I agree that a 1he and a 2he buff would not be so much to ask for and it is time the Enf profession got them. (Isn't it odd seeing a MA taking up for an Enf?) I think that Enf is a greatly underappreciated class. If it was not for them how many people would be wearing the armor and some of the implants they are wearing today? Isay it is time for the Enf to get some lovin'.

/me snuggles my Enf doll closely.

As for the EoT problem, I see that the only way to resolve that is to either A) lower the skill requirements, or B) remove it from the game (not meant as a slight to anyone who has one, just only a logical suggestion). I personally think that it would be easier to lower the skill requirements as the other option would greatly piss-off the people who have them. In closing, I can say that I stand beside all Enforcers on this notion.

Your friendly neighborhood MA.