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Thread: NPC debuffs that take forever to go away...

  1. #1

    Thumbs down NPC debuffs that take forever to go away...

    This has probably been posted before.

    I see a couple of things wrong with debuffs cast by npc's in the game.

    1) Mob waits til it is down to its last sliver of life then casts a dot or ransack which lasts up to two minutes (that I've encountered so far).

    2) Mob dies. The ransack/dot cast by said mob hangs around still. I sit on my butt for two minutes waiting for ransack to go away because as an MA I can't heal while I've been ransacked. I'm sure other classes are affected too. My dmg output goes down and I can't heal. I sit or I die if I try to fight.


    1) If the mob hasn't casted a debuff by the time it's 50% dead, then it shouldn't. That last second debuff is pissing me off quite a bit.


    2) Make the debuff last a lot less time. If I'm fighting multiple mobs, the others can proceed to debuff me to their hearts' content, but the original dead debuffer should have its debuff done away with or else not last as long.

    Seems like a minor thing to me. I'm speaking strictly from a PvM perspective. Not sure what the implications would be for PvP.

  2. #2


    Don´t vorry, they will last a lot longer in the game at higher lvl, so you will have a lot of time being boored waiting for debuffs to go away (especialy if you are pet user).
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

  3. #3
    Yeah, sitting around waiting out a debuff is extremely annoying. When solo, I've taken to keeping the forums open in a browse window so I can alt-tab to it while waiting on the game.

    It would be nice if the remaining time on a debuff got cut in half when the mob died. But my guess is that the game doesn't keep track of the source of the nano.

    Maybe have debuffs automatically stop if no one in the team is in combat for 30 seconds.
    Heals - they're not just for tradeskills anymore
    Hypos omni doc RK2 <-- stupid enough to have thought that going past level 150 would help her be a better doc
    Phlair omni mp RK2 solo char
    Nerfbat omni enf RK2 awarded the hammer of braveness
    Shadow Ops

  4. #4
    Debuffs should terminate if the one who casts them dies and the recipient is not in combat. Period.

  5. #5

    Never really thought about starting in window mode so I can browse the net or whatever while waiting! lol

    thanks Hypos!

  6. #6
    I agree that getting a debuff or a root at the end of battle is annoying. I don't think they need to change that they just need to make nano resist work. So that it does end abruptly if you have a good enough nano resist. Personally i hate mob nano's but its still cool to get dotted at the end of battle and try like crazy to heal yourself so you don't die (: And that is why nano's continue to run after the caster is dead in my opinion.


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