Thread: The Official Downtime's A' Comin' Thread

  1. #181
    Quote Originally Posted by LostCrat View Post
    i diden say cred or victory points reward.
    i said veteran point.
    cus thats somting every person who pays to play ao get.

    ya sorry i misread your desire, sorry getting quite sleepy.....ya vet points are a good idea and it wont cost FC all that projected money.

    But really, if your cable service is out for 2 days, you don't get charged for it (as long as you still have the repair receipt, found out the hard way >.<). Phone lines down for a day? In the US at least you can't legally be charged for it. Same for any other utility or luxury service that has a time-based fee. You don't get it, you don't get charged for it. I know FC won't credit any time to us, I'm not that stupid. And I know that this upgrade is costing cash partially generated DURING the downtime by our membership fees, and I really appreciate that FC is putting more of a commitment into this admittedly aging game. Still, since I'm not flaming about the extra 12 hours, I gotta whine about something to let off steam ;p

    Quote Originally Posted by Quise View Post
    $15 / Month = .50 / Day

    .50 / Day * 10000 Account (Rough estimate based on a year ago FC released that they had 45000 Accounts, so I'm sure its higher) = $5000

    $5000 * 1.5 Days of downtime (if they come back up in 12 hours) = $7500

    Someone wanna give that cash like FunCom is getting free of charge?
    i don't think its even close to 45k pay accounts, I think the number 45000 includes froob accounts as well. the latest released numbers state approximately 12,000 subscriptions (quote from MMO Games Magazine and (some1 from FC please correct my if I'm wrong on that...)

    edit: and I think its safe to assume that none of the billboard advertisers are paying for ads during the downtime. but then, they prolly have an army of lawyers ready to protest if they do get charged.

    Once again tho, I appreciate the continuing effort FC is putting into AO.
    Last edited by Jornado; Aug 9th, 2007 at 08:58:19. Reason: edit

  2. #182
    Well,those 48hours are past now still no servers up...


  3. #183
    check the offcial post, hardware probs....12 more hours

  4. #184
    Quote Originally Posted by PerfectOroh View Post
    WTB proper explanation not, "oh my the hamsters still napping please wait 12 hours." You are a company we in essence are your shareholders now explain this massive delay.
    Bump.. this is on topic right? ^^
    Gaveup 220/30/80 Smg

  5. #185
    Official post? wheres that post

  6. #186
    Quote Originally Posted by PerfectOroh View Post
    Bump.. this is on topic right? ^^

    All we want is a little more transparency. Especially since some of us (as you can see from the other closed thread) know what we're talking about and can't come up with a single valid reason for the initial downtime to have been 48 hours to begin with, much less now 12 more.

  7. #187
    will the 60 hour be aded as an extra to our subscription time? 1 month = 30 day ... - downtimes for maintanance , that's ok... but now is 3 days lost of playing, raiding ... and we will not get that time back like nothing happened?

    hope is in topic

  8. #188
    Quote Originally Posted by vapor357 View Post
    check the offcial post, hardware probs....12 more hours
    That's typo. They meant HARDCORE probs.

  9. #189
    Anyone know where they told 12 more hours? is that a secret topic somewhere?

  10. #190
    1) FC will never learn that by giving more information they could curb the frustration and hence a lot of the 'OMFGWTF' posts they only have to go and close ..... and

    2) Us AO addicts will never learn 1)

    Back to chewing through my desk in frustration then!
    Nich - Proud Member of First Light

  11. #191
    Quote Originally Posted by Xxneverdiexx View Post
    Anyone know where they told 12 more hours? is that a secret topic somewhere?
    Nich - Proud Member of First Light

  12. #192
    Well F-C have never ever managed to keep a deadline so it did not come as a surprise...

  13. #193
    so why isn't there any DECENT EXEPLENATION about whats goin on?
    i assume that in a couple of hours u'll close this thread like u did to the other one and open a new one

    WTF is all these 12 hours about?
    I am the motionless rage lying in a dark corner, hidden. I am the joys of unnoticed pleasure that pass you by.
    I EXIST...

  14. #194
    Quote Originally Posted by GothicVampire View Post
    so why isn't there any DECENT EXEPLENATION about whats goin on?
    i assume that in a couple of hours u'll close this thread like u did to the other one and open a new one

    WTF is all these 12 hours about?
    Doesn't take a smart person to figure out that when you swap out the whole infrastructure network,servers,power,etc that something can go wrong..
    Famine said: "As stated above, customer support issues should not be posted on the forums no matter the content or implications. However, there has been no GM's giving out free BOCs. If you have any issues or concerns with customer service. Then please report those to customer service directly and not on the forums."

    [Social] Bbyron: If the "coders" don't do what the "director" says they get to be "unemployed"

    Account 1 (Iriche) - unFrozen
    Account 2 (Peekiri) - On its way to be frozen

  15. #195
    Anger leads to to the dark side..



    Rerolled old toon:
    Catosan - TL6 Adventurer - MeleeMonkey
    Shixxer - TL3 Fixer - In training
    Marthechan - TL2 Bureaucrat - In training
    Facepool - TL1 Enforcer - In training

    Hanging around since: 2001-12-30 15:33:24

    I am not retreating - I am advancing in another direction.

  16. #196
    But on the upside, I hear the dark side has cookies!
    Some People are like Slinkies.....Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

    Budurca "Cascanueces" Rave - 220/21 Opifex Fixer
    Lady "Irkalla" Bonita - 150/8 Solitus Enforcer
    Ilove "Kicksgirl" Andrei - 132/2 Solitus Adventurer
    Kickenfs "Damona" Badgirl - 112/4 Opifex Doctor

    Azar: LOL Do you take this woman to be your bride? .....Kickenf went linkdead

  17. #197
    Quote Originally Posted by GothicVampire View Post
    so why isn't there any DECENT EXEPLENATION about whats goin on?
    i assume that in a couple of hours u'll close this thread like u did to the other one and open a new one

    WTF is all these 12 hours about?
    the truth is out there

  18. #198
    You cant eat cookies when you're angry.. you'd end up spilling your milk and getting crumbs all over your sofa.. >.>
    Rerolled old toon:
    Catosan - TL6 Adventurer - MeleeMonkey
    Shixxer - TL3 Fixer - In training
    Marthechan - TL2 Bureaucrat - In training
    Facepool - TL1 Enforcer - In training

    Hanging around since: 2001-12-30 15:33:24

    I am not retreating - I am advancing in another direction.

  19. #199
    Then u simply Estimate time of hours of downtime + Couple more hours if somethin went wrong?

    Like the downtime should be 24 hours.. and 24 hours for checkup and to know everything is working good
    This is what should be happening

    but not after 48 hours u come and say "A PROBLEM HAPPEND.. GIVE US 12 MORE HOURS"

    Why not simply stay from the beginning 3 days down time .. for server changes & checkup the whole thing

    BUT no.. This is Funcom.. "GOD BLESS THEM"
    48 hours to move to new server and run the system all over again..
    and JUST 20 mins befor the estimated downtimes is over.. "There's been some unforseen problems with the hardware infrastructure. We're estimating another 12 hours of downtime"

    These problems showed up in the last 20 mins!? Although u had 48 hours to move server & check it up like the first post what said.. "Everything is going on okay and we are on time.."

    I am the motionless rage lying in a dark corner, hidden. I am the joys of unnoticed pleasure that pass you by.
    I EXIST...

  20. #200
    More likely they got to work at 8.30, had their coffee and a chat in the office, got to checking the emails at 8.45 - woopsy.
    The server team emailed them last night that the whole thing has gone fubar, and it will take them another week to fix it
    Verta 220/30/70

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