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Thread: Are you wasting your time on this game?

  1. #1

    Are you wasting your time on this game?

    Are you one of those choosing side based on whoīs side has the best armors, huntinggrounds, weapons and so on and so on? Why choose side based on what you benefits the most from, making it easier to play? Are you afriad that you might stand infront of a challenge witch you canīt handle?

    What Iīm getting at is this: Anarchy Online is a MMORPG - massive multiplayer ROLE PLAYING GAME ! ! !
    Roleplaying being the keyword in this game.

    Itīs sad to see ppl complaining on changes in the game that happens to make their prof or breed a bit less good is somewhat way (as you may seen at the official AO forum about the upcoming 14.2 patch). There you have proof that some ppl only keep one thing in mind when playing this game, and thatīs to have a uber maxed caracter they can brag with.

    Also it is sad to see ppl ask what side is the best to play, in regards to best huntinggrounds, weapons armors and so on. To choose side based on this only show that you donīt care about the roleplaying part of the game.
    So if you donīt care about the roleplaying part of the game then whatīs left to make the game worth playing?
    Do missions and/or insane powerleveling until you have a totaly uber caracter... have you beaten the game then? and can move on with the next game?
    Have you in some strange way got it in your head that you have completed the last "boss", the last "level"

    so when someone asks: "hey man have you played AO?"

    you can answer: "yea i reached lvl 170 or so then it wasnīt any fun no more.. now Iīm playing EQ again leveling up some new caracter. I might get back to AO when I get tired of EQ AGAIN"

    Face it, the thing that make MMORPG games stand out from the rest of the PC games is the ability to interact with other real players, play a role in an artifical world created for the sole purpose of just this. A role that you choose, of course with some restrictions and rules just like in the real world though with better oppertunities to play out your fantasies and so.

    If there were no rules, if everyone could pick their lvl and abilities and so on, then what fun would it be?
    Ask a gardner if he would want plants that grow full over one night, guess what the answer should be, heck we know what the answer would be so then ask your self what the motives to the answer is.

    I really like when I hear an omni explain why he hates the clanner and the other way around, when the clanner spits his guts over an omni telling some story about his family being killed by omni or something. At the same time thereīs some that desperate trying to get everyone to just getting along, or some thief or spy using others trust to benefit from it his or hers way.

    I see ppl write stuff like: "damn FC you destroy our prof with the next patch"
    Iīll say that, ok I can see you getting it a bit rougher but thatīs a challange to overcome.
    Then they say: "who will want us in team now when you have taken away this ability and that ability from us?"
    That is really sad because a team should form by a couple wanting to adventure together.. form the team and choose the mission/huntingground after the abillity of the whole team together.

    All in all, the ones playing the Roleplaying part of the game, as itīs intended, have a great deal more fun than the person powerleveling cause he or she cannot sleep untill the caracter is uberadv. then most likely he or she will get tired of the game and stop playing, and so has wasted the time playing.

    Play your caracter as a caracter and let the caracter grow naturally and have fun. Eventually you will get to the high levels but remember to play the game as it was intended.
    The time will go alot faster when you donīt look at the watch.

    If you want to meet ppl and be a part of a fantasy story with them or against them then play AO.

    If you wanna finnish a game and tell ppl how great you are, then play some singleplayer game where it says "The End" when you slaughter the last boss, or compete with others in a multiplayer game thatīs intended for that purpose.

    Ok, Iīm done I hope you get what I am trying to point out, even if you may find some text in here that you donīt agree with.
    And donīt bother to complain or point out my spelling errors because I know... Iīm tired, sitting on my work and Iīm from sweden

    I see all you roleplayers in RK-2 (Iīm Dhimoria)
    and to everyone else, you can stay at these forums nagging about technical issues on how the next patch will destroy your caracter

    PS. Iīm omni btw.. DEATH TO THE CLANNERS and the LEETS ! ! ! DS.

  2. #2


    PS. Iīm omni btw.. DEATH TO THE CLANNERS and the LEETS ! ! ! DS.
    LAY OFF THE LEETS!!!!!!!

    They are nice and cuddly and..and I play one as an adv


  3. #3

    Re: *ahem*

    Originally posted by Warphobia

    LAY OFF THE LEETS!!!!!!!

    They are nice and cuddly and..and I play one as an adv

    You mean that you take the shape of one at times, not that you *are* one... There is a difference. If you're really a leet, I'm a rock on the ground that can talk and Funcom is a tree. Omni players are all cats while rebels are flies......

    It's just stupid if someone tries to roleplay a dog, cat, leet, tree, rock on the ground, you get the point. I don't mind people roleplaying if someone does so based on the game (Omni versus the Rebels and stuff). Having someone say they're a immortal vampire leet born on the planet creeton, is a bit much.
    Last edited by Mor; May 25th, 2002 at 17:50:50.

  4. #4
    From the official manual on Leets:

    "They appear to be especially attracted to populated areas where they feed on GARBAGE and DEBRIS. Their metabolism is 1000 times faster than that of humans. Leets have no place in Rubi-Ka's ecosytem and colonists are encouraged to kill them on sight..."

    Death to Leets!

    To roleplay a leet you must feast on garbage- cute?
    "So shines a good deed in a weary world."

  5. #5
    Funny thing is, with all these leets around.

    I have yet to see one site of garbage to move, change, or be altered in anyway.


  6. #6

    Re: Are you wasting your time on this game?

    Well said! Too many people apparently don't know what the RP part of MMORPG means. Unfortunately, FC seems to be having problems with it as well. You have to gain experience to gain anything in this game, and the only way of getting experience is by killing stuff... its' actually quite sad.

    Originally posted by Dhim
    PS. Iīm omni btw.. DEATH TO THE CLANNERS and the LEETS ! ! ! DS.
    Stuff it, Omni scum! And lay off the leets already. They have it rough enough as it is.
    Archelan, Ancarim Iron Legion

    Vandreren (Adventurer) - Arctech (Engineer) - Egori (Fixer) - Sherringham (Bureaucrat) - Kurtwood (Trader)

  7. #7


    RP...... What Rp?

    U see anyone on AO giving a danm about anything at all?

    Go play Jedi Knight 2 till SWG comes out....

    We pay to have fun.

    MMORPG..... the last letter stands for "GAME"

    Game= A set of rules which are made to be Fun.

    Is AO fun? ..... *grins* I loved it.. BUT NOT ANYMORE! My patience ran out.

    Does anyone care? Their problem.

    Do i care? I certainly do... but what difference could I possibly make?

    We r all doomed u see.....

  8. #8
    I don't give a **** about roleplaying. I don't give a **** about your desire to roleplay. I don't give a **** about people who whine because the universe didn't turn out the way they wanted it.

    You can call this game whatever you want, you can cry because you're the only person who gives a crap about the RPG in MMORPG, but the real advantage to playing this game is matching your wits against the wits of somebody else instead of an automated NPC.

    The reason that is the real advantage is because, by and large, most people have more to do with themselves than sit around and "roleplay" a different persona as a pathetic means to escape their real lives. If you are a hard-core RPGer, and you are crying because other people aren't roleplaying with you, it's time for you to stop, examine yourself and evaluate the pathetic reasons why you'd rather pretend to have another life instead of improving the bona-fide life you possess apart from this stupid computer video game.

    You loser.

    People who cry about PvP not being fair to "x" class or people not roleplaying and as a result "insert my class" gets clocked all the time... you're playing the wrong ****ing game, just go away and do what it is you want to do... somewhere else. A group of random punkasses who log on to blow people up isn't the place for you to work out your mental issues.

    You have emotional issues and problems with your self esteem that force you to gravitate towards a game that rewards you with meaningless numerical tidbits. You seek approval by achievement in a meaningless video game because it's easier than seeking approval and achieving something of value in the real world. Deal with your ****ing problems, in the real world, instead of crying because people won't jive with your ridiculous fantasy existence.


  9. #9
    I roleplay..ask anyone that's met Kas..I hardly ever step ooc in the game..but still, there are concerns on both sides. I care about RP, I play to rp..but the best RP really is the events FC brings out..and I find as a lowbie, I either can't be involved at all most of the time, or there's not much I can do even if I am involved. There's a war going on, and Kas wants to be in on it..but it's hard when you're having a hard time getting anywhere in the game because of bugs/development issues/poor profession design. most of the real players in this game are 100-150, even higher..I just smacked 75 today. I can't do squat. I wanna do squat..lots of it. I need levels to do squat. I can't level cause the only way to do it is a good group, and no good group wants a Fixer. Why? Go spend an hour or two (you'll need it) on the Fixer boards. We got problems up the Mausser. Every class has a defining trait, or should..Doc's are master healers, Enfs takes and give out massive amounts of damage..MA's provide high fire (or fist) power, at the cost of defense..Traders are great at wreaking havoc with skills, esp after 14.2..Agents..well agents can be anyne they want to be, within some parameters..can cast practically every nano in the game to give themsleves an advantage..and let's mention how concealment will help them soon..Engineer's pets are very strong in the uppwer levels, MP's have more useful nanos then I can ever list..

    -what about NTs? HE is nice, but they don't really have much going for them.
    -what about Advents? what do they do that no other class can better? OK change into a leet. Yeah, that's a big one in groups.
    -what about Soldiers? outdamaged, outarmored..stuck in a rut that makes them effectively clone troopers.
    -what about the fixer? what defines me? I can run fast, if I could EVER cast my nanos I can dodge anything (but those chain MA crits that would kill me in a second), I can snare. Geat. try to explain snaring to mobs that go through walls and target you from a mile away and beat on you, and you can't even see them or hit them.

    I'm not saying you're not right..there's nmore to this game then leveling..but you need leveling to succeed. It's a fact of life.

    edit: note: to the professions I painted as being less problematic, yes I'm sure you're having your issues too..I know the agents are unhappy about some things..and 14.2 will hurt traders and MAs in some respects..jsut saying you seem more defined as a class then others.
    Last edited by Kasimir; May 26th, 2002 at 23:33:27.
    General Hershel "Kasimir" Jurik

    President of Division 9 R.S.G.E


    Braumiester of the Pagan Bartenders, wielder of dual SSo8s

    Stealer of hearts, creds, and anything not nailed down!

  10. #10
    Meetloaf, you roleplay your race (Atrox) very good. Loud and stupid.
    Malcom Freiman, aka Corz, Clanner RK2

    We live in a society where pizza gets to your house before the police.

  11. #11
    Well said Corz. Don't forget Crispy. as well lol.
    Any guild on RK2 in for roll play? I love RP.

  12. #12

    I don't get some people's obsession with Role-playing

    I really don't. I play AO because i think its funt o make a character, level the character, and new new abilties,weapons, and skills as a result of the elveling. That's why i played Diablo. That's why I played Baldur's Gate and Warlords Battlecry, and that's why i play AO. I've always preferred cooperative games to competitve games which is why one of my favorite games was Rogue Spear, where we could do co-op missions. That's why i like to participate in teams to do missions or hunting. I don't really care for a bunch of people "role-playing' their characters in lieu of actually playing the games. IF that's what you want to do why not play some of the online paper games?

    Now, that being said, if you want to role-play, fine. Have a party. I could care less. Frankly, its to my benefit that you do. See guys, the role-players are good for the rest of us. They pay to play the game but don't wander into the hunting grounds too often. That means they support our game without interfering in our enjoyment of it. That's great news. Keep up the good work.
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

  13. #13
    Originally posted by Meetloaf
    I don't give a **** about roleplaying. I don't give a **** about your desire to roleplay. I don't give a **** about people who whine because the universe didn't turn out the way they wanted it.

    Dude, you need some decaf.

  14. #14
    I love RP. It IS fun, and so is playing the game. Doing both is even better. Can some people leave others alone? The l33t CS players that think you have to kill in a game are the real idiots. MM=Massivley Multiplayer (This means you play with a lot more than yourself) O=Online (Well, simple, online.) RP=Roleplaying (Play a role, escape or be absorbed. Just because some people use games to escape, my life rather kicks ass, so why would I need to escape? Can it be that I want to become immersed in a wonderful world full of people to have a great time. yes, yes it is.) G=Game (This is where the CS l33ts come in.) Granted, I play, and sometimes still play CS, yet I perfer to roleplay in AO. Why would I want to play a game which is meant to have a story and just play it as another stupid game? because I roleplay and don't level every day or two, you won't see me ever posting "I quit 'cause I suck at RPGs." Do I go to a horse-racing course to ride the horses? Do I go to a restaraunt because I want to go shopping? Use things for what they are meant for and they work better. Shaving with a weed whacker and cutting the grass with a shaving blade are the same thing in this sense. Repeat, don't play an MMORPG if you want to play a MG(Massively[l33t]Game). I can drag this on and repeat myself, but someone is bound to find out where I live and stab me or something.
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Telgi
    I love RP. It IS fun, and so is playing the game. Doing both is even better. Can some people leave others alone? The l33t CS players that think you have to kill in a game are the real idiots. MM=Massivley Multiplayer (This means you play with a lot more than yourself) O=Online (Well, simple, online.) RP=Roleplaying (Play a role, escape or be absorbed. Just because some people use games to escape, my life rather kicks ass, so why would I need to escape? Can it be that I want to become immersed in a wonderful world full of people to have a great time. yes, yes it is.) G=Game (This is where the CS l33ts come in.) Granted, I play, and sometimes still play CS, yet I perfer to roleplay in AO. Why would I want to play a game which is meant to have a story and just play it as another stupid game? because I roleplay and don't level every day or two, you won't see me ever posting "I quit 'cause I suck at RPGs." Do I go to a horse-racing course to ride the horses? Do I go to a restaraunt because I want to go shopping? Use things for what they are meant for and they work better. Shaving with a weed whacker and cutting the grass with a shaving blade are the same thing in this sense. Repeat, don't play an MMORPG if you want to play a MG(Massively[l33t]Game). I can drag this on and repeat myself, but someone is bound to find out where I live and stab me or something.
    Funny, how a guy who's signature does nothing but complain about being nerfed and gimped is telling us that we have to role-play in order to be in this game....

    Simple thing is play how you want. Its all ok. I really don't want to role-play, and a lot of people feel the same way i do. I really like the games like DAOC (not the game itself mind you) that set up a server for role-playing. That's kind of nice. Put all the role-players in one area and let the rest of us, who just want to goof around in a game, play be ourselves. But in lieu of that, i think everyone should jut play the way they like and respect what everyone else is doing and try not to interfere with the way they play the game.
    Click Click BOOM
    BoomDoom - Lvl 146 NT
    Thugdoom - lvl 80 enforcer
    EmissaryDoom - lvl 75 Crat
    ProfDoom - Lvl 57 MP
    Nursedoom - lvl 57 Doctor

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