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Thread: FIX Pet pathing ASAP!

  1. #1

    FIX Pet pathing ASAP!

    I demand that pet pathing be moved to the very TOP of the priorities list at once!

    I don't care if some guy finds an exploit that gives him millions of xp in a few minutes... it doesn't matter at all compared to the problem EVERY pet user has in missions! Use the time spent on fixing silly xp exploits on pet pathing instead. I've completely HAD it with no action whatsoever, not even an acknowledgement that pet pathing "has some issues", as is Your words for BUG.

    The pathing has always been bad, though it was somewhat fixed some patches ago, just to be broken again in a later patch. There is an EASY solution to pet pathing in missions:

    - Use the SAME path algoritms as You've used on mobs.
    - Give pets the same unique ability to TELEPORT through walls if path can't be found within 5 seconds. And that includes times when pet or controller are "under attack".

    I will self-bump this thread forever if I have to, and even repost if You delete it. Until You acknowledge this problem, I will encourage everyone to ask Your ARK representatives and GM's, about pathing (even when they complain about other things. Everyone knows the standard ARK phrase: "Is there something else I may help you with?") If still nothing happens, I will start sending emails EVERY day to, asking when pathing will be fixed.

    PS: If you are a pet user and are tired of bad pathing, BUMP this with comments! You ALL saw what happened in the "Hacking accounts issue". Thank you!
    Octo - eqp

    Atlanteans Legendary Teddybear wielding engineer and author of Click

    Get the all new SK/XP Calculator and find out when you will DING!

  2. #2

    Get over it

    you can choose another profession


    You like to dance close to the fire - don't you?

  3. #3


    Oh, thats very constructive of you. Lets all be traders! OH joy!

    How would you feel if FC decided Adventurers doesn't need a fix? Or maybe even nerfed you? (If its even possible for Your half-gimped prof)

    Think before you post the next time please.
    Octo - eqp

    Atlanteans Legendary Teddybear wielding engineer and author of Click

    Get the all new SK/XP Calculator and find out when you will DING!

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Up you go!
    Octo - eqp

    Atlanteans Legendary Teddybear wielding engineer and author of Click

    Get the all new SK/XP Calculator and find out when you will DING!

  6. #6


    There are so many threads on this going. Maybe someday we'll get pets that aren't completely useless.

  7. #7

    Zerpentor lvl 213 Enforcer
    Lequack lvl 201 MP
    Ziele lvl 180 Soldier

  8. #8
    I play a MP. Three pets to follow me around. Wrong! they do whatever the freak they want. Get stuck in doors, halls, plants, chairs,tables, a little pebble in the road throws them off coarse.
    Oh yeah, and when I'm dieing i order my heal pet to heal, but
    he "can't do this at this time" . BS.


    Lamonia- 'you like to dance close to the fire don't you'

    Morrowind rules! I love it. Fantastic game.


  9. #9

  10. #10
    Have to agree BIG TIME Octo !!

    This is one MAJOR issue....

    As a fellow engi, youll agree that our class is "lacking". And the Slayer is our only good "cosmetic" thing.

    But this issue of pathing means we CANNOT use them at our lvl, a team just moves far too fast...........

    FIX IT - I never had grey hair till I becamew an Engi.
    Lordvold Fix MA's
    Flxme The ranged alt

    "My theory is that this was probably done in some way that it was supposed to end at a given date like 1st January 2010. Back then there was of course no one that would imagine that AO would last past 2010" Eponyx

  11. #11 go bump my engi pvp threads since they are somewhat related

    A disgruntled Opifex Engineer

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