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Thread: Bring back hunting!!

  1. #1

    Exclamation Bring back hunting!!

    I just got back into this game to find out that hunting was dead!!!
    why? because why hunt when you can do missions, sad fact is that alot a people play this game like mindless drones play to git exp and loot the fastest way, with out thinking about how Fun it is,
    I know a few people truly think missions are funner then hunting

    so I Begg funcom to give us a reason to go out hunting

    as of right now most zone are empty other then people runing to or waiting for missions

    the way I see it

    hunting = (should) great EXP and poor loot

    TEAM missions= great loot and poor Exp

  2. #2
    I spent levels 90-110 mainly missioning in Broken Shores, but now I have seen enough of that, and yet again have taken off in to the wilderness in search of something new to do.

    Any suggestions?

  3. #3
    go hunting in the static dungeons?

  4. #4
    would require a full team and ive had a hell of a time finding anyone to join me in Longest Road, Sewers, or Den.

  5. #5
    I agree fully with implementing some kind of incentive to go hunting though in groups because the missions like Dodga are often done alone since only one person can get the mission at a time and so the others won't want to help out the one person that gets the mission without getting a reward.

    The only people I ever see team hunting are people under lvl 20.
    and have a friend that's about 80 now, and he won't even team mission because he finds it's much easier to just solo and lvl up that way because then he doesn't have to find a group (this used to be easy to do)

  6. #6
    I like where this is going. There should be missions that take random people when they take the mission and team them up for some hunting.
    Reynaldo "Monilith" Griffel

  7. #7
    I supoose that's why I keep making alts. Once they hit the 80-90 mark, they keep "dying" on me. Everyone is doing missions, missins, and missions.

    I supoose when almost everyone is in their own zone, there is less lag, but the times from 20-60 is the most fun part of lvling I know. Because then you have a big outdoors playingfield, with sunlights, storms, rain, other groups, tactics, no fighting over chest-loot/bossloot, no camping mission terminals, teamplay, your team actually waits while you go afk and best of all: So many of each profession's nanos are so much more efficient outfoors.

    Like morphs. So cool, to have a whole team of leets/sagertoothtigers running around fighting mutants or whatnot. Roots have a meaning outside. Inside, roots don't mean crap. For a root to work inside, you need to root, run a few rooms back to get out of range from the mob, and you can't refresh it either, becasue when the mob comes around the corner, he's allready within range, so you need to root and go back a few more rooms.

    And as for 3rd person view, to get a good look over the battlefield. Zoom 20-30 meters up, to keep an eyte out for mobs? can't do that inside, can you?

    Well, that was today's rant. I'm off to bed. 'night

  8. #8
    ok this is a shame fully bump, hunting needed to be addressed by funcom,

  9. #9
    Last time when I was hunting in Lush NW mine, I looted a Grid Armor MK1 instruction disc from a mutant
    Fletcher "Thunderflame" Goliday
    Vern "Thunderfire" Boehme
    Devin "Thundertrox" Aronstein

    Just keep running, falling, till you reach the border. There you reach out, find out: Blessed with all the Thunder of the World.

  10. #10

    Re: Bring back hunting!!

    Originally posted by Rabid zombie
    hunting = (should) great EXP and poor loot

    TEAM missions= great loot and poor Exp

    agree, one addition

    team missions = great loot & poor Exp, BUT great exp for finishing it.

  11. #11
    I am afraid of your sig . I fear all wrong things.

    Dude, most common thing on Earth is oxygen. Hydrogen doesn't even make top four.

  12. #12


    I agree, been away for many many months, team missions are fine. But hunting was so much more fun. Roaming VW and killing as we went was fun, no longer done now.

    Anyone remember the Temple....that also was exciting and fun hunting.

    Bring back the hunt i say...
    Ellipsana neutral adv
    Board Member of Neutral Underground Trade Syndicate

    Elspeth clan adv

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