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Thread: Hunting Mort

  1. #1

    Hunting Mort


    Im a lvl 92 Char that really misses hunting. I've been flying around Mort and been seeing loads of reds. I saw what looked like good hunting right north of the Newland Desert/Mort Border. Does anyone know what lvl these guys may be? Around 5 min. fly SSW of Hope.

    They were Borg Privates/Sgts, Intestinal do-dads, Worms, Demons, etc.

    What would be the minimum number of people for a hunting party if they were lvl 85-105?

    Any other hunting info for this area would also be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Borgs are ok.

    Worms are useless xp (about 10k), Intestine Horrors aren't much better. There's many types of demons, they start around level 100 or so, for 8k xp (Sand Incubus ?) all the way to level 175ish for 45k xp (Desert Demon).

    Hunting in Mort is great fun, but not something you do for xp.

    At level 85-105, get a full team, with at least 2 good healers.

  3. #3
    Thnx for the reply. 1 question though, did you mean hunting mort is useless for xp or hunting in general?

  4. #4
    Back when I was level 70-100, mort was my home. It was 75% and the borgs gave SWEET xp.. at least to me. My first time there, there was a whole guild at the factory. Like 80+ people nailing the borgs as soon as they'd spawn. Ohh the memories, running around the crater looking for a borg . Now the storyline forces clanners and omni apart, so the gas in Mort had to be changed to 25%. Now there's *ONLY* BS missions after level 80.

    It was a great place to hunt as a team.. I remember Cyborg Colonels gave like 30k xp, Brigader Generals gave 50k, and Cyborg Generals were the hardest ones. They're all orange to me now at level 154, except for the General's they're still red.

    As for a hunting party, better have a full team with a dang good tank. The borgs like to kick if they get within range. I remember those kicks hurt like hell. Of course now, you gotta watch for the occasional omni (seen, and been in, many of teams completely wiped out by one omni).
    Waithe 133 Enforcer (my new main character)
    Nediar 180 Nano-Technician (boring. semi-retired)
    Uberned 127 Meta-Physicist (retired. pet pathing is "teh sux")

    Nediar @ level 171

  5. #5
    Like nedian said, borgs in Mort are good hunting. It's also the only thing in Mort worth hunting, that I know of. The rest of the monsters are very tough, for (relative) low xp.

    Sure feels good when you beat up one of those pesky Desert Eremites tho

  6. #6
    Hunting really was fun and I totally miss it. Your description of hunting mort reminded my of the Rhino Cockpit back in the lvl 20-30 range. Most fun I've had in the game to date.

    Anyway, I'm really bummed but not at all surprised to hear that FC "Funcommed" hunting Mort by changing it from 75% to 25%. It is going to be hard to put a team together with the looming risk of losing hard earned xp to an ******* who wants a new title before his name.

    Can you guys (or anyone) recommend some 75% hunting grounds for a six pack of clanners in the 90ish range?

    Thanks in Advance

  7. #7
    yup, mort used to be bomb as hell.

    They they went and "Funcomed" it, and it sucks. 25% is not good. yea, for a team level 150+ omni's wouldn't have trouble ganking everyone, but uhhhh, your standard team out there wouldn't be level 150+. More like level's 80ish-120ish.

    I've posted threads before about this huge mistake that funcom did. Hunting in mort is much like hunting in the Rhino-man Cockpit. It WAS fun. I'd still love to do it, but its pretty much impossible to find a team to go out there.

    "LETS DO TEAM MISSIONS. They give better xp, better loot, rare items, they're safer, more predictible, and oh yea........ NO FUN."

    just my 386 creds.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


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