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Thread: Oh Funcom how I love you, let me count the ways.

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Oh Funcom how I love you, let me count the ways.

    Here is my list of thoughts.


    - Why can I hit tab and target a player of another alignment in a 75 gas zone? I want to hit tab
    and select the closest MOB, not clan member.
    (Ex: Hunting w/ a team, have to hit tab 6x to find a MOB.)

    - Why can I hit tab and target a player in my team if I can't attack them? I want to hit tab
    and select the closest MOB/player, not one in my own group.
    (Ex: Hunting w/ a team, have to hit tab 3x to find a target not in my group.)

    -How about having a inter-alignment arena.
    (Ex: Sneak through Tir to fight in the clan arena)


    -Make MOBs unable to see through walls in the large rooms.
    (Ex: Target 1, you get all 3.. Hello reclaim.)

    -How about a box to type the level of mission you want.
    (Ex: You take 6 tries to get the exact QL you want.)

    Team missions:

    -Give the ability to the person who gets a team mission to assign someone else to complete it, NOT just the person who got it.
    (Ex: The person is to afraid to go up and grab the item so he runs away and leavs the group even though he just leveled and wouldn't lose any xp if he died anyway.)

    -If the person who held the mission is removed/left the group, give it to another person in the group so it can be completed.
    (Ex: Member goes linkdead and doesn't return, no rewards)

    -If someone is attacked on one floor, and goes to the next, cancel the agro so they can be healed or allow it so team mates can heal with packs and not just nano's on the floor and not themselves.
    (Ex: "You guys just go up and take the agro and i'll wait here for you to finish the mission because I can't heal")

    -Fix the problem with people dissapearing from you screen and cannot see them until you zone.
    (Ex: You can't see them, but if you zone you can see them just peachy.)

    -Once the elevator/potal is found, make it on the damn map. If you must include it with one of the map upgrades. Even make it its own upgrade if you have to.
    (Ex: Run around for 5mins trying to find the lift after completing a 4 floor mission)

    -Once mission is 100%, automatically give tokens. Since the reason the % raised is that you killed the MOB, not finished mission.
    (Ex: Team mate says "I think this is to tough(a MP that doesn't use pets but uses rifles only), so I'm going to go." That was the mission holder mission holder.)


    -Why are people still comming out of Yalmaha's as a Keebler Elf?
    (Ex: The elf is pulling, where the hell is he?)

    -Why if I transfer a bag of implants to some one to make, does the contents get random order?
    (Ex: Transfer bag to a NT and he dosen't like to figure out where each clustor goes w/o a tip.)

    -Allow 2 info windows opon so you can compare items.
    (Ex: Is this new piece of armor bettor than mine? They are close, hard to tell.)

    -Move the Omni-ent whomp-ha in Trade to face the other way.
    (Ex: Computor has problems loading Trade and 45 people by "the statue.")

    I'm sure i'll think of more later, thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    BUMP!!! Good ideas!!

  3. #3
    *bump* Nice ideas mostly.

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