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Thread: latest F****** BUG

  1. #1

    Angry latest F****** BUG

    server is pt down due to the farks of FC that had this great idea of "emergency" patching all servers into worthless ****.

    Servers have now been running for 7 houers with grid down and 99% of ppl that cant zone, chat lag random from 20sec up to 10min, WTF ARE YOU SMOKING IN THERE ???? GO FIX THE SERVERS.

    i cant trade.. i cant get to those i need to trade vith.. im stuck in the grid, ppl dont wanna go into the grid to trade with me..actually.. ppl dont want to go anywhere..or ..CAN'T

    emergency fixing the servers.. no warnings.. just BUM crash.. 40min later servers back and ****ed.. and still running after 7 houers.. GOD DAMMIT

  2. #2
    I would rather take a week of this game being down.Then They can fix this thing once and for all.Oh can't fix crappy code. just let loose bobo the chimp to slamdunk us with emergency fixes for problems we aren't even sure exist.I honestly believe this game now is being held together with ducktape and thousands of dollars in man hours just to keep it running at all.This is to protect the initial investment and prevent a mass customer exodus out the backdoor.We should really consider joining together and petitioning by the thousands every ****ing minute untill they give us the true reason this game is dead and i do mean dead.

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