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Thread: Tip of the day for Trader Haters'

  1. #1

    Tip of the day for Trader Haters'

    I used to have some serious problems with traders. Especially this one Airty(which, he could still probably kick my buttox, but anyway....)

    Enforcers should not even try to attack traders their level or high for the simple fact that your gonna die, especially if you dont have berserker, and flurry. And especially if your a newb like me. Hey! Im not afraid to admit it, i am new at this, and I dont know everything, I am a newb, a freaking nOObie. Who cares.

    Dont let it get you down. In the earlier levels of the game; ie:25-74, most classes cannot handle traders(right now) because of their massive deprives and heals(NERFED HEHEHE)

    Ma's seem to slaughter them, but not new people like me, if it is your first or second character, dont get discouraged if an Apprentice of rookie trader ganks the hell out of you and kills you. Or any other class for that matter.

    Im a former realtime strategy game player(Starcraft, Warcraft, CAC, ect...) And one thing that I learned is....


    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  2. #2


    Hirum fears me :P You got your new riders on yet mate?


  3. #3

    mua hahahahaha


    heh, ill see you again soon my friend

    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  4. #4


    I understand you feel like...what can i do against traders.
    They own me.

    Trust me, that will change at higher lvls.

    At higher lvls you will be able to spare points into nano resist.
    With Infernal Rage(800+ NR) and implanted NR, you will resist divests ... roots..well anything.
    You will need to fight them at full def ofcource.

    If a trader cant divest you, he cant do much.
    Also even if he roots you, break the root with rage.

    So basically your chances of killing a trader are extremely good if you have the right equip and good tactic.
    Anikitos Enforcer (Retired)
    Founder of Avatars
    Current Armor

    Omicrondelta MP (Active)

  5. #5

    Unhappy wrong

    you're wrong anikitos, and to prove you wrong, ill bring a 150 trader, which is around your level.

    high level traders can equip high level scopes, and don't tell me they dont. even if they don't get to deprive/ransak your butt, with their high level implants and nanos, they will get to the ql200 weap reqs, from traders level 110+. Yes you can break roots, when they see you casting rages, they will root again, chain rooting? till you run out of nano even with HE on. Still, traders were screwed with heals and others, so if you know what you're doing (*cough*fatcrusher) you could kill anything.

  6. #6
    So Anikitos, you own traders now with your tactics?

  7. #7


    Im still gonna agree with ani on this one.

    The fact is, enforcers all think they can slouch on putting ip in the evade/nanite resist area, when in fact i have learned that if you stack your ip into these areas, and use a moderate amount of ip in your attack skills(another highly important part of an enforcers neccessary attack rating), not much of any class can cope with all that hp and high attack rating.(except for those outside buffer ma's that we all know!)

    Remove your chances of getting critical hits on yourself by drenching ip in your evade section. Even with a scope, crits are at a minimum! And usually just minimum enough to avoid death.

    Even with deprive skills you should still be whacking that pesky trader pretty good, as long as you dont OE your weapon way to much(which is another mistake)

    And be sure to spend a decent amount of ip in to first aid, those little kits can come in handy for you. I dont care what anyone says about first aid, its not wrong to use them in a pvp battle!

    anyway...what do i know

    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  8. #8
    That lvl 150 Trader of yours can only dream about 'chain' rooting an enforcer with 1k+ NR
    Last edited by Sware; Jul 11th, 2002 at 10:05:05.
    Lion Strimple aka Sware

  9. #9
    You have to realise one thing, If a DEPRIVE/PLUNDER lands on a Enforcer, we are 50% ****ed.



    No not star star star star star star


    bleh anyway.

    This is what I do...

    Hell even vs the LEGIT Neo Trader Punkass.

    Full Defence.
    I have a QL 200 Recompiler 750 init w/o rage.

    Cast rage, Hit flurry.

    Brawl, Fast, Sneak, Dimach (If available or needed).

    What happened........ her Deprive was countered by me :>

    Not always can I resist them, but most of the time I can, ONLY if rage is running.

    Roots? bearing in mind I am not deprived, I will cast Infernal rage, others WILL NOT I repeat, WILL NOT break roots my level.

    If your 100% sure you will get your skills ****ed, rage, chall, flurry and go at them.

    Now if they MISS Plunders, then you can break those roots.

    its random, you cant go "I will do this, I will do that".

    Split seconds decisions, crits, etc

  10. #10


    Thanks Cloadeh for the advice, finally someone who knows the true intent of the board!!
    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  11. #11
    so what do soldiers do against them...oh wait - soldiers are screwed by every class:/

    but something definatly needs to be done about traders...counting on resisting one of their drains isn't good enough.

    813 attack when i'm fully buffed - critting for 800-1000

    398 attack after i'm debuffed - critting for 200-400

    no one could withstand that big of a hit on their attack.


    Dooomiz - 133 Soldier
    Doomiz - 95 Enforcer

  12. #12
    Originally posted by epilogue
    so what do soldiers do against them...oh wait - soldiers are screwed by every class:/

    but something definatly needs to be done about traders...counting on resisting one of their drains isn't good enough.

    813 attack when i'm fully buffed - critting for 800-1000

    398 attack after i'm debuffed - critting for 200-400

    no one could withstand that big of a hit on their attack.
    If you'd like to see something funny, find a trader friend your level and fight them one on one without him/her using divest or plunder.

    If you'd like to have a more fair fight, let the trader divest you once before you start.

    Nano resist is fixed now (perhaps over-fixed). Getting divest off isn't too much trouble, but plunder is a nightmare.

    We start fights at a disadvantage and have to overcome that disadvantage in the first few seconds of battle. We start at a significant disadvantage and if we pull it off, we end at a significant advantage.

    Whatever trader hate you all might have, let it go... we're still good, but we're not at all godlike. Isn't it time to move on to another profession?
    Kennan - President, Arcane Legacy
    Asmoran - Retired (Former President, Synergy Factor)

  13. #13
    Originally posted by aaronb
    If you'd like to see something funny, find a trader friend your level and fight them one on one without him/her using divest or plunder.
    I did this exact thing with my NT friend. Without using my divest/plunder, I was so screwed. Most of the fights weren't even that close, unless I got several lucky crits in a row. This was pre-14.4 and I still had decent heals. I did win one fight, but that's because I use a range increaser for both my gun and nanos. So I chain rooted out of his range and killed him.
    Alynie 153 Storm Trader

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Alynie

    I did this exact thing with my NT friend. Without using my divest/plunder, I was so screwed. Most of the fights weren't even that close, unless I got several lucky crits in a row. This was pre-14.4 and I still had decent heals. I did win one fight, but that's because I use a range increaser for both my gun and nanos. So I chain rooted out of his range and killed him.

    That must be the first time ive heard of an NT above lvl 75 with less than 40m range on the nanos.

  15. #15


    To Snapdog....

    Bring your lvl150 trader. He will die in 2 sec, maybe 3 sec.
    Chain root me untill i got no nano?
    Hmm....try. But there is no chance that you can keep me rooted.
    I dont have to recast rage....i will resist almost all your roots.
    You wont divest me either...and even if you do, it will be luck.
    And i doubt it very hard you can divest me so fast.
    It took another trader my lvl....11 tries to divest me.

    Clark "Garzu-perman" Kent

    Well, those i have fought...yes.
    If they do land a divest...i am history.
    I wont break root, i cant heal.
    But if they dont divest me....they are dead.

    Basically when facing a caster...i allways go full def.
    I allways have infernal rage running.
    With 10k+ selfbuffed hp and 1k+ attack rating, i say i have a good chance of taking dmg and delivering dmg.

    Fixers own me....
    I feel helpless when fighting them...hehe.
    Anikitos Enforcer (Retired)
    Founder of Avatars
    Current Armor

    Omicrondelta MP (Active)

  16. #16
    I have fought a couple of fixers, even ones with titles, and really had no problem. They were around my level so I dont really see how everyone has major problems with them.

    Maybe its just the level gap...

    Maybe its just some ****ty fixer's I have been fighting.
    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

  17. #17


    Try fighting a fixer my lvl...with GA4 and maxed evades....and him at full def...
    Anikitos Enforcer (Retired)
    Founder of Avatars
    Current Armor

    Omicrondelta MP (Active)

  18. #18
    yeah, like I said, I have only just breached pvp...

    I suppose this is my experimental character, but Im kinda worried about lingering between levels 75-150 so I might drop it for a while untill I fear not the mighty fixer.
    "I got a snake man" -The Bafoon

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