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Thread: --==(( /duel command ))==--

  1. #1

    Smile --==(( /duel command ))==--

    There should be a /duel command implemented when two poeple wish to duel fairly without being interrupted by guards or gankers.

    Optional modifications to the command line:

    To make it fair:

    - All buffs are to be removed

    - 90 second grace time for re-buff with Class-specific buffs (meaning if u are a enforcer u can't cheat with a "VS" from a MA)
    And simply to get rdy. (grace time can be modified to be shorter if appropriate upon it's implementation.)

    - /Terminate command is to be disabled, as many poeple who luv their titles just luv to terminate when they get over-whelmed by the mighty Dimach.

    Additional but optional rules:

    - 2 competetors are to be invulnerable VS other stuff to prevent "training" of normal NPC's. To prevent exploit the competetors cannot attack anything else other then each another.

  2. #2

    Just trying to get it on-top.

    I see no one is flaming this, so i'm sure everyone is supporting this or simply ignoring it cuz i'm a carebear?

    Bump it if u think it's a good idea =)

  3. #3

    make it available in 75% zones aswell as 25% and 0%

    there are some great places to hold duels in 75% zones but at the moment it is not possible.

    like the big satelite dish type thing in Borealis near the fixer shop.
    2 people inside dueling to the death, on lookers around the edges or directly above

    me, standing around taking bets

  4. #4

    Cool KEWL!


    A Duel in a giant Satelite dish! Danm that's kewl!!!! =)

    Matrix style. hehehe

  5. #5


    Nitsobar - lvl 219/13 Doc - Equipment - Perks - History
    MrBruce - lvl 204/6 MA - Equipment - Perks - History
    MsHackalot - lvl 123/9 Twink Fixer - Equipment - Perks - History

    Veterans of Synergy Factor

    Click to email me

  6. #6
    Was posted here with little comment as well.

    Not sure how bad people want this stuff anymore?

  7. #7
    Thanks Maligant. Bumped on the other thread.

    This DEFINITLY needs more attention.

    It's SO EASY to implement!

  8. #8
    I'm somewhat saddened to have witnessed such occasions where two players have clearly stated that they want to fight each other in peace without any interference and after the fight has commenced their fight is interfered. This is not the honourable way in any game or in any life... so...

    A bug bump for the /duel command.

    Advisor of the First Order

    Tukan | Chromad | Mikados

  9. #9
    Just bumping this up again cuz obviously everyone is biased against me now cuz they THINK i'm against PvP.
    For Ragnar Tornquist, the Visionaer.

    --==(( Natelie ))==--
    Martial Artist, RK1.
    Member of the Sentinals

    --==(( Kaydra ))==--
    N00b, but HardCore Fixer, RK1.

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