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Thread: Why does one member get the boss loot?

  1. #21


    But, the problem is that when I'm not the leader the loot nearly always sucks. Coincidence?

  2. #22

    Bosses drop loot?

    In 78 levels I've yet to get one item from a boss drop. Chest looting is basically impossible if you're a NORMAL person and fighting instead of off looting chests.

    I deal with this by accepting the fact that team missions aren't about loot or money. They are just quick xp sessions when I'm bored stiff of soloing.

    If you adopt a similar attitude, you too shall stop crying over not getting any loot.

  3. #23
    You make a good point. However I could care less about loot. What I do care about is fairness. If you want to go 80 levels withough any loot that fine with me.

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