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Thread: Better solution than OE + other great ideas

  1. #1

    Talking Better solution than OE + other great ideas

    To some OE killed the game, other claim it was great. No matter what, we can all agree that it seems logic. OE is built upon the idea that you use the best gun you can twink on. Still there is a limit, no floating limit but a strict limit. Which also can make sense from a certain perspective. My suggestion:

    UE: Under Equiping

    Meaning that when your skills are higher than the one on the item you get +%. Should work the same way as with OE. This would make it worth upgrading all skills locked on the gun always. In order to get as much % as you can.

    If we had a floating limit then this would be even better. More fun. For many players the game is "over" when you have managed to squize on all the eq. But what if the best thing would not be to use the ql 200 gun? Now that would make sense!

    Gun 1: Your skills are way above the req, you are the master!
    Gun 2: Your skills bearly meet the req, the gun masters you

    (this would make temporary implants less importan and game more fun) This would add so much to the game. + It makes us go into certain skills, since it will cost more ip to raise all wpn skills and not only those that the attack rating are dependant of.

    This should also apply to nanos such as NT nukes, which will be some luuuuv for them as well. (logic luuv, not love luuuv)

    Skills such as map navigation are kept no higher than you really need them to. You use temporary implants for upgrades/maps etc. Solution to make it worth raising them:

    (example map navigation) Make the upgrades dependent on the skill map navigation. Let's say monster/people upgrade always work, but the area they scan increases with map navigation. That would make me max map nav!


    Also make skills dependent on other skills (like all skills are dependent on abilities). Par example:

    Make perception range dependant (if it is not by now) and also make the range depend on map navigation. Maby make the same for concealment. The closer to the target you get the huger risk to be spotted, and the map navigation could change the % on +/- how the skill works.


    Make camped items 1 find only or 1 find only for a time period.
    I know several people have suggested this system


    Ultra rare items, make ultra hard quests for them. Make a quest that will req you to be über god or have many friends and make sure it takes a long while to solve (not like the alvin quest that takes no time). And try to make it funny, not just camp/kill. Give it some logic related to the item you get.

    As long as the quest is funny it doesn't matter if it takes 1 week or 1 month. Many have camped spots for longer than that with no result. If you make it hard and long still few will have it, but all CAN have it. How many can have nullity II today? 20? TOP. How many has the team beacon? 5? 10? Why not make the quest so large/hard that only that many can finish it. Then you would be PROUD to have it. Sure people are proud to have it today as well but how fun was it to run 4000 missions for battle suits to get the cash? Or for the others in the team who had to put up with the ninja looter. It is INSANE that items go for 200-800 milions!

    It has been said before and I will say it again, we are the ones who pay for this game, we are the ones who should have fun.

    Two terms should be the ones to listen to, logic and fun. All other words should be ignored (that includes nerf which neither is fun nor make any sense/logic, at least not the nerf we have seen)


    More to come, have to go back to team now tho. Break is over

  2. #2
    The whole OE / UE thing is a restriction that shouldn't even be in place. It should simply be that your skills at the time vs the skills of what you are trying to kill is what determines how effective you are.

    NT nukes already have skill reqs, so what's the point of putting UE there?

    The map nav idea deserves bumpage....

    Camped items? Screw static spawns. Make all unique NPC spawns dynamic and randomized. How you gonna camp say Neleb if you can't easily find the derranged lunatic?

    As for the ultra-rare items having huge quests to obtain them.....we had enough of that in EQ and this is AO. Make things predictable/static and it can only be enjoyed once or twice before it becomes routine. Quests themselves in MMORPGs nowadays feel like visits to the DMV to renew your drivers license.

  3. #3
    Assume NT nano X req 100 mc. You got 300 mc, then since you master if you should, in my mind, do more dmg. The whole OE issue ruins the game in my point of view, even if I understand why they put it in the game I think it was a bad idea.

    UE however dmg no1. Make it easier for n00bs and those are not rich nor have high lvl chars. Because then it is not "as" important to use high high ql items. Still that might be better but. + when you are 150 and can use all 200 I for one would feel great if I could make my items "better" by raising skills. Somehow also states it doesn't only matter on the gun, but more on the user. Which it sould.

    As for skills helping eachother out. That would make some CRAPPY CRAPPY skills today that not even the n00biest n00b would consider put 1 ip into. (Adventuring and Swimming comes to mind)

    Trade skills should make it easier to UE guns I think. Would make it even more appealing to use them.

  4. #4
    As for the quest is only fun once:

    How many Nullity II nanos do you plan to aquire? Doubt there is anyone with more than one as we speak. I for one much would prefear to do this huge funny quest (someone help FunCom out here) once than to camp some grey mobs for 3 months for the ID to MABY, MABY! turn up.

    Like the fixer quest. And if you have several quests like that in the game for each proffesion this game would be something much better. I don't know what you think, but I think it was a way better idea to implent the fixer quest than to introduce a ID for it that 10 ppl would find in 3 months.

    EDIT: I am not talking about Alvin, Neleb och Tarsq quests, I am talking huge great über quests! If some RP was involved that had something to do with the storryline it would be even better.

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