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Thread: you're showing a nice tendency FC

  1. #1

    Smile you're showing a nice tendency FC

    there have been 2 official polls in the last days where you, FC, asked us, the customers, if we want to see changes to the board and if we'd buy leet dolls.

    why don't you use such polls in other things, too?

    your goal is to earn money with AO. a requirement for this is that the customers like your game. and the easiest way to make sure that we like it, is to ask us how we want it to be. of course it's your game, you have the right to change whatever you want.

    but wouldn't it save ressources for example if you ask us if we like it before you do major changes to the game?

    "we thought about changing x into y. whould you like us to do that?"



    it isn't that hard i think

  2. #2

    But tell us the whole story. Like for 14.2: I heard we agents got a changside Nano. "Hurray!!" But you didn't say it was 160 ingame hours to change back. "Buuu!"
    Malcom Freiman, aka Corz, Clanner RK2

    We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

  3. #3
    While you're right that FC should ask consumers (us) what improvements we would like, you've also got to realize the amount of testing that has to go through for just even 1 idea. Something trival to you that you would like added (or removed) might upset the ENTIRE balance of the game or perhaps someone clever enough will find a way to misuse it to their advanatage.

    For instance Corz, you mentioned the Agent changeside nano is a great addition, but the fact that it takes 160 ingame hours to change back is bad. Well suppose that you could just switch sides instantaneously, you could be fighting an omni (or clanner) and you lead the other player to their side's outpost. Now the other guy might be thinking sweet, if I get in serious trouble I can just run back a bit and the guards can help out. But you pull the switch and become omni just as you reach the outpost and the guards start attacking your opponent cuz he's attacking "one of his own" side. See how that 1 idea could seriously unbalance the game? Now I'm not saying that would really happen, but it's not the ideas I (or FC) can come up with that justifies why the 160 hour ingame wait, but the ideas that I (and FC) can't think of before some random guy discovers an uber trick/misuse.

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