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Thread: pet classes and other idiots

  1. #1

    pet classes and other idiots

    damn not 1 to moan but getting real bored of the engie or low lvl mp whining i gotta go get a wrangle ,when we just going in to the mission and except me to sit around for half an hour while they search for 1.
    at higher lvls when i play my ma its not so bad since the guildies i play with know better.
    But damn what help is a pet you need to get wrangled for then 2 minutes into a mission you kill him because he is lost again or stuck.
    another little moan please why whine about my damage out puti am the doctor you know if you want me to do damage get a enf or soldier to replace the doctor see if i care
    btw i will team with any1 any lvl in my range xp is not the most important thing for me its the fun,strange more ppl dont play for the fun of it, whine "i miss the xp on that mob i was at reclaim afk because i wanted to wander around while you were all buffing and got myself killed because you wouldnt heal me" er outta nano was buffing you idiot.

  2. #2
    Well most docs before level 130 or so concentrate on stuffing their nano skills & such before weapon skills (excepting maybe single weapon skill needed guns A.K.A vector). After that there is the IP glut.

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