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Thread: Uber today, sucky tomorrow. Whats the big deal?

  1. #1

    Post Uber today, sucky tomorrow. Whats the big deal?

    Ever since the last patch was released the complaining about how one class is gimped and another is over-the-top uber has increased quite dramatically. People are complaining with reason.

    Since launch almost every class has been considered uber for a time. This is constantly shifting in the world of Rubi-Ka. What may be the best one month may suck the next, due to nerfs or other classes being made better. The latest patch has brought about the most dramatic changes in both PvP and PvM. Concealment, self only crit buffs, new items, and new nanos, have all changed the way the game is played.

    Many people feel that their profession is now useless, either because they are so used to being on top, or because their profession is now truly one of the worst. The way FC runs AO someone has to suck. It has always been that way.

    If you look at the current patch without the bais of your profession what do you think? IP reset, over equipping, scores of new items, new nanos, concealment in pvp, and being able to upload team missions to nearby members are all great changes.

    Magic the Gathering, a card game, works in a similar way. With each new edition the rules and the cards are changed. What may have been an amazing deck strategy one edition may be useless the next. People have to buy new cards, rethink their strategy and adapt to the new environment. Anarchy works in much the same way. Every time a patch is released the game is completely changed around. Some professions begin to emerge much stronger than before and others begin to decline.

    Personally I like the way things are. If the game was perfectly balanced and FC never changed anything this game would become boring much faster. How things are now keeps me aggravated, excited, and surprised. It keeps me interested.

    The only way one could enjoy this game is to be prepared to suck when their time comes and enjoy their time being amazing. If you want balance, if you need balance for enjoyment, you might as well move on. It will never, ever, happen.

  2. #2
    blah thats dumb

    AO suck for months complaining about how you suck.

    M:TG New edition comes out make new deck and you dont suck anymore.

    There is NO ease of switching characters in AO.

  3. #3
    Im somewhere in the know.... Unf *scratches head*

    /me turns to rich porn star


  4. #4
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    Im somewhere in the know.... Unf *scratches head*

    /me turns to rich porn star

    Trying to beat my postcount, Cloud?

  5. #5
    Sol, while your logic seems very, well, logical, it is our complaints that make one profession uber and the other nerfed. If we won't complain, no one will fix those things.

    It's a problem to balance AO. It's not impossible. If you take some serious game designers and lock them in a room for a day you'll get a balanced AO.
    Greendevil Solitus Soldier
    Grummpy Atrox Enforcer

  6. #6

    Re: Uber today, sucky tomorrow. Whats the big deal?

    Originally posted by Solrael
    Ever since the last patch was released the complaining about how one class is gimped and another is over-the-top uber has increased quite dramatically. People are complaining with reason.

    Since launch almost every class has been considered uber for a time. This is constantly shifting in the world of Rubi-Ka. What may be the best one month may suck the next, due to nerfs or other classes being made better. The latest patch has brought about the most dramatic changes in both PvP and PvM. Concealment, self only crit buffs, new items, and new nanos, have all changed the way the game is played.

    Many people feel that their profession is now useless, either because they are so used to being on top, or because their profession is now truly one of the worst. The way FC runs AO someone has to suck. It has always been that way.

    If you look at the current patch without the bais of your profession what do you think? IP reset, over equipping, scores of new items, new nanos, concealment in pvp, and being able to upload team missions to nearby members are all great changes.

    Magic the Gathering, a card game, works in a similar way. With each new edition the rules and the cards are changed. What may have been an amazing deck strategy one edition may be useless the next. People have to buy new cards, rethink their strategy and adapt to the new environment. Anarchy works in much the same way. Every time a patch is released the game is completely changed around. Some professions begin to emerge much stronger than before and others begin to decline.

    Personally I like the way things are. If the game was perfectly balanced and FC never changed anything this game would become boring much faster. How things are now keeps me aggravated, excited, and surprised. It keeps me interested.

    The only way one could enjoy this game is to be prepared to suck when their time comes and enjoy their time being amazing. If you want balance, if you need balance for enjoyment, you might as well move on. It will never, ever, happen.

    Wanna duel? ROFL

    No complaints on my Pistol Advent, I can't remember the last time I felt so strong!

  7. #7
    Window: Notice that I said almost every profession has been uber, also the Adv's time to shine in coming 14.4?

    Superflu: Im not asking people to stop telling FC to change thier prof, however, some people are a little too passionate about the subject.

    I have no idea what Nikki or Cloudeh tried to say in thier posts, so I'm not going to waste my time trying to answer them.

  8. #8

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