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Thread: Solo missions need also valuable nano's and NODROPS

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Solo missions need also valuable nano's and NODROPS

    I noticed that Funcom has put all valuable nano's and NODROPS into the teammissions. But i think they are forgetting the groups of people that like to do solo missions. So here is my suggestion so that people that play solo missions also have the change for those pricesless nano's and/of NODROPS.

    Why not make one solo mission be like a team mission. In the mission terminal there is one spot left for an extra mission, use that one for a mission where you also have to kill a mob (when you reach the top floor of mission) that drop valuable loot. I believe Funcom is capable of checking that that mission is played by only one player and not by 2 or more. So you give people that don't play alot or don't have the time to search for a team the possibiltiy to get those nice nano programs or NODROP loot that others are getting from team missions.

  2. #2


    I hate boss loot only.
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

  3. #3


    Yeah, i think this would only be viable if FC could ensure that one person is running mission. Would have to elimate the abilty to dupe the key or be warped in.

  4. #4
    Probably because if they did this, all the posts would turn into "I can't find a group anymore because everyone solos all the time now! fix it or I'll go play some other game! wah!".

    It's a double-edged sword.


  5. #5
    I agree Swerve911 that, that could be a problem.

    But now we are forced to team up instead of soloing missions because team missions gives better loot. I think that is a bad development.

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