Once upon a time, somewhere around release, funcom talked about how this game should not have uber loot. You wouldn't be required to camp for ages and ages to get a certain item. Up to 130 things would be available in shops (and after umpteen patches that was true atleast), and from then on as random loot/chest loot.

Then some static missions come in, some stuff only drops from team mission bosses, bringing out peoples bad sides. Some stuff only drop from chests in team missions, and team members running of to ninja chests is probably the #1 cause of death once past level 30.

And the static drops. Wow, who had the brain fart that led to them. People say it's kinda like EQ... It's a thousand times worse than EQ was even at release. For every slot you basically only have 1 (in best case 2) viable options from static drops. Every nano breed wants Shades of Lubrication etc etc.

When you have ONE (1) Uber Item for every slot for a given breed/prof combination, then you will have a camp feast without comparison. All it does is cause bad blood between players. It's bad when it's between factions and worse when it's inside one faction.

I want to hate the clan characters, not the people playing them. And I definitely don't want to hate people playing Omni chars.

But the One-Uber-Item-Per-Slot-You're-A-Gimp-Without-It system is killing me. I really, really hate it. Seriously. Alot!

Static missions. Nice idea. Gives something to do when another mission would make you sick up. Now, if there had been a few more of them around. Something like 200-1000 or so. Per side. Maybe then we would have avoided the current situation where the ridiculously few static missions are so back logged it's insane. The fact that almost everyone on Rubi-Ka is camping Alvin/Dodga mission should tell you that you should have made a barzillion more of these.

But not for certain items. Rather you can do each quest once, and upon completion it gives you loot comparable with that from a boss.

How I want loot redone:

No difference in loot tables between normal missions and team missions for chests.

No boss-only loot.

Make the boss have a higher chance of rare and ultra-rare items, but not all that much higher. Maybe 10-20 times higher than a normal monster, and he has 2x Team_Members items on him.

Put all current uber loot and static loot in the normal loot tables. Some of it you can make insanely rare. The Edge of the Tarasque? Have it come from chests and not be no drop. About as common as a ql 200 Yalmaha in chests. Anyone can win the lotto.

Remove all no drop flags. Let people sell items, make them as common as is reasonable and remove camping.

The static places in play can have increased chances of drops like the boss.

Oh, and add a "/team loot alpha chests" option. Seriously!