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Thread: What Keeps You Playing AO?!?!? help me out

  1. #1

    What Keeps You Playing AO?!?!? help me out

    I started playing this crack-game when it first came out in retail. I used to play this game like maddd. and i mean like 24 hours a day, no sleep at all. but now after getting to lv 137nt and like a lv 76mp, im sooo bored of this game. ive done like all there is to do in ao, besides get to lv 200 with my nt, which is like the only thing i look foward to, with the expansion commin out. but for all you peeps who have been playing as long as me, what makes you keep playing this game so much. dont you ever get tired of the same ole Sh*t in this game? im really looking foward to Planetside. a FPS mmorpgh game is gonna roxxors.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    What he said ... but seriously, have you read the FAQ for SWG? That game will be so much more detailed in the different things you are able to do. It goes much further in depth on economy and realism. You can build your own city and actually become mayor of it.. Anyway AO is boring yes and hopefully SWG won't get old fast.
    Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you.

  4. #4
    I am the head of an entertainment company. Planning events each week.. and being on top of things in this business keeps me going. I have been playing straight since April... I played in Beta and will all the bugs, left. But since being back... I have barely leveled (level 11 still) but, it's running the club... Planning events (Like Miss Rubi-Ka) and such that really keeps me going

    Yes.. VERY excited about SWG! They have a Dancer Class!!! Stay tuned for my guild over htere. Don't know the name yet. It will be an entertainment guild.

    My boyfriend suggested having it an all female entertainment org. named Naboobies! lol... What do you think??

    Shalon "Aktrez" Joor
    ~*~ Director of Vixen Entertainment~*~
    Manger of the Rompa Bar, Omni-Ent.

  5. #5
    Oy, SWG isn't even in beta yet, you guys have a long wait. Seriously, I'm sick of people saying SWG will be so much might be a good idea to wait till it's acually released to make judgements.

    The proof is in the pudding...

  6. #6
    Originally posted by RVWinkle
    it might be a good idea to wait till it's acually released to make judgements.
    No sh17.

    Wasn't this game supposed to be the greatest thing to hit the mmorpg world? Oops, guess not. hehe
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  7. #7
    Hahaha.. dream on guys...
    (and girls)

  8. #8
    I can't understand people. Pretend life is a flat surface. On this flat surface is real life. Except you can put a little vent in there. In this make beleieve world, lets call it a tree stump. You stand on this tree-stump for whatever reason, bored, too much creative energy, its more fun than the standard ground. Then you decide your stump has gotten boring, and it has also begun to rot. What do you do? Well most people seem to be still standing on the rotting stump. However, hope is not lost yet, there is that stump about 5 ft away with the letters SWG scribbled into it. Will people learn that these are just temporary things and stop bithing when moss grows on their stump, and finally step back into the realm of sanity. Or perhaps they'll jump to the next cool stump and stand there till it decays?
    Simply put, thats what MMORPGS are like.
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  9. #9


    What the hell are you talking about? Stumps? Well im still having fun with this stump.... Aiming for lvl 200 lol..

  10. #10
    One thing you have to remember, is any game that is due to come out soon, is going to have its own problems........its own set of bugs, and technical issues when it comes out.....MMORPG's are a tricky beast by nature

    Comparing AO to SWG is like comparing apples and oranges, they are two separate worlds, and I happen to be having fun in this one right ill continue to do so....

    The two games have different plot lines

    X game is going to be better than Y game = stupidty

    AO is a complex, and if you look living world that has more character than most games ive played.......and is more immersive at least for me.....especially when you hear that certain music track on the AO soundtrack and see the two suns rise or thats the moment that got me...

    There are minor rp characters that do hardcore rp here with interesting small plots as Cosmik noted on the Story forums under his post "Clarification of Recent Events" , plus the main story, albeit its a bit slow right now, but still, its more story than most games ive found...........and does hold something for the roleplayers out there....I wont mention names, but ive tried a lot of other games, pretty much all of them with the exception of AC and havent found that in those games yet.........or even that many small storylines.....

    This is what keeps me playing AO


    Morgan "Lanthai" Cordeiro
    58 Soldier
    Omni Tek

  11. #11


    I play ao becouse i like the game, IT good looking, its a good RPG (if u tend to RP your self, cant get the game to RP for you). I like the futuristic style (sick of dragons and skeletons, Thoug they even sucessfully implanted them in AO aswell . ) Yes, the game has some flaws, but all games do, just live with them. Cant wait for the Expansion.

  12. #12
    Waiting for Warcraft3.................
    "Lets kill all the Traders."-Loolikat
    "Anarchy Online without uber Traders........Heavan found atlast!"-Flexemon
    My heroes: JFK, Gordon Freeman, Duke Nukem, Jengo Fette, JC Denton
    "Grudge Match, Duke Nukem vs. Lara Craft."Wonder who will win that one.......Duke all the way baby!"

  13. #13

    Thumbs down

    Well, it is the only SF MMOLRP out on the market.

    But when the other once hit the market this game better be unbelievable good if I´m to remain in it. Funcome has had a rediculus bad custom service, and has not yet managed to place those thing they said was to be in the game to game magazines when it was released.

    But, yeah it does look great. It is a bit like that realy red and shiny apple that look great, but when you take a bite of it you find out that it was just wax coating and that the interior is a bit rotten.
    Troll Commando, doing the dirty work that need to be done.

  14. #14
    Well I left to play Dark Age of Camelot came back in a week.

    I left to play heroes of might and magic IV came back in two weeks

    I left to play Morrowind came back in about 3 weeks.

    This game is starting to straighten up I dont know I can wait two years for SWG to get it together. Besides, Star Wars is not fun if every one and their mother is a JEDI.
    Silverrobe 213 NT

  15. #15
    I love the style, the world, the story (even though we dont se enough storyline related stuff in game...), and the graphics are pretty good too. I only really get lag in baboons or when people are loading, and thats probably the worst part of the game for me. I'm not going to buy SWG unless it comes out on PS2. Don't even get me started on the other MMOs coming out, like neocron for example, that looks ****ing ****.
    BiggerDave - 93 Omni Soldier
    Fethers - 43 Omni Agent
    Phetherz - 18 Omni Doctor

    Unit member of Omni-Tek Blackwolf Operations

  16. #16
    I'm enjoying my stump. AO will always be AO. When it you hop over to the next game, have fun, because there will be problems there too.
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  17. #17

    oh, by the way, i play for.......

    Addiction. Cold, hard addiction.

    hehe, seriously though, i enjoy the game. I enjoy alot of the people. I find boring spots from time to time, but i soon find something else that pulls my attention right back in.
    {Beyond the Drunken Master, is the Plastered Master} Lilasiandude 216 MA
    Proud Member of Storm, and the Betty Ford Clinic

    -Sllammer 216 enf. - Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Frank the Tank! Click!


  18. #18
    T'is a good question...why do I still play?

    There are a few factors in it for me.

    Getting to level 200, making your char the best of the bunch...when I reach level 200 I will retire my eng as a tradeskill specialist able to make anything and everything.

    Social element. I've made lots of friends in AO and if I didn't get to play with them each time I logged on there's no way I'd still be here. No one actually likes going on missions to BS every day, but as the saying's not the place you go it's the people you go with. There's nothing quite like hanging out at the Reet's on a night either, great way to chill out after a day of missioning

    Improvements. I have faith funcom can and will improve AO. It may take a while but this game has come a damn long way from what it started as. There will always be bugs, to think that an mmorpg will ever be a completely bug free environment is a totally unrealistic expectation, it will never happen.
    Taldrin | Titanioc | Teiral

    I discovered the portal to another dimension!

    I am a Gauntlet Adventurer.

    I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure, fighting, and particularly winning - especially when there's a prize at stake. I occasionally get lost inside buildings and can't find the exit. I need food badly.

    Who are you? -

  19. #19
    I love AO, mainly for the clubs and such. My biggest compliant about eq was there was NOTHING TO DO outside of getting uber loot and killing stuff and nothing to wear besides armor. Its was kind of strange going to "a birthday party" dressed in full armor.
    Ao has parties and beaches and fun stuff like that. If swg has the kind of social life AO has, I may come. Until then AO is my home.
    Salutusmax- doctor

  20. #20
    Heh! I just got my girlfriend interested in AO. That's my incentive, and it's a big one.

    I love it when ppl say that FC haven't implemented everything they put on the box. DUH!!!! Of course not. And they prolly wont be able to put everything they want to either. They have wishes, as I have wishes, I do wish for more content, but to get that I have to tell FC what I want, hope they listen, and then BE PATIENT.

    Also I need to stay in the game, pay the bill that is. I can, as many have, threaten to cancel my account. That would mean there's another 13$ a month that FC can't use to make the game better. If I like the game, wich I do, I need to make those payments, so FC can use it to make changes for me, and also have a chance to improve custormer support. Cuz God knows Funcom, u really need to improve support.

    I myself work with software quality control (professional betatester?), with software that runs big machines for making pharmaceuticals, imagine if we had your customer support. That's right, we'd go bancrupt, fast.

    Another thing is that I think you're balancing the game in the wrong end.

    If I want to go head to head with other players, I should pick the right profession for that. Don't make every profession balanced in PvP, have profs that are better for PvP and some that aren't.

    INSTEAD!!!! How about this? Make it possible for different professions to do the job they're meant for. Crats, for instance, let them be able to lead people in a different way, to get xp from getting elected into places of power. Docs could work in hospitals, traders gets xp for making good deals with other players (I would love to own a shop!!), advs gets xp and money for finding new uncharted territory. Make every profession special instead of balanced. I don't expect to be able to kill a soldier using a trader, or doctor, it's his job, not mine. Get my drift????

    These are just small ideas, they can be expended upon, and I have millions more. Flame me if you wish, but all im really asking for is content. Content beside being able to kill bigger mobs, and players.

    Although, FC, I think your doing a pretty good job overall. So keep it up, and thanks for a great game.

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