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Thread: When is the story patch?

  1. #1

    Cool When is the story patch?

    When do we get the story patch ?

    It's been broken ever since 1st day of the release and still is...

    I guess 14.2 is the patch that should make ao come out of Beta and after that we get a story?...

    22 days in the game...encounting..and still no event, nothing for me to participate in...

  2. #2
    Pretty obvious that they aren't going to release any content until we all pay for the expansion. Sad sad sad state of affairs, but they basically said "effe you, give us more money to be disappointed"

  3. #3

    Re: When is the story patch?

    Originally posted by Endymon
    22 days in the game...encounting..and still no event, nothing for me to participate in...
    Umm... There have been some events in the past couple of weeks. However, you should consider yourself lucky if you've missed them. In the past, events were nothing more than a way to gather a few hundred people in one zone, crash the zone and prevent those folks from logging in. It was beginning to look like a typical Funcomish effort to reduce lag by reducing the numbers of players that could log in.

    Lately though, it seems they've taken another tack. Now the GM's log in with unkillable characters and proceed to kill everything in site and camp the reclaim booths. Not only that, but many people have reported losing PvP titles due to these deaths by GMs. Again, looks like a way to reduce lag by frustrating people to the point where they feel like cancelling their accounts.

    I used to think the events back in the days of EQ were pretty nasty, but those were downright parties compared to what Funcom comes up with.

  4. #4
    What Funcom should plan to do (ETA 2004 or something) is a kind of simple editor for mini-events that can be done by (experienced? level200?) players for other players. Funcom showed that they do not have the manpower, the will and the capability to run or plan events, they simply are not able to. That's ok, I can't cook, so I don't do it. Give us a tool and we will do it for ourselves. Players always managed to get organized one way or the other, just Funcom fails to. They built up a very nice game, so they can code, so they have my respect; all of them except their Event Head Manager, he should be fired as he is not only a waste of money himself, he also costs Funcom subscriptions by frustrating the customers.

    Let's not ask for something they are not able to. Let's not ask for events. Let's ask for a tool that enables the community to do it better for themselves.

    Last edited by Dancer; May 21st, 2002 at 10:44:10.

  5. #5

    What he said...

    Consider yourself lucky. Personally, if an event's happening, I'm getting the hell out of Dodge... The hamsters spinning the wheels powering the Radio Shack 286 that is their server farm get way too tired when 300 people are repeatedly trying to reclaim their goods from the same "event".

  6. #6
    Events != Story

    Events = Events

    Events can either be Story related or not.

    I personally would like more Events AND any Story at all.

  7. #7


    Could FC answer to this post plz ??

    I'm playing AO since September 2001... nothing to say abut the beginning : movies episodes, big leader figures (Radiman, Ross,..).

    the first step toward the end of the Story was to my point the end of the movies...and now with no more signs (or so few) of the Dust Brigade we can effectivly say that this great game have no more scenery at all.

    I went to plenty meetings, with a lot of neutrals, Clans and Omni guilds..but how could we create realistic seem pointless and a little empty without any rubi-Ka background to follow.

    So.... you fixed a lot of bugs... you tryed to improve different professions... OK ! good ! Time begin THE GAME !..AO is no more a beta version you know ?

    I'm playing RPG since around 20 years.... i never saw that it was possible to play some without scenary.

    I'm angry..but it's because i really like this game...
    So plzzzzzz !!!! give some few news to your customers about what you planed for the Story ... adn when if possible.


  8. #8
    Lol!! Sorry, but people expecting story in this game amuse me...

    Unless you make up your own story, you will be waiting a very long time...

  9. #9

    Storyline? What storyline?

    The storyline was started last October. Doesn't anyone remember that far back? FC put out a couple of movies which NO ONE downloaded because they were huge even if you have cable. So they put out these long PDF's with still of the movies in them, which were full of typos and annoying bits of screwed up stuff that wasn't even in the game. Some girl who was supposedly Radiman's adopted daughter, driving around in some nameless desert in some tank vehicle which isn't in the game, fighting pumpkin-head monsters. She met up with an agent (whoa, something actually in the game?!) and there was some suggestion of shady politics going on. That was supposedly the start of the 'storyline' and FC had a few posts about how it was going for awhile in the startup window, but at the beginning of the year the whole thing just died. FC cancelled the storyline to get their programmers to work on the expansion rather than making stupid movies and ways to actually expand the game without getting rich off it.

    Anyone who pays to play the expansion is getting suckered in to another buy-our-expansion-or-your-character-will-suck syndrome. Sound familiar? UO and EQ did the same, and though I have never played EQ, I do know that UO was all about the expansions. If you didn't have them, you missed half the game, and suddenly your character who was uber powerful is only half as good as anyone who gets all the new hardware with the expansion. And what do you think FC is planning in a year from the expansion pack? Like they'll really add more content without making you pay.

    All in all, I don't mind paying for an expansion. However, there was a lot they said they would add to this game, which they didn't, just read Gaute Godager's 'No Longer Envisioned' if you can still find it anywhere. It all got canned when he realized fun didn't make him nearly as much money as being able to market more expansions and keep players around longer. This next patch is 1) Agents, flavor of the month class which all the old players are supposed to pick right up if they want to be able to be on par with the rest of the classes still 2) Slowing down the entire game, so you have to pay more money to play.

    So here's your options folks, shell out more cash for this game than anyone really wants to (Gaute Godager has to be able to pay for his EQ accounts), or move on. FC isn't going to give us anything new until they stand to make profit from it. As for storyline, don't expect much, not until the expansion arrives, and then we might see a bit for a few months before we have to pay for more. I'm of the inclination right now that it'll just be more GM's blasting people in the streets, but if that's fun for you go right ahead. I don't think I'll wait around a year for it.

  10. #10

    wasting time

    Hey ! Can we be a little more "constructive" here ??

    What's the use filling a post with "ahah u people waiting for a Story make me laugh !" or 2 pages of criticizes and hypothesis about How does FC think.... what FC want....
    great ! thanks ! you helped a lot !

    So... For my part I'm still waiting about a FC answer.

    (if someone saw a FC message somewhere with what they planed... give the URL).

  11. #11

    Thumbs down Re: wasting time

    Originally posted by Zebulon
    So... For my part I'm still waiting about a FC answer.
    Well, so is most of us hanging around here at the forum. Actualy I have been waiting for it since agust last year, and so far I have been dissapointed.

    As for story, I think story ended with the end of new animated story episodes, and Funcom is just milking out the last of the money they can from this game before we get tired and walk away to another game.

    But, please prove me wrong Funcom (I did buy the game once believing that bull you told all games magazines, and I still want those promeses fulfilled in the game).

    A story need to be interactive with the community of the game (it is not so far), and you need to get people on all sides involved in this game to get RK a living feeling. Getting killed or kill, with help of 50 other people, an uber MOB is not what I call an interactive story. Once we kill that uber MOB nothing whatsoever change. We just get a new chance to kill the same uber MOB.

    As it has been so far, I just prefer to stay away from thos laggy slug-feasts that you at funcom call an event.

  12. #12
    I would be happy if they just put in patch 14.2 already. I don't even play the game anymore untill they do

  13. #13
    You can wait all you want for FC to answer. You've got a better chance of them responding to an e-mail, although it's probably going to be something like:

    "The storyline isn't high priority at the moment with all the preparations for the 14.2 patch."

  14. #14
    You're right Ayvalen.... I should have more chance of an answer by mail... but more chance of a pretty empty answer too (as the exemple u give).
    When you answer in a forum, to several players and not to just only one, you can't allow this kind of answers (or you can not give any too....that's sure :/ ).

    I'll tell you a very funny exemple i like a lot :
    I'm playing AO since Sept i begin to know well this game. So...I was with a friend running to a mission in Hole in the Wall.
    It was just after the 14.0 (if i'm not wrong).... and there was several (there still are) "invisible walls" problems in this place, as in Last Ditch. I begun to be a little bored so i decided to call an ARK (petition).
    An Ark came short after... here was his answer : "Thank you to inform .... but FC is aware about it. But you know it's not a bug.... these invisible walls are here to maintain the map cohesion"

    What's a joke !

    So.... I continue to think that this forum could be the best way to create a real "question-answer" communication between FC and their customers.

  15. #15

    story + Funcom = forget it.

    The biggest mistake funcom did was to release the game so early. They could have waited till now, but i guess it's better to have an "open" beta and make some money of it to.
    I've been playing on and off since 22 of august 2001, No don't get me wrong, i like the game, otherwise i wouldn't be playing it. But i dont' think that there EVER will be any story. As i mentioned earlier, they launched it to early, thus making the biggest mistake off all, as there were no long terme game content (and theres still none). I think most ppl se this game as a "rpg" hack & slash acctually, since thats what we all have been doing since launch. I dont think the expansion will bring a story, just a new playfield and more items, that's it, we will all be as fooled as we are now . But hey, it's a kinda fun way of killing time though.

    Hmm, don't realy know if u get what i'm trying to say here. My english isn't so great so, i'll try my best.

    Funcom just say to all customers that "it will come" "we are working on it" Bulls**t, they are just making some money and learning more about handling a online game till they realeas Midgard. Thats' what i think is going on. Doing one game to finance another . hmm, this post is kinda blurry, but hey, so are funcom so fu*k it..

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