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Thread: Synchronize Cluster QL's with Implant QL's

  1. #1

    Lightbulb Synchronize Cluster QL's with Implant QL's

    FC did some improvements on implant shopping like splitting shining, bright and faded clusters, but the Ql Incompatibility and randomness makes it VERY hard for poeple to make a matching set for an implant without wasting alot of money for VERY high QL clusters for low Ql implants.

    Wouldn't it be more practical if we had the QL's of Clusters synchronized with the QL's of implants sold at the augmentation console?

    I know that one can place a ql 200 cluster into a ql 3 Implant but it simply wastes too much cash...


    When one moves the mouse over an item, why not have the QL pop up with the lable which appears next to the cursor? =)

    Actually that would be a good idea for a 3rd party program.......

  2. #2

    Re: Synchronize Cluster QL's with Implant QL's

    Originally posted by Natelie
    Actually that would be a good idea for a 3rd party program.......
    Guess you've never heard of AOShopper.
    Originally posted by Whaambulance

    This is singlehandedly the stupidest post I have EVER read on these forums. Congradulations.
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  3. #3
    actually, that would be a good idea for FC to fix.

  4. #4
    As long as the Q200's remain for sale
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  5. #5

    Talking WICKED!



    *Surprised they DO have such a kewl device* =)))))

    Any other kewl AO gagdets?

  6. #6
    AOShopper is not working with the new compressed network code anymore.

  7. #7

    Re: Synchronize Cluster QL's with Implant QL's

    Originally posted by Natelie
    FC did some improvements on implant shopping like splitting shining, bright and faded clusters, but the Ql Incompatibility and randomness makes it VERY hard for poeple to make a matching set for an implant without wasting alot of money for VERY high QL clusters for low Ql implants.

    You find a suitable ql cluster if you shop around.

    Why should it be so easy?

  8. #8
    wow, I remember when each store had just a single cluster shop which carried all the shining, bright, and faded clusters. And there weren't two of each cluster type, there was one lol. You could search every shop in the game and not get half the clusters you needed, it took days searching for hours each day to get all your clusters.

    Things are so much nicer now... tho that's not to say there couldn't be any improvements. Having the popup show ql would be awesome!

    And what I would like to see change.. is for implants not to change ql when the clusters are installed. Doesn't that annoy you to figure out exactly what you want and plan for that and have the implant increase 3 qualitys screwing all your plans?
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

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    by HH Munro

  9. #9

    OOwwww Atlavan agaiN!

    You find a suitable ql cluster if you shop around.

    Why should it be so easy?

    If the "quote" command above didn't work...please inform me... how do u do that quote thing anyway?

    "You find a suitable ql cluster if you shop around.
    Why should it be so easy?"

    Why should be it be hard?

    There's a faded but obvious line between something, which is unpractical and something which is difficult.

    I find it unrealistic that Omni-Tek, a high tech Mega Corporation would have such an un-organized QL Krammbolage in the future, where pin-point accuracy is extremely important (Notum-Export Cannons at Clon**** for instance)

    "AOShopper is not working with the new compressed network code anymore."


    oohoo....hoo... =(

    U do implants like this:
    Connect the lowest QL Clusters onto the implant first,then the highest QL's Clusters Last.

    THis way at first the implant is gonna have a lower or a bit higher QL, then then it get's increased by the higher QL clusters. =)

    But still i wish the QL's would be synchronized.

    No money-loss and no time-loss.

  10. #10
    Natelie, were you around back when cluster shopping was much, much harder?

    I guess for those of us who were, things seem so much nicer now that we see no reason to complain. Back then, many of the clusters simply never appeared in the stores at all. I remember spending day after day running from shop to shop looking for clusters, and never being able to find them all.

    These days things are quite easy in comparison. The only problem is having to waste money on overly high level shining clusters. (fadeds are so cheap that it doesn't matter if you put a q200 in a q10 implant)

  11. #11

    Re: Re: Synchronize Cluster QL's with Implant QL's

    Originally posted by Atlavan

    You find a suitable ql cluster if you shop around.

    Why should it be so easy?
    Because, if i want a pair of red shoes with white shoelaces, and matching blue pants in real-life i order them on the net and get them delivered in 2-3 days. Why exactly is it that the farther into the future games go the tougher shopping becomes?

    I will say howeverm that the system is many times improved over how it use to be. I'm pretyt happy with it, although it could always be made better
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