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Thread: Hey you wanna help me Power level?

  1. #1

    Hey you wanna help me Power level?

    Two nights in a row I've been asked this question by two different people. Monday night a lvl 30MA asked me if I could team with him and a friend to go to the claw camp in 20k so that I could AoE the whole camp. Tonight, a certain lvl 7 RK2 clan doc (name withheld) asked me the same question. To anyone who even thinks about asking me this in the future: I'm not wasting my time on this game to make your life easier. Suffer like the rest of us and do your time, kill your mobs and get your xp - just like the rest of us had to.
    Rotamus, 196 NT
    Littlebitt, 200 Doc
    Ranxacka, 153 Trader

    Proud general of Immortal Ascension

    America's Finest News Source

    Hollywood Stock Exchange

  2. #2
    You should have teamed with them. Do a /team loot boss, and start nuking. Once they receive the "You didn't get any xp, due to a high-lvl character"-message (not the excact wording, but still...) They would not ask you that question again, I think.

    There ARE lvl-restrictions for gaining XP in teams. Which is a good thing. Otherwise, people would start on the lvl they wanted to be. Having newbies in the game is fine. Nothing is better than that (new players, more money for funcom, more chances that my favourite game stays alive ), but having newbies running around in lvl 100+ chars is NOT a good thing.

    When whole teams loose a couple mills of XP because someone took a shortcut is not cool. Not even the least.
    I may not be the best player. There is a lot in AO I do not know. But I've gained all my lvls by myself. I kno hoe to play my proffession. All high-lvls (and mid-high such as myself) should know how to pay his/her proffession.

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