Well 14.2 has come and gone. And sadly anything new is only found in team missions and off of boss mobs. You seem to have ignored the fact that there are those of us who dont really care to group. Should this mean that if we want something nice for our characters that we are stuck purchasing these items from another player for millions of credits? I started playing this game because you boasted an evolving story line, quests and the ability for the solo character to play an active part in the game. So far the story has become stale, the quest .. I know of only one, has been broken for some time now (recently fixed and immediately broke again) .. and new items are only being produced in team missions.
In my opinion there are several things that you could consider doing to make the game more fun and playable for the solo and team playes alike.
First off, make new and rare items available in solo missions. Has anyone considered making boss mobs in solo missions? With a variation of a much lower chance to drop these items than the boss mobs in team missions.
Next, it would be a nice change of pace to see new armor colors and patterns in the game as well. Something like one patch you put in say flowers armor for example that is white in color instead of red, and then with the next patch have that variation no longer drop. Cycle this with the other armors as well.
I also must say, there are plenty of different styles of armor in the game, but seriously would YOU dress your character in some of them and send them off to battle .. you're joking right ?? Just take these armor items out of the game alltogether or at least make them a viable option. It would be nice to not see everyone 70+ in the game wearing a blue robe.
Missions, come on .. Why not mix it up a bit and change the layouts every once in a while. Maybe every other patch or so do some redecorating inside those places. I know there is a limit to making a room look different, but give it a try with some different colors or something.
Weapons are a must in this game.. You have made so many different ones, but doesnt it seem odd to you that almost every casting class uses a shotgun, enforcers use beams or hammers, soldiers nova flows and so on.. What would it hurt to make some of those other weapons an option that actually will work? Sometimes I wonder if the developers actually play this game, I mean a nanotech only weapon that requires Melee energy ?? What in the world are they thinking when they do something like that ?
I also wonder if the story is ever going to affect the actual game or do I need to go buy the book. As far as I can tell from here, the book is as close as anyone is ever going to get to the story, unless of course you intend to make another movie clip for us all to download.
I for one did not buy this game to download movie clips to see how the story will go, I thought that was the whole point of playing the game.