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Thread: PVP and twinked players what should be done

  1. #1

    Lightbulb PVP and twinked players what should be done

    I hate to dwell on this, because more than likely other people have carried on nausium about this topic. But I was tagged 3 out of 5 times in PvP by twinked players. one stopped before pummeling me to death with his level 60 hammer (i was level 22) and admitted to the fact that he was twinked. the others weren't as polite. the recent incident was with a MA named Jatubi or something of the sort. He was level 25 with claws. I was level 30 trader who fights H2H (atrox trader) I had essence of cyclops and MA expertise. so I had 214att and 1090hp. I do on average 70-110damage at this att. rating. but i could only do 8 pnts dam. against him. but in return he was making blows of 70-110 on me, after I deprived& ransacked his skills in the arena!! no less. -50+ on all attacks, I have an armour rating of 715/695/715 give or take a bit, and I was still being hit for 70-110dam. this is painfully unrealistic, people who hunt PvP areas that are twinked should be catalogued and posted publicly for other people to be aware of. these people just want better titles and are willing to cheat inside the games peramiters to do it. these are the people that jump your grandma, your mother, your little sister. rob them and punch them in the face and laugh about their achievement of over coming the prey and getting what you want.

    I would like to have a decent shake a PvP but I don't want these decrepid sorry excuses for people enfringing on that experience. people like that should be stripped of their titles(and never being able to get one at all. to deter repeat offenders) and all worldly possessions. implants, items, money, even there nanos, everything despite thier levels. its a conciderable deterant for those who would use unearned power on thier unknowing peers. you can twink just never show your face at the PvP arenas again, without making it clear to everyone that you're twinked.

    so Post the names of the Twinked who haunt the Arenas and lets fight back, against the ignorance of a uncivilized section of the populous.

    well, thats all i gots to share. sorry for ranting but hey, I think its ok for the first one I've written.

  2. #2

    heh heh heh


    I feel your pain, really I do. But if you think people are twinked now, you should have seen life pre v12.0 )

    OE has made a lot of people less twinkable, yet (for now and I hope for ever) Higher level, and usually longer time players get an advantage by having alts with the top of the line armor, weapons ncu, implants, ect.

    There are pvpers that are not super-twinked, but they are rare (honestly my 2 main pvp chars are twink city )

    There is very little reward in high end game play, and that very fact promotes the cause of your thrashing.

    My only advise to you is two fold:

    1) Avoid pvp until you have been casting a big wrangle for money a while and can match up in terms of equipment/ac.

    2) Pick your opponents VERY carefully. a good rule of thumb is anyone under lvl 20 who is in an org is very likely to have been twinked.

    Hope that helps, a bit.

    Devil's Advocate is cooler than you.

    "If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance."
    - George Bernard Shaw

  3. #3

    Re: PVP and twinked players what should be done

    Originally posted by ICCmoneyman
    I hate to dwell on this, because more than likely other people have carried on nausium about this topic. But I was tagged 3 out of 5 times in PvP by twinked players. one stopped before pummeling me to death with his level 60 hammer (i was level 22) and admitted to the fact that he was twinked. the others weren't as polite. the recent incident was with a MA named Jatubi or something of the sort. He was level 25 with claws. I was level 30 trader who fights H2H (atrox trader) I had essence of cyclops and MA expertise. so I had 214att and 1090hp. I do on average 70-110damage at this att. rating. but i could only do 8 pnts dam. against him. but in return he was making blows of 70-110 on me, after I deprived& ransacked his skills in the arena!! no less. -50+ on all attacks, I have an armour rating of 715/695/715 give or take a bit, and I was still being hit for 70-110dam. this is painfully unrealistic, people who hunt PvP areas that are twinked should be catalogued and posted publicly for other people to be aware of. these people just want better titles and are willing to cheat inside the games peramiters to do it. these are the people that jump your grandma, your mother, your little sister. rob them and punch them in the face and laugh about their achievement of over coming the prey and getting what you want.

    I would like to have a decent shake a PvP but I don't want these decrepid sorry excuses for people enfringing on that experience. people like that should be stripped of their titles(and never being able to get one at all. to deter repeat offenders) and all worldly possessions. implants, items, money, even there nanos, everything despite thier levels. its a conciderable deterant for those who would use unearned power on thier unknowing peers. you can twink just never show your face at the PvP arenas again, without making it clear to everyone that you're twinked.

    so Post the names of the Twinked who haunt the Arenas and lets fight back, against the ignorance of a uncivilized section of the populous.

    well, thats all i gots to share. sorry for ranting but hey, I think its ok for the first one I've written.
    God i dont know where to about a f'king carebear
    u guys get oe patch and still complain, guys a trader and crying he cant beat someone that is effected by oe and his deprieve.
    well the facts>hes a trader thats atrox > hand to hand skills
    lol stop crying nerf because u dont know how to f'king make a charater. its a shame funcom actually listens to u 10yr old whiners when they should be listining to long time players that know the game. the guy wasnt over equiped where it was a problem face it u suck get more experience and try to pvp then...

  4. #4
    Sherrman: lvl 73 atrox enforcer - mega twink

    Oh man this guy is truly evil, you're so totally right when you say he should have all his items and nano's deleted! ARG! the nerve of this guy for daring to actually equip armour and implants and weapons as high as he can, and trying to be the best he can be.

    This sorry excuse for an atrox should be marked! he should have a scarlet T branded on his forhead so all and sundery can know to shun him! We need stones in game, and gm's should root these de****able people to stakes in the arena's and we can go cast stones at them! HAHAHA that will teach them all! Better yet, Burning Stakes! ya, that's the ticket!

    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  5. #5

    gotta be a troll...

    Otherwise when you step into the arena you should be aware that most likely who ever you are fighting is optimized. So you better do it too , if not go talk to someone you know who is not twinked(most likely under equipped), and convince them to fight you. Have a freind take thier armour off and let you shoot them, would that be fun ?? Fair is whatever is possible under the rules, or does your copy of AO not work like everyone elses. Enough was lost in the game due to PvP whiners dont need to lose any more.

    Happy Trails

  6. #6
    wtf? twinking has been delt with, the oe patch sorted that out. if you wanna pvp, make sure that your character is a good one, and that you know how to play the game, and maximise your strengths.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  7. #7


    Okay, in responce to dilinger. I know what a twinked character is, I think alot of people can point out a twinked character. I'm not some whining 10 year old who just had his favourite character trampled in an arena. I've been playing for 7 months. I have a general grasp of the game. I wasn't one of the first to play, I know, so that inherantly makes me "stupid" and a "newbie". But the fact is, people who are sponsored either by a guild/clan or have a character and transfered funds to a new character and manage to still abuse the system are deptrimental to the enjoyment of others, who maybe just started or want to try something new. I don't want to instill the fact that funding or self sponsored characters should be outlawed I just think that such characters should be regulated and should be inspected by GMs before being allowed the priviledge to PvP in public arenas. A seperate arena where seudo twinked characters can pound on their equals would also be a viable course of action, not allow the lowly unsponsored or the ones who haven't a clan/guild to assist them finacially in character developement get worked. In the 7 months I've been playing I tried PvP 6 or 7 times in the last month( that is total exp for PvP). And to be subjected to such a thrashing, probably from some 10 year old who's had "funding" takes away from that experience. the same thing occured in diablo 2, and dungeon siege. I lost interest because there would be level 150 wizards in the game and its only been out for 3 days... that takes away from the gaming experience and damages the enjoyability of it.

    And the fact that I chose a Atrox trader thats H2H is because how many atrox enforcers are there? or solitus adventurers? opifex agents? they've all been done, a hundred times. I've never been one to join the herd, I chose this setup for a character because it was easy and cost effective. I never bought a shotgun or ammo, just focused on armour and trade skills. the dark blue MA and Brawl means I've banked more skills there, than I could have with the shotgun and fling skills, i probably would have used the excess skills else where where it could have been squandered. I'm planning to change that at a higher level, but until then this is working fine. I've also got an atrox Engineer, and he's great, rarely do i have to team with someone in tough situations. I want to be different in the game, I don't want to be another statistic. So you can use your Atrox enforcer or soldier, or what have you, and have him the greatest one of his kind, but someone will always be with you at the same level with the same skills, etc, etc. I dont play to race other characters I play to enjoy myself.

    diversity is that which makes us stronger.

  8. #8


    Do to further investigation and finding out information. the character I fought had Senpai tertius decus coat and helmet. a rather devistating combination of defensive items. I guess being affiliated with a clan/guild is highly benificial. and the claws more than likely were wrangled on. I feel bad that some people don't have a understanding of the significance of being sponsored and what one should look out for when finding someone to fight with. just after combatting with this character i confronted him about being twinked he never responded and the second time i questioned him about it he had logged off. I was just really aggrivated at the fact that i couldn't damage him half as bad as he was damaging me. I also fled from the arena hoping to end the confrontation knowing all well that if i stayed the end result. he continued hitting me for 2 blocks until i finally died. This was a rather disapointing result to what was supposed to be a closely heated match or character against character. I was painfully frustrated and assumed that he'd been twinked, and to an extent he was, in response to this damaging blow to my ego i came here to vent my frustrations and wished to see if anyone else had a point of view or experience that parallelled mine.
    But I personally think that twinking is still possible, not as grossly abused as before these patches but still practiced as common place actions for clan/guilds making their ranks stronger. I still feel sorry for the unsuspecting and the unafilliated.

    And to potentially ignorant responses, be ashamed. for you are the winers that complain and moan about change. without change things become either abused or stale, so if you wanna go back and play pong with your old man on the colecovision, be my guest.Otherwise accept change because its going to happen wether you like it or not. So save your synical comments for your beaten girlfriends and your mom when its supper time.

  9. #9
    Hey, that's PvP.

    I actually revolve my 2 main's upgrading by my PvP spurts. =)
    "Ideas are more dangerous than guns.
    We wouldn't let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas?"

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