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Thread: hmm..Crats and PVP?

  1. #1

    hmm..Crats and PVP?

    is there ANY way at all to fix my crat, so that he is not absolutely defenseless when in a PVP zone? a lot of missions seem to take me through PVP zones nowadays..and today i got ganked twice running to a mission...that's kinda the straw that broke the camels back there...

    I've never pvped before, but now I'm interested in pvp just from my sheer frustration with being a rank pad for a gankers galore, and being able(or not knowing how) to do anything about it.....

    I am already thinking of switching from dual pistols to shotguns, once i get more IPR points to spend...but i'm really not convinced that it will do any good. is pvp for a Crat a hopeless ideal? is there a way to make my Crat halfway decent in pvp? any tactics, things like that? Or should I simply start a new character, with a PVP focus? I'd hate to start over with a new character because I rella love Crats, and I love to roleplay with my character.....but.....
    Myles "Tahrus" Barchus
    CEO Freedom News Networks Inc., RK2
    Bureaucrat, Media Mogul, and all-around good guy!

  2. #2
    suggestions on pvping as a crat:

    make a new character thats not a crat.
    President of Midnight Reveries

  3. #3
    Can you solo a orange mob on your own, without your pet and not using mezzes? If so, you're ready to PvP as a pet profession.

    First rule:
    1.Your pet will be made useless by almost all PvP professions.

    Second rule:
    2.Tab is your friend. USE IT.

    Third rule:
    3.If your missions are taking you into PvP zones, you can always switch mission booths you camp out at.

    Forth rule:
    4.You can always bring friends. And I don't mean your dang pet.

    Fifth rule:
    5.The world is full of scum. How you deal with it is up to you.

    Sixth rule:
    6.If you want to be a real bastard, you can zone and your pet will do full damage to whatever PC he's attacking. You didn't hear that from me tho.

    Seventh rule:
    7.There's always a bigger fish in the water then you, but a lot of tiny ones can take some big chunks out of his @$$.

    Eighth rule:
    8.When all else fails, keep moving! Make sure you have an incomp nano on your hot bar. If you're in MMD, take a Speed stim and if you can't win, head to Mort then zone back.

    Ninth rule:
    9.Don't let them get you down.

    Tenth rule:
    10.Wenzell... Dunno what her story is, but at least a few months ago she was Pking legitly. Don't know about now tho.
    Last edited by Obergeist; Jul 8th, 2002 at 03:57:21.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  4. #4
    It does depend heavily on what level you are and how much IP you are willing to pour into your attack skills and evades. My 58 crat is using duel customized reet pistols, and although she still gets wasted by good PvP classes, she can win against some classes and folks who aren't geared towards PvP. If you can't get the customized reets or are a high enough level that it's not sufficient, then definitely go shotgun. There are other potentially viable choices. SMG could work. I wouldn't recommend AR as they are a huge IP sink and you'll never be very good with them.

    If all fails, just root/snare and run away!
    Alynie 153 Storm Trader

  5. #5
    Originally posted by Alynie
    she can win against some classes and folks who aren't geared towards PvP.
    President of Midnight Reveries

  6. #6


    thanks for the suggestions Ober and Alynie. I'm gonna figure this out sooner or later. i still got about 150 levels to sort it out (i'm only 46 heh)....
    Myles "Tahrus" Barchus
    CEO Freedom News Networks Inc., RK2
    Bureaucrat, Media Mogul, and all-around good guy!

  7. #7
    Hehe, if you are level 46, your best solution is to stop getting missions in PvP zones. The bureaucrat really isn't a good PvP class. You can try to switch the emphasis of building your crat from PvM to PvP, but you may only end up making life more difficult in missions and outdoor hunting. If I mission with my crat and I'm only using my bot and not a charmed mob, my pistols can easily do enough damage to pull aggro.

    There are plenty of places where you can find missions that won't put yourself at risk. If you are having trouble finding missions that give you the loot you want, use Clicksaver. If you are having trouble finding missions in safe locations, move to another mission terminal.

    If you want to delve into the PvP aspect of this game, I'd recommend chosing another profession. It may be a challenge to try to get good with your crat, but I can tell you right now that it'll be extremely frustrating.
    Alynie 153 Storm Trader

  8. #8
    well...I love Crats too much to give them up

    so...guess I'll just have to deal with no pvp.
    Myles "Tahrus" Barchus
    CEO Freedom News Networks Inc., RK2
    Bureaucrat, Media Mogul, and all-around good guy!

  9. #9
    Crats are pretty nice in mass-pvp. AoE-roots are annoying as hell.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Noer
    Crats are pretty nice in mass-pvp. AoE-roots are annoying as hell.
    slowdown is even more annoying...

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