hello this post is about the gird

it is buggy, i will list some of the anoying ( very anoying things ) i have found

1) when u stand on the buttons at the side of the buildings to progress to the next level 1/2 of your chr seems to be under the floor, then moveing closer to the walls its just sinks into nothing,

2) if your stopped someplace , when u get back u have totally no idea what direction your pointed in .. this is anoying

3) ok this is the big one, ...... CORNERS , GRRR
ok i got a problem with corners , on the second and third levels most times when trying to run around the pointed corners if u touch the sites u fall through and have to run from the bottom level again ,. this is one of the most anoying things about the grid as it stands and i would like to see it fixed asap ,. i am sure i am not alone on this

ok this is a suggestion for a more user frendly grid ( i have no idea if my idea is like the new fixer only grid due out in the next patch , and i am sorry if it is , woops )

1)ok in the grid., keep all the locations for the exits the same , same place and look the same

2) delete all roads in the grid, dont have any platforms or walkways, just a massive open space and the big towers with the grid points on them

3) keeep the same chr icon but make it work like a yham , pointed bit being the front, this means u just fly around the grid space like a peace of data and just fly to the exit you want