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Thread: Yixxil, Firestorm Clan, and White Trash Part 4

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    Yixxil, Firestorm Clan, and White Trash Part 4

    PLEASE NOTE: What transpired here was on the 11th of June 2002. From now on I will endeavour to include the date to which the Story/Synopsis, refers.

    A Couple of hours passed and Sightsee had attended to a few chores before heading back to Reets Retreat. As he went towards the Glass room he noticed that there were a few people still milling about in the corridor. Levrivers turned to speak, “You missed the mass suicide Sight.”
    “SSssSSss… Teehee” Moondrop laughed, “The mighty demon of the S’s!”
    “They all killed themssselvesss.” Levrivers was always the one to be able to keep his wit and jest up in most situations, it seemed to Sight.
    “Naa seen it already Lev.” Obviously more disciples had terminated their own lives. Sightsee was getting a bit tired and fed up, but wanted to know more of what was going on and so stayed there for a while.

    Leopard then entered the corridor, Lev turned to look at her, and he was looking serious all of a sudden.
    “You should be careful out on the streets on your own lil Leo, you never know what nasty people you might run into?”
    Angelynne stepped in, “Lev, leave Leo alone!” Sight was surprised at what seemed to be a confrontation, from what he knew of Lev maliciousness was not his thing, just sarcasm (in a good-humoured way).
    “Err, Leo can handle herself well dude.” Sight said as Lev and Leo were in a stand off, trying to psyche the other out. Lev shrugged his shoulders with a wry smile on his face he said, “Aww, I’m just giving her helpful advice… there are gangsters out there, petty thugs… thieves!”
    “I know how to stay safe… Do you?” Said Leo, she smiled “seems you have already fallen a couple of times now… watch your steps bro.”
    “Me? I think you might need to watch your steps pretty soon Leo.”
    “I have been dealing with worse demons than you lately Lev.”
    “Hey, It’s an evil World out there.” He remarked, Angelynne was getting agitated at this point and said, “Lev, I have pets that are meaner than you!”
    “And I have lockpicks bigger than you Angel.” Lev smirked at her, Sight looked at Leo, Angel then at Lev and moved into the middle of them and faced Levrivers. “Whoaa, wait a second, what’s going on dude?” The two verbal combatants ignored sight; Drtiny who was also present looked confused at what was going on.
    “Shouldn’t you be off playing bad guy or something with your little ‘pawn’ fellas?” Leo shook her hand and waved Lev off. Lev just smiled evilly and Sightsee looked lost for like the 5th time in that day.

    Gabro who had previously been killed by Mogdai entered the corridor; he was dressed in the same ‘dark’ manner as the Yixxil disciples. What now? Thought sight, it looked like the Gabro he saw before his death, yet it was not the same one that had now joined them.
    “Leopard I wish to talk to you in private.” Gabro smiled sinisterly, “Its important… come, follow.”
    “Watch yourself Leo” Sight warned as Gabro walked towards the lavatories, “Want me to come with you?” Leopard turned to follow and said to Gabro, “If its an a attempt to turn me… it is quite foolishly planned.” She then turned to Sight, “No… let me speak with him… He has no power of me… I withstood Chab (Xique); I will withstand this one. If I am not back in twenty minutes… Come after me.”
    “As you wish baby.” Sight was solemn and didn’t even know if he would be able to do anything to help here should it come to it. Leo followed Gabro and Sight got ready for trouble.

    As it turned out Sight didn’t need to take action and that the Yixxil disciples wished to ‘turn’ or ‘have’ Leopard, maybe she was a ‘Bright One’ as well? If so what did it mean anyway? Leopard and sight discussed what had been said, in conclusion Leopard said, “We will stand through this… We must prevail, we WILL prevail in the end.”

    Sight did a sweep of the area in Reets, to make sure there wasn’t any potential threats around. As he walked from the glass room towards the Rumble room, he spotted Xique, Gabro and Boco talking. More damned followers he thought, Xique looked strangely cold and sober. Sight thought he’d try to ‘get’ to the Xique he knew, and had a couple of drinks with.
    “Chab…” Said Boco before Sight could speak.
    “Yesss Boco?” Hissed Xique.
    “You said I wouldn’t be interested..."
    “I said you perhapsss you don’t want to. … ass we ssayed alsso.””
    “Where can I find him?”
    “We will inform him about you.” Looked like the DJ was interested in this dark cult, it worried Sight, but as he didn’t know Boco on a personal level, why bother to ask him why? It was time for Sight to butt into the strange conversation.
    “Hey, well it seems Xique ain’t Xique, right Xique?”
    “We are Xique… do not doubt sssuch.” Sight brought out a bottle of Giovanni Brandy.
    “Xique I got your fave drink here buddy.” Smiled Sight, as he waved the bottle in front of Xique, “Its good for ‘we’ to experience every ‘illusion’, its full of hate ya know?” No response was there for a short while. “Aww C’mon Yixxil dude! Take it and come drink with me.”
    “We know what mussst be done… asss we only feed on anger and fear… we don’t want what you have to offer.”
    “Ahhh I see, you ain’t allowed your favourite Giovanni Brandy?”
    “We don’t want it.”
    “Why not? Mans weakness is best found while under the influence… rage, jealousy, hatred are amplified are they not? Of course ‘we’ have not experienced it yet have ‘we’? By learning of it Yixxil will surely be stronger if not wiser?”
    “He is wissse and offerss you the way.” A glint appeared in Xiques eye as he looked to the ceiling and seemed overwhelmed for an instant.
    “Why must Yixxil gather the damned? Can’t you just leave that to God?” Asked Sight.
    “We do not care about Him, as we do not care about life.”
    “What are your goals for Gods sake man!” Shouted Sight in frustration, he opened the brandy and started drinking it himself.
    “To dessstroy all life!”
    “If all life is destroyed, what shall remain Xique, think about it?”
    “Death!” Sight laughed sarcastically at his madness and said, “The Universe will never die fool!” Just then Eddie (Ignis) who had managed to throw out the Yixxil from a party a few days ago came joined them.
    “Look Xique, Get lost!” He said. Xique and Gabro surrounded Ignis. Sight was trying to keep his temper in check. Mogdai entered also and got behind Ignis, Sight cocked his two BBI Faithful’s, ready to unleash his ‘Hell’ upon the disciples. Mogdai raised his arms to the heavens and started to shout out a prayer or chant. “MASSSTER OF CHAOSSS, DESTRUCTION. TAKE THISSS CHILD TO YOU DEMON OF DECADENCE! HAH! BLESSS HIM WITH THY’S SSSIGHT. SSSALVATE HIM, NOW SSSALVATION!” Ignis quickly executed a program that enabled him to run at great speed and shot off downstairs, the disciple’s followed him, as did Sight who cursed out loud. Sights anger was rising thanks to the Brandy, he was beginning to not care about his own safety, but one thing was for sure, he wasn’t gonna let another person die in front of his eyes.
    “Could use a little BACKUP!” He heard Alptraum shout form the fireplace room.

    When Sight reached the lower corridor of Reets, he found Ignis surrounded again, this time there was yet another two disciples’ called Tamiyana and Syrenity. Sight moved straight through the Yixxil, and stood in front of Ignis, as a barrier of sorts.
    “Ignis, they want you BAD dude.” Mumbled Sight, not taking his eyes off the cultists.
    “Mmm the fear isss sso high!” swooned Syrenity.
    “Hisss fear… Isss lovely. Now… We ssshall feed upon it.” Sight was unsure as to whom Mogdai was referring to, but it wasn’t important, what was importent then at that time, was the fact that they were about to kill him or Ignis.
    “I don’t fear you.” Ignis said, suddenly Mogdai lunged forwards with lightening speed-grabbing Ignis by the throat. Sight turned to grab mogdai’s arm, he was shocked that he wasn’t able to respond to the attack, as he did so Tamiyana grabbed hold of Sights side’s and threw him with immense force into the wall. Sight lost grip of his weapons as he instinctively raised his hands to the incoming wall in a bid to lessen the impact, the guns scattered a few feet either side of his landing.
    “Ugh… Stop!” Squeaked Ignis as his hands moved to execute a program. Mogdai licked his lips, and his eyes began to glow like fire, Xique’s eyes began to glow as well, but his expression was that of sorrow.
    “Run Eddie Run!” Xique suddenly shouted.

    Sight shook his head to focus, the gun was to his left and he was on the floor, he rolled over the gun clasping it in his hand, with his back against the floor he fired a snap-shot at Mogdai, the bullet hit his upper back. Mogdai hissed as he lost his grip and fell forwards into the wall, a bright flash and Ignis disappeared! Drtiny had witnessed what happened but was confused, “Eddie?” He shouted.
    Dr tiny helped Sight to his feet as the Yixxil disciple’s separated to search for Ignis. “Sightsee, what the Hell is going on here?”
    “Where did Ignis go!?” Sight was still a bit dizzy.
    “I don’t know?” The doctor shrugged. Mogdai got up from the floor and calmly said “No matter… Boco is oursss now. He will serve usss well.” Sight was stunned that Mogdai (although bleeding) was relatively uninjured; Mogdai executed a program and shot off to the glass room in search of Ignis before Sight could let of another round. Sight followed, his rage now apparent, confused Drtiny followed him. When Sight got to the glass room, Mogdai, Syrenity and Gabro were walking down the ramp from the glass floor above. Sight stood at the bottom, they saw him and knew he was on the edge, but it only served their wishes well.
    “Stay there, I have something for you!!” Sight shouted through gritted teeth, Drtiny could tell what that something was going to happen Mogdai merely laughed. Syrenity twisted her body with a look of joy on her face, almost a dance of the corrupt the chaos, evil by its very nature at the hatred that Sight exposed. Suddenly Sight shouted “DIE!!! Enough's, Enough.. Aarrrggghhh!!!” He brought both guns to bear on the group, firing madly without focus; pure anger guided his weapons. The Yixxil moved with lightening speed around him, without concentration, the bullets merely embedded themselves everywhere but in their intended targets. Mogdai stood up and looked at his wound, bleeding, “Pain… Lovely SSssSS”. He suddenly charged with great speed to Sight smacking the guns from his hands then grabbing him by the throat.
    “Ugh… Ugh.. DIE!” gurgled Sight as he tried to spit in Mogdai’s face, but failed, the spittle drooled from his chin. Boco came running in, and put his Vector Shotgun to Sights head, “Want to try it Sight?” He said.
    “Syrenity.. Deal with himssss.” Mogdai hissed, Syrenity executed a program and Sight screamed as his life escaped him.

    Sight was drunk, and he was in the Neuters ‘R’ Us nightclub, dressed and sitting at the bar, holding a drink in his right hand. He looked around nervously, confused. He checked the date, he remembered the morning and he remembered everything up until meeting Xique. A guy to his right said, “Bloody women!” to him as if they were in conversation. What has happened to most of the day? Thought Sight as he downed the two double shots of whisky.
    Last edited by SinisterCake; Jun 22nd, 2002 at 22:49:59.

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