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Thread: Just a suggestion...

  1. #1

    Just a suggestion...

    Why should NT get caped by 40 meeters cap? Why dont NT get their special cap of 50 meeters?

    Why should agetns/soldier also get caped by 40 meeters cap? I think master or ranged combat and sniper should be able to fire from as far as he can see?

    make everyone esle caped by 40 meeters but exception for agnets/NT/Soldiers.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

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  2. #2
    I think all ranged weapons should be in the line of sight to make it as realistic as possible.

    when do you see bullets from a Rifle drop dead when it reached 40m ? but I also see the need for the cap since Rooter classes need it and the melee classes don't have to run so far to hack'n'slack the ranged weapon user

  3. #3
    If nothing else, it'd have to be a technical issue. If they had to send and recieve info for each user at much of a greater distance, the game would be even laggier than it is now :/


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  4. #4
    er well julia soldiers are masters of AR and RE weapons. which in this game is higher damage shorter ranged guns e.g. u cant quite quite hit the 40 m cap with the nova for example cuase u need 100% increased range.
    before they put the cap on range nts, fixers and agents were the long range masters if i can remember corrently (well according to the weapons they were meant to use rifles and smg/mgs).
    so dont exclude us fixers pls from the ideas ...

    Novice Hotpanties
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