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Thread: I exploit

  1. #81

    Re: Bah

    Originally posted by Takuan
    Quake takes no skill it's just a twitchy game, Try Command and Conquer Renegade. Now that takes skill and teamwork.
    Counter Strike ( too many cheaters though, the new anti cheat program seems to help alot. "Ceatingdeath" its called )

    CS took skill. none of that, "I hit you with 3 rockets and you STILL didnt die"!!! I think there is some skill involved in PvP as well. Not alot, but some. The skill isnt as much in the battle as it is in to how you planned your character out and septn your ip. things like that.
    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

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  2. #82

    Post haha

    just to stir the pot...

    I think, i'll add my signature to this thread.
    Total Aggression Gaming
    Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
    Chapter I. LAYING PLANS "All warfare is based on deception."

  3. #83

    Re: haha

    Originally posted by Argulace_MoK
    just to stir the pot...

    I think, i'll add my signature to this thread.
    Can't see the point,

    2 soldiers with TMS that was lucky that not enought people attacked them.

    1 enforcer that crashed all the time so he wasn't teamed like the rest.

    and one agent that was really lucky that noone attacked first...

    What does it add to the thread?
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  4. #84

    Post the point

    The point is simple.

    PvP is 85% circumstances, who has the advantage and why. The soldier has the advantage in a certain battle because they might have a MKX shield up.

    Then it's the trader who wins because he deprived before the soldier realized he was there.

    Or, could be... just possibly, that fixer was fast enough to keep checking in and out of range to see when the MP was distracted and then rooted them when he figured the time was right.

    Strategy is important in PVP.

    Your wattering down of the victories of others in the Battle Royale holds absolutely no validity.

    Those players, for whatever reason avoided being attacked, or were attacked and defeated their opponents.

    Funny thing is, I dont ever remember seeing alot of the people who are supposedly the "be all end all" authority on PVP at the Battle Royale.

    I mean, i know the reason... They know that BR can be won by anyone, whats so wrong with that? They are also scared of loosing title, I dont fault them for this.

    However before you go wattering down victories of those who do participate, come watch or play one yourself so you at least have a tiny clue about what your commenting on.

    Four weeks, 3 different professions won.

    What profession will be next !?!?

    You? Your friend? Could be anyone.

    First Novice was Garv me thinks... But thats just my opinion.
    Total Aggression Gaming
    Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
    Chapter I. LAYING PLANS "All warfare is based on deception."

  5. #85

    Post oh yeah... forgot about this.

    Originally posted by Makyla
    she shared her exploit with dankman too. he hit me for over 1800 three times... damn omni nukers
    Read the fixer forum, stop wearing grid armor in PVP.
    Total Aggression Gaming
    Mercenaries of Kai (TAG)
    Chapter I. LAYING PLANS "All warfare is based on deception."

  6. #86

    Re: the point

    Originally posted by Argulace_MoK

    First Novice was Garv me thinks... But thats just my opinion.
    Nah, Garv didnt start PvPing with us til lateron, He was first Neo for sure but he wasnt first Novice...I dont know if he reads these boards but he could verify everything i've said as he had seen it in guild chat before and he was PvPing with us about the time everyone started getting novice titles. Heck we even fought a few times when I went clanner for a day and had every omni in the game trying to gun me down in 2ho LOL....sigh the good ol much fun...damn!


  7. #87
    wth? this thread is still goin!? its obvious that im truly the best pvper! ok now move along everyone

  8. #88
    Originally posted by etin
    wth? this thread is still goin!? its obvious that im truly the best pvper! ok now move along everyone
    Aye! Gotta agree there.. Etin is the best! =)
    phonokol - geremi - dousk - matica [apoc]

  9. #89

    I vote for Etin too!
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  10. #90
    Originally posted by Noer
    I don't remember anyone claimed PvP in AO requires skills.
    Traders do require skill to pvp. Which, unfortunately, is why you cant seem to get ahead like so many other traders.

    Syrah doesn't exploit or gank. Ganker isn't the proper term, maybe "Runbuffed, Zonehopping, Alpha strike, Turn Around And Head For Zone when TMS has 30 seconds left Chicken ****" is more like it?

  11. #91
    Funny thing in all this is how Syrah claims to be sooo very good at pvp, yet most of her kills came before they fixed people being ganked zoning in. She/he was the worst one for ganking someone the moment they appearred from the grid.

    She/him wears her title like it was some kind of honour.. but when you see her/him remember how it was earnt. I see it as a testament to the faults past and present with PVP.

  12. #92
    Xider you have no clue how i got my title. I never grid camped unless it was someone doing it to omni, or there was a big battle in 2ho and everyone was doing it. But then again, everyone seems to have some opinion on how i got it. But hey what can i say? I have it and you dont. I must be doing something right. And i found time to get and lvl all the way to 168. I must be exploiting, and griefing. Man what a terrible player I am. Wow I must have done that on my alt too, lvled to 40 in 2 days and got Rookie in the process. On my alt I have over 75 kills and about 4 deaths. Must be that exploiting and grid camping again.

  13. #93
    /me laughs

    This thread is still here?

    Damn, I bumped it.


    Who cares! The only reason I posted was to raise my post count, so that one day I can be a spam master!

    PvP is the only thing that's worth a squat doing at high levels, hell at all levels, it's fun. I used to ***** about it being whacked ingame due to professions. Now I know that it's whacked just because of the fact there are so many bugs in it. Exploits exist, and I've been called a cheater and exploiter before. I laughed so hard when that happened...

    "You were outside buffed!"
    "You cheated!"
    etc etc

    Sadly, I get this from most duels. I've lost tons of fights. I don't ***** and whine, because I hate it when people do it to me.

    On the flip side, I've seen some really crazy things that happen...
    Damage not being reported right, bugged life bars, and my favorite.. "The walking dead".

    You hit title caps at 161. That's a LONG way to go to 190. What the hell are you supposed to do for fun?
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  14. #94
    Another classic.

    phonokol - geremi - dousk - matica [apoc]

  15. #95
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  16. #96

  17. #97

    Wink Re: I exploit

    Its not that you meant to exploit, but the reason why people say that you exploited is because it was some kind of bug-cheat, that made you stronger or whatever. So really, everyone will think thats an exploit because it pretty much was an exploit no matter what the cause was. I know I would be mad just because it was lag or a bug, but it still is called an exploit because it gave you an advantage but not the other player. Sorry, but thats the way it goes like it or not. Happens all the time.

  18. #98
    CS took skill. none of that, "I hit you with 3 rockets and you STILL didnt die"!!! The skill, of course, is making sure that they die when you hit them with three rockets. Which is definitely a different skill than "i shoot you head you die i roxx u suxx hahaha"

  19. #99
    Oh I remember when I made *the best PvP'er ever*, run from a duel with me in Tir Arena.

    Always such fun to see the face of a soldier first time they get hit with the infamous Enf vs Soldier tactic.

    I hate you Syrah. You are the best, but I still kick your ass.
    Rubi-Ka's FiRST Neophyte Enforcer - Holder of Spoon - Stirring the pot - Pumpkin' Pie anyone?
    >Wo "Caol" Ha - 187 ENF | >Thzunami - 97 MA | >Wo "Dioxy" Ha - 30 TRA | In memory of The Council

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  20. #100

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