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Thread: --==(( German Server causing Lag ))==--

  1. #1

    --==(( German Server causing Lag ))==--

    This thread hasn't got the attention it needs due to it's seemingly flaming, uncreative and "usual" uninformative title:

    Alot of poeple have proof.

    We need to get Cosmik's attention because this, only Cosmik can resolve and it IS serious....

    That thread is about a few poeple tracing the data back to the servers where the data comes from on AO... they found out that the german server's r sitting right by side the other servers, which maybe what was causing the lag.

    As for FC's earliest tweaking of the "after-server clean-up" to "speed up the servers (In my ears to make way for the german server)". This has resulted in the mission accept bug. However these are assumptions so feel free to shoot me down if that's not the case.

    Please reffer to the link listed above for more percise information on this matter.

    Justw anted to point more poeple to that thread cuz it IS...i repeat.. Serious.

  2. #2
    issue was brought up and responded to in its own thread on the community corner boards

  3. #3
    Even if FC responded to the issue, it isn't solved. Fact remains, a lot of people, me included, experience lag in ways they have never done before. Mob's warp around mission, they die with 15% health left, they get stuck in walls, NF's can take forever to execute and the list goes on...

    Even if they do have enough server side bandwith, something is causing this lag and something needs to be done about it.
    The whole issue of the German server is touchy. I think it is wrong of FC to host it themselves, to us on R1 and R2 but most of all the potential German players who believes they will have a localized server with better ping and less lag.
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but it also will take resources away from us, not in the support department perhaps, but I very much doubt that Gamigo are sending their own maintenance personnel over there to patch and restart their server. All of that will most probably be taken care of by FC personnel, thereby possibly increasing downtime for all of us.

    I don't mind FC licensing AO elsewhere, but they go about it in a very bad way. They tried to give the impression that it indeed was a localized server. See Emphasis reply on page two in this thread about The German Server.
    If the more computer savvy among us hadn't exposed the fact that the server is in the US, FC would never have come clean about it.

    Whatever is causing the new lag it is a gamekiller and it needs to be resolved, if it isn't the German server it's probably the new server side compression, no?
    If the fault lies outside FC they should take the time to find out what is causing it and tell us. That would really get them off the hook...
    Member of THM

  4. #4

    Thumbs down

    I think it was quite a nice touch in that thread when they said it was a rumour about something outside Funcoms server. that way even if they are wrong they can always say that never said that it was outside their control.

  5. #5

    Talking Ur very INTRAsting !

    Good dammit Intra......

    How come u always get the honor of getting the moderators attention and not me? *cries*

    I guess ur a born "Insider- Front strider" =)

    Thanks for da info, Intra-sting. (Interesting) =P

  6. #6
    Hummh... I'd think that when the German dimension did go live the overall player base did not increase dramatically to cause such a lag.

    And when and if the player base remained about the same and one extra server was introduced to host this new portion of players, the performance should increase, not decrease.

    Just a thought.

    Advisor of the First Order

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