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Thread: Bracers Removed from Quest bots WHY?!

  1. #1

    Bracers Removed from Quest bots WHY?!

    This patch Bots no longer carry reflect bracers, now that leaves people like me and MANY others with no way to farm bracers and be at a HUGE disadvantage vs 50% of other people..

    I was gonna hit title 4 with my ma (99 now..) and was gonna hit Livemetal etc with a few guildmates to get some for now and later and then I hear (and later confirm) Bracers are no longer spawning..


    You do not have any idea How pissed I am about this..
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  2. #2
    Might aswell screw pvp with my MA not like I'm gonna be able to compete with someone who's gonna knock 30% + off my damage
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  3. #3
    yes.. there will be a bracer nerf soon. this is one sign.. another is the rightful *****ing on the forums.

    I am a lvl 190 soldier and i fight a MA today with 70 % reflect, now TMS does 75% **** THAT ****...

    crits for 240 reg htis 36...

    arggh... make RRFE self only and nerf the freaking hell outaa bracer whores. dont matter how hard u try and how much you play, you will never be as uber as someone with bracers.

    || 220 || || Soldier || || Obligatory Equipment listing ||

    If you are going through hell, keep going.
    Sir Winston Churchill

  4. #4
    I dont ask to be more uber than others, all I want is the chance to compete against other people in an almost fair manner.
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  5. #5

    Angry Oh, The humanity...

    So then Bracers are going to become the new 'LLTS' in terms of rarity and separation between the haves and the have-nots? For a long while I convinced myself that getting the replacement scopes from 14.x wouldn't put me on too bad of a disadvantage....But getting some fifth-rate bracer that spawns once every 15 months or so of gameplay time in comparison to what everyone has now...That just makes it nigh-impossible to high level PvP.

    Well, At least there's always PvP on Neverwinter Nights. Hooray for Halfling Sniper-Rogues.

  6. #6
    Funcom make some retarded decisions I swear..
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  7. #7


    Not that hard to change your guys damage type. I can use up 3 damage types at same time switch to 4th if need be. As for rrf thing almost tempted say make it self only because kinda annoying have get it all the time but keeps battles going. Funcom seems want pvp battles to last. As for nerfing it they didn't want people camp bots for bracers to prevent people from finishing the quest

  8. #8


    so very true blanch.

    And Saschamelech... how about a complete bracer nerf for the haves and the have-not's. Gonna happen. Wont matter if you have them...


  9. #9
    The reason why is people where hunting the bots just for reflect bracers. Thus nerfing the alvin/dodga quest even more. They need to make reflect bracers work as is for pvm but make a max 50% reflect cap in pvp.
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  10. #10
    With my other char when my team was at LM we let people have the chip, all we were there for were bracers, all other quest stuff was left .

    I think screwing pvp for all people who havent got their bracers yet is way more of a problem than *SOME* people having to wait a tiny bit long on getting a part for a crummy quest..
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  11. #11
    If Funcom decides to deal with bracers in the same way as LLTS'; and leaves existing bracers untouched while removing them from the loot tables or creating some kind of new, less effective bracers, I will cancel my account.

  12. #12
    I can see it now

    Name Gimped Bracer of Retardiness - Projectile [UNIQUE]
    Description Contains complex nano programs, continuously running and boosting your deflecting of certain types of damage done to you.
    Patch 14.60
    Type armor
    Slot right wrist, left wrist
    QL 200
    Value 450000
    Requirements title level >= 6

    Effects modify self maximum projectile reflect 6
    modify self reflect projectile damage 6

    I can picture those as the less effective ones...
    If you can't beat them, Hit them in the face with a wrench


  13. #13
    I spent a ton of time killing Electro Unique for bracers, and I ALWAYS let people tag it first and helped TONS of newbies get the bot's chip. Actually, the only time I didn't let people tag it was when people from Storm would insta-attack it as soon as it spawned.

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