. why should keepers have to get rid of one for something that's supposed to help them.

    So now now bracer and a 2he stun, seems like more of a negative than a positive.

    If keepers could use a shield and a 2he weapon, that would really help out, but not be fair to other 2h/b professions, but on the other hand, keepers ARE 2he masters.

    a 1he/shield combo would be nice, but that would lower keepers damage. Here is my idea for 1he/shield that i posted on another thread:

    Yeah a keeper with a shield would be cool i guess, ruin 2he keepers, would have to be 1he+shield skill, and oh if that happens i would like to see a special attack for shields only, example:

    Obsorb X amount of damage for about 2-3 seconds
    Recharge for X amount of seconds, preferably not too high of a recharge, but not too low either due to making keepers too OP. Also this would be a great idea because this would give us a better reason to use our Absorb/Reflect nano's that have been ignored, and these nano's stacking with the shields ability.

    Also another ability a shield could have is a push back special.

    As seen in SPARTA they used their shields to push away their opponents. Not as great as an idea but an idea non the less. Would cause very little damage,push away your enemy, and have a few second stun. This could be used as an escape route for keepers since we don't have roots/calms/charms.

    Though 1he/shield combo would totally change how keepers are played and i don't think means is looking to make how proff's are played, just balance them so for 2he:

    Better 2he end game SWORDS for keepers ONLY. Sorry but i refuse to use that fugly axe. Edge of tara ftw.

    Keepers have awesome lowbie 2he keeper only weapons, which ends with the exact copy of the Excalibur. Keepers had awesome ql 300 swords. such as Great Sword of Achilles/Hercules/Perseus, but AI/Ofab/Xan ql300 weapons totally ruin those. They look awesome which is ideal for a 2he master, have great mods, horrid damage. Would love to see swords like those brought back to life with possibly better mods and a huge damage upgrade. And look it already has riposte/parry as a requirement.

    Also, imo, keepers should have green evade close since they are forced to be face to face with their enemy.

    A better ofab back item would be cool. I'm sick of looking at that ugly brown dress with a skull.

    Also another new thought. I view keepers as future holy paladins. Paladins iirc have the ability to enhance their weapon, fighting a evil creature change their sword to a holy sword, a water creature, a thunder sword, i think you got the idea.

    Though i don't know how this would be put into the game, would have to have a few new nano lines.

    Example of my idea.

    Lets say your weapon is cold damage, draw cold damage AC's from your opponent. And also increase keepers damage for cold type by a certain amount of time. This could also be a new perk line for keepers, Duration about 45s, recharge 120s. But imo this should be a new nano line due to keepers needing certain perk lines to actually do damage and heal. This would help keepers not be so perk dependent.

    Not sure how great of an idea that is though tbh lol

    There are so many different ways to make keepers better, and i hope one of the many ideas gets used, keepers are in real need of help.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by fireduckjzz View Post
    IMO keepers shouldn't have something that hurts their 2he.

    If keepers could use a shield and a 2he weapon, that would really help out, but not be fair to other 2h/b professions, but on the other hand, keepers ARE 2he masters.

    a 1he/shield combo would be nice, but that would lower keepers damage.
    so basically u want a sheild that adds alot of defence w/o any tradeoff offensive?.
    Moonbolt - 220/26/something. Trox Enf RK1 General of Hells Heroes.
    Renswind - 220/21/67 solitus trader.
    Moonkiss - 219/21/something opifex shade.
    Mooncloud - 150/18/somethin solitus MA.

  8. #8
    well I'm pretty sure if you want to keep 20 AAO and base stat trickle on a masterpiece alb bracer, go for it.

    But, this shield should be usable from TL4-5 right through to TL7.

    50 AAD isn't a game breaker. It's decent. And it's what a keeper could use at TL5 without being OP'd. At TL7, it's a small trade off with alb bracer.

    I think it's fairly reasonable, and the reflect/stun isn't OP'd either, but requires good timing to use efficiently.

  9. #9
    removed response..
    Moonbolt - 220/26/something. Trox Enf RK1 General of Hells Heroes.
    Renswind - 220/21/67 solitus trader.
    Moonkiss - 219/21/something opifex shade.
    Mooncloud - 150/18/somethin solitus MA.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbolt View Post
    another thread aperantly that has nothing to do about balance..
    instead a moar moar moar thread.
    keepers were give a shield that was MEANT, I assume to help us.

    Why else would someone run 26000miles all over SL and god forbidden scheol?

    For fun? no.

    So, take the shield they GAVE US, and do something reasonable with it, like make it usable. Hence, contributing to balance (only a few years late).

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Moonbolt View Post
    so basically u want a sheild that adds alot of defence w/o any tradeoff offensive?.
    I spose i could sacrifice the Alba bracer for it.

    Hopefully if this would come out it would be a keeper only thing as keepers need to be fixed and upgraded and if it wasn't it would help out other profs like enfo's that are already close to #1 and advys, making keepers still being nerfed and begging for help.

    I really hope FC does something special for keepers...or i might be forced to re-roll =/

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by fireduckjzz View Post
    I spose i could sacrifice the Alba bracer for it.

    Hopefully if this would come out it would be a keeper only thing as keepers need to be fixed and upgraded and if it wasn't it would help out other profs like enfo's that are already close to #1 and advys, making keepers still being nerfed and begging for help.

    I really hope FC does something special for keepers...or i might be forced to re-roll =/
    Just add tradeskill process to combine the Shield of the Honorable Warrior with lets say Masterpiece Ancient Bracer = "Shield of the Ancient Warrior" keeper only, goes to wrist slot with a mesh of a shield and has mods of the both combined (or just slightly increased masterpiece bracer mods.. like 30aad/25aao or something) no really need to add any "special" attacks then.

    EDIT: ancient braced because there are ancient traces at shadowlands.. and you get the shield from shadowlands too!
    Tepikeep 220 Keeper
    Teppox 220 Soldier
    Bohoo 220 Shade

    Proud member of
    Northern Star

  13. #13
    Edit: Keepers have awesome lowbie 2he keeper only weapons, which ends with the exact copy of the Excalibur.

    For some reason i forgot blade of khoins will. which in my opinion is bs. How come everyone else gets an end game nano while we get a sword that we have to wait forever to upgrade if we get it at lower level, and then only use it till we get xan point in doing that quest really...just stick with AI sword till xan weapon though the min damage is a bit lower but im sure the proc on that evens it out.

    New pen quest reward please.

  14. #14
    If blade of khiones will had a 2he req of 1950 and 1150 brawl, it would pawn.

    because the range is out of TL5 ability, it's lame.

    Theres no point to doing the quest as a twink, and later its a waste too since there are way better sword to use with lower reqs and way easier to get.

    WTB blade of kiohnes will at lvl 170, as an uber twinked wep.

    I'm capping out at 1920 2he, but, if I went uber twink and put on 300 shoulders, it would be possible.. only for the uber.

    sooo, wtb 22 stam/ strength sleeves for clan (not lya sangi-neverdrops) and wtb slightly lower reqs on the khions sword.

  15. #15
    this makes no sense at all. Try go down to your local liveroleplay store. put on a shield and fight with a 2-handed sword.

    i know this is a game in the future, but there's no reason to do stuff thats just plain stupid.

    make it 1he+shield. maybe your damage will be lower but that's what what you sacrifice for being more protected.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Slitheris View Post
    this makes no sense at all. Try go down to your local liveroleplay store. put on a shield and fight with a 2-handed sword.

    i know this is a game in the future, but there's no reason to do stuff thats just plain stupid.

    make it 1he+shield. maybe your damage will be lower but that's what what you sacrifice for being more protected.
    shield==> buckler==> heavy gauntlet

    whatever you want to call it, fine.

    If you really want to go where you're goin though, How about a Zset shield?

    Is that really the defence you want for a keeper? FAKKKK.... your suggestion, not mine.

    ya. 600 AAD and 30% reflects. LOL, good luck EVER killing a keeper.

    No, Our suggestion is WAY better proportioned.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by McKnuckleSamwich View Post
    Shield of the Indominable



    Parry: 1001
    Riposte: 801

    Location: LEFT WRIST

    500 Melee AC
    50 AAD

    Parry: 1001
    Riposte: 801

    Locks: 2he for 15s (cannot attack during shielding, stunned runs in NCU)
    90% reflect all dmg types 9 seconds
    Lock is way to short. Not to mention reqs to use it (I can get that on tl5 froob MA).

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Klod9000 View Post
    Lock is way to short. Not to mention reqs to use it (I can get that on tl5 froob MA).
    Your focus on random elements of the game, first you consider only TL7, then you consider no TLs, then you only consider tl2, then you do this and that and over there, makes for posts that serve no real purpose. Like, what is the point of saying that you can get those stats on a TL5 character? It's overpowered? It's underpowered? It's not for TL5?
    Thor Mastablasta Hammersmith - Level 220, AI 30, LE 70 Clan Atrox Nano Technician - Setup
    The Red Brotherhood

    I'm a Nano-Technician, don't ever expect me to fight unbuffed, alone or fair.

    Means: about f'ing time :P
    Satenia: heresy <3
    Znore: Mastablasta <3
    Kinkstaah: I have agro from many mobs ;(
    Madarab: we are aoe class, we are supose to use pistols
    Marxgorm: the NT toolset does not fit into my raiding tactics

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Mastablasta View Post
    Your focus on random elements of the game, first you consider only TL7, then you consider no TLs, then you only consider tl2, then you do this and that and over there, makes for posts that serve no real purpose. Like, what is the point of saying that you can get those stats on a TL5 character? It's overpowered? It's underpowered? It's not for TL5?
    90% reflect is obviously overpowered for tl5, lock time is to short and such reqs are way to low for tl7. So, in general... It's way out of balance.

    Do I have to draw it out for you as well?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by McKnuckleSamwich View Post
    If blade of khiones will had a 2he req of 1950 and 1150 brawl, it would pawn.

    because the range is out of TL5 ability, it's lame.

    Theres no point to doing the quest as a twink, and later its a waste too since there are way better sword to use with lower reqs and way easier to get.

    WTB blade of kiohnes will at lvl 170, as an uber twinked wep.

    I'm capping out at 1920 2he, but, if I went uber twink and put on 300 shoulders, it would be possible.. only for the uber.

    sooo, wtb 22 stam/ strength sleeves for clan (not lya sangi-neverdrops) and wtb slightly lower reqs on the khions sword.

    No no no, totally get rid of the sword, or make it better, most prof's get an end game nano, keepers should get an end game item as well. There are other swords you can wear at tl5, copy of the exalibur, i never got this weapon so i'm not sure if that's TL5able but my point is, better end game item for the quest, no point in doing a quest where you can get something better on easily.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slitheris View Post
    this makes no sense at all. Try go down to your local liveroleplay store. put on a shield and fight with a 2-handed sword.

    i know this is a game in the future, but there's no reason to do stuff thats just plain stupid.

    make it 1he+shield. maybe your damage will be lower but that's what what you sacrifice for being more protected.


    Hmm, another person without an imagination. Your right, this is the future, and even though there are nano's that enhance people performance when using a sword that should be forgotten about too just coz it's the future, sorry this isn't a live role play store, it's a FUTURISTIC SCI FI game. lololol

    Try going to your local live role-play store and put on a mech suit, i doubt you can do that either.
    rofl wow.

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