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Thread: Great Fun in 2ho (RK2)

  1. #1

    Great Fun in 2ho (RK2)

    Last night, June 19th, there was a major war going on in 2ho. And it was a blast!

    There were about 8 titled Clanners (real titles, not gankers) who took over 2ho and had to defend an onslaught of wave after wave of Omnis that tried to retake the city.

    I had a great time, got myself an XP Pinky and a Robot Carcass, and was PK'd one time, and fled into the shark infested lake to be eaten by them one time.

    My hat is off to an Omni named Quooz (i think) who organized 4 lower levels to take me on. After almost killing Quooz 4-5 times, and having him zone out at the last minute, he and his buddies came back in force and pushed me into the shark infested lake to be eaten.

    This was my first "battle" type PVP experience, and it was a real good time.

  2. #2
    Yea was great fun ... too bad i couldnt be in on the takin over part ... since alg prevented me from shootin my gun ... the holding was great tho ... runnin around 2ho i saw about 3 or 4 grps of 10+ ppl holding different locations ...

    I would also like to thank the omnis who never have up, but keep comin (nickypoo and evilbafl (or something) comes to mind)

  3. #3
    that Evil-guy...(forgot his name...gotta check the friend list) is the guy that eventually killed me!

    I couldn't heal! Damn deprive nanos!

    I'll get those omnis next time....NEXT TIME!!!


  4. #4
    Evilboi. I'm pretty sure that's who it was.

    Kind of annoying, alot of 50-74ish people, kept tabbing greys, looking for something other then guards I could shoot.

    And the yalm rooting... "You cheaters" was priceless.

    To hell with MMD. At least if they aren't any people running around, there are guards that shoot at me.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  5. #5
    Ganking fun... Love how those old scopes crit every hit... I think I lasted .05 of a second.

    for those that think pvp exists in Ao are sadly mistaken. In my humble opinion UO when it opened had a better pvp balance. Items that some have that others cant have due to being taken out of game etc... Too many imbalances. Then players lv 150+ killing lv 75 players, It is sure fun for the lower lv players let me tell you.

    The funny thing is I have been following the boards on a number of ao related sites, seems most of them are dying off... have fun in a game that I am positive will die after December.

    After that Event I promptly deleted my lv 132 Trader and told Funcom to piss off. Just had to let the Ao community know the other side of that one sided event.

    Now if only Funcom would ban me so I could stop trolling

  6. #6

    /me salutes my fellow clanners :)

    I couldn't believe this I got on my crat for roughly 2 hours, in that time I managed to completley miss this event! *weeps*

    I love it when the player base forgets about the usual bs about lack of content etc (which don;t get me wrong is a valid complaint) and goes out and has FUN!!!

    Last edited by Qwerty; Jun 20th, 2002 at 22:11:51.

    Qwerty On ots most wanted list, considered armed and extremely deadly
    Asp Strikes like a snake...
    Wiinston Short n' fat
    Qwerty2 I'm on RBK1!


  7. #7


    I didn't even know it was an event...i thought it was just a spontaneous battle.

  8. #8
    sorry didn't mean event in that way, jst meant event as in occasion or sumthing

    Qwerty On ots most wanted list, considered armed and extremely deadly
    Asp Strikes like a snake...
    Wiinston Short n' fat
    Qwerty2 I'm on RBK1!


  9. #9
    I think there was something going on. Not too long ago a Comander Keylor(ARK) made an attack on the clan like castle in Pleasant Meadows for someone called Sharkoid(ARK). The Omnis got Sharkoid back (hell it was a 75% zone, none of the clanners that showed up even fired a shot, the Omnis had to kill the clan guards and NPCs though). Both Sharkoid and Keylor where at 2ho, where we killed them. We nailed Keylor several times in fact. And he even showed up for the last few fights in a battle suit.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Ya it was VERY funny ;)

    to bad there was alot where I could not attack (me clan) hehe. BUt thx to all where was there too. Nice fight and even more claner surrived 2ho ^^

    Apprentice Pnh "Tibanna" Dispencer
    200 Nano-Technican

    Experienced Notself "Mswarm" Buffed
    210 Doctor

    -Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But is was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother- George Orwell

  12. #12


    HIya guys,,,,

    I loved it .
    Who´s idea was it?.

    Anyway. I have to agree with you Q,for once the comunity did something, and that much of the content could come from us aswell!...

    about the fight tho, tahat night i died twice.

    First time was, just in the initial attack when all the clanners stormed the base and the omnis were at the gates. In all the mess Uber lag broke out, and about 40% crashed including mee . Heh, logged on just to find out i were standing in mmd reclaim.

    Second time was when i just got my stuff back and ran to 2ho. Standing outside the grid and asking people if it is clear by the grid(still rezzing,hehe). I get an all clear and get in. And whaddaya know, i was just getting some buffs when Grontha pops outa nowhere, lol panic. He did the job fast :P.

    Bottom line is, the fighting was 100 times more better after the initial assault, omni´s everywhere, and not that much lag.

  13. #13
    Yep, I remember hearing deng yell "charge" and when I did I die to a crit from Athx (1700ish) and as my dying body hit the pavement I turn around to see not another omni in sight. Ohh well, at least I got to see DrDank die .
    Suupaslap Master 10th Dan--Rk2
    Smugglerguy Ickle baby fixer--Rk2

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