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Thread: Decrease the melee range effectiveness

  1. #1

    Decrease the melee range effectiveness

    I know that my suggestion is a kind of nerf, but:
    why is a mob able of hitting you with its club/fists/sword/... while staying 5-10 meters away of you ? It happens everytime in mission, the mob is in the opposite corner of yours and hit you in melee fight. That is not looking real or plausible, or the way it should be, in my opinion.

    What I propose is decreasing a bit the range = the minimum distance mobs (and you, characters too) can hit you in melee.

    Circle G Inc. - Your safety is our business.

  2. #2

    Thumbs up

    I agree , and I have a ma using sword too , when I get into a
    fight , I run up real close even tho I do not have to
    the now morphing adventurer
    with the paired swords 8)

    Coven of Hunters

  3. #3
    yup, that´s right ... the mob is at the other side of the room, I swing my fist and ..BANG... 200 points of damage ... by airwave???

    It´s nothing, that really gets me started, but the melee effective distance is surely rediciulus.

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