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Thread: Give Me A Reason To Be Clan, I Doubt You Can

  1. #41

    Red face LET THEM EAT CAKE

    I can believe Funcom just might purposely mess up all clan hunting because they saw an imbalance in the factions. So cleary I can envision the conversation:

    SVEN: Those Calnners are too many Johan, what we do?

    JOHAN: Not only that, Ole syas they are too many high level Clanners too. In a few months when we force them all to engage in PvP, it will be lopsided towards the Clan.

    OLE: We need to find a way so Clanners levl slower and don't learn the tactics used in open field PvP.

    JOHAN: If only we could find a way to slow the clan down, and speed up the rate at which Omnis levl up. I agree we need to find a way to decrease the Caln's effectiveness at PvP.

    SVEN: We could try nerfing the spawn areas, you know, make the spawn rates really long, and reduce the number of mobs too.

    OLE: Great, then clanners will do nothing but missions and will not learn the tactics and skills required to coordinate teams outdoors, like when you are out hunting as a team. They will also not learn how to coordinate when other teams are also hunting in the same area. Lord knows you can get eight teams in the NW area of Lush fields alone.

    SVEN: I see, but we will need to increase the invizo mobs and insta death bugs in missions, and reset the servers more often, lol, nothing like relogging in a respawned mission with 4 red mobs kicking your butt. Then even when they do missions, they will die a lot.

    JOHAN: Sounds good, but they still might find out about the uber hunting in the Omni areas. How can we keep them from just flying over and hunting there?

    SVEN: Well, maybe we can make it almost impossible to find a Yalmaha in missions, that way they won't even be able to get to the spawn areas.

    OLE: Yeah, the clanners will get bored doing missions, and log on less. They may even start making Omni characters, once they hear about how great it is as an Omni.

    JOHAN: ROFL, we will give Omni all the advantages, more money, great hunting, faster spawns, Omni only armor, and they still get any other armor in the game, and buy it for less?.

    SVEN: Oh, LOL, I forgot about the 45% increase in selling items that we gave Omni. Um....... I thought that was supposed to be temporary? What if those Clanners find out?

    JOHAN: Ha, "Let them eat cake".

  2. #42

    Talking Let them eat cake?

    Come on now there's no reason to lose your heads over it. 8P
    Bad Fixer
    Non Illegitimus Carborundum Est!

  3. #43
    The Clanners can read the above thread. The reasons why the Omni "bonuses" aren't worth the s in bonus have already been laid out. If you read those reasons, and still want to complain, I have this to say:

    So Omni is better. You can quitcher *****in' or come Omni.

    P.S. Learning team PvP tactics at NW mine? Yeah right, half the team is newb anyway. You're lucky to survive an LB in some teams, much less learn to work together.

    P.P.S. Like wow, it takes 10% more time to level from 30-55 in team missions than at SW/NW. I really feel for you powerleveling no-lifers who think this is a big enough issue to make a post about.

    P.P.P.S. Hunting is even only possible to about level 80, and it's faster exp to mission from 60 on anyway.

  4. #44
    Well, all I really want is the hunting areas and spawn rates back to where they were pre patch 12.9.

    Missions are faster xp, if you get a good team, but I don't want to be forced into doing missions as a clanner, just because I'm level 30ish.

    still the only reason to be Caln is the Story. Even that can be argued by some.

    There is no reason why the hunting should not be close to equal.

    That previous post was tongue in cheek, but not far off the mark if you ask me.

    Funcom is well aware of the crap hunting clan has, I'm trying to force them to make it right, as a paying customer, I think I should have an equal chance at having fun playing either faction.

    If there are too few Omni and the are too low in level, well maybe that is FunComs problem, dont make me pay the price with tedious missions til I puke.

    I'm leaving this game for a while, that damned mission running and Funcom's screw ups have me really ticked off.

    I made a new character two weeks ago, for a change in pace, in hopes of revitalizing some of the fun factor. But these lousy hunting areas and crummy spawns are the last straw.

    Some of you have said the current Omni hunt/spawn areas only helps you out until you are around level 80, then we all do missions. Well if that is true, the what harm can there be in making EQUAL DAMN HUNTING for both clan and Omni??????????

    Six months of getting no equal hunting or any damned advantages, much less a little equality as a Clanner from FunCom.

    Maybe they will give us another stupid night club.

  5. #45
    I'm just saying, if you give a **** you need your head looked at. The omni camps are empty 90% of the time anyway. Guess where all the 55-80 omnis are.

  6. #46
    hmmmm... my solution start as a neutral then go clan right away. you get a small city. borialis or new lag city. Bully bridge to the south and Blaster Beatle just south of that. 0-70 in a weeks time if you try.

    the reason to play clan. You get no advantages. You have to work for your money. Alot less spoiled brats running arround not knowing how to team. Alot kewler peoples.

    reasons to play omni. lots of low level stuff to do. easy money/ yalm. Big brother in your life 24/7.
    Q u o t e:

    Pardon me for hijacking the thread, here..

    But, Brion - if you don't want your mother to know you were up and on the computer at 3:29 in the morning - DON'T post on a forum that she reads.


    From the WoW forums. best PWNAGE EVAH!!!

  7. #47

    Thumbs down


    Too many posts in character. Theres a forum for that. Omni/Clan is nothing more than a couple bits on your character file. Theres plenty of jerks on both sides, people you meet in 2h0 or MMD are in no way a sample of the general populace.

    The bonuses are bleh, clans will get the org bonuses someday to "make up for it".

    A good group of friends and non-braindead teamates is better than any faction advantage. Er, except neuts, couldn't live without them tokens

    Hunting sucks period, you can always blaze past the guards and save in 20k if you want the medium hunting, but forming a team and taking decent missions is the best xp period.
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  8. #48
    Originally posted by Garzu
    Because Clan kicks Omni ass everyday.

    And Omni Kicks Clan/Neutral ass everyday...your point?

    I am omni, main reason I went there is I was under the impression WAY back that I could work for omni tek (for real...right now I don't do anything for them, so I don't get paid by them either) I wanted to work my way up the ladder, maybe become a VP or something of some department. This impression was probably one of the reasons I bought the game.

    Also I heard omni-tek had all the better armor/weapons. Well that isn't true either. Elite and Omni-Pol Assault stuff might look kinda cool, but it isn't the best. The weapons of choice can be used by both sides.

    Also when u go a faction u can wear sided items, when u switch back u keep them on. Like clanners wearing elite, or omni wearing those sleeves that give FA bonuses.

    Why Clan? Whynot? You have to pick a side. Both sides are basically the same. I would have said pick clan 8mths ago, as all the major exploiters were clan, and you could lvl way faster. These days, no reason to pick clan vs omni etc.

    Omni aint evil, clans aint rebels. THERE IS NO STORYLINE. In the past year there have been a handful of events worth noting and they have led NOWHERE. The amnesty etc was all crap.

    Be who you want to be. Be where you friends are. Chances are FC will make you quit LONG before you know who wins - clans/omni.

    /best reason yet?

  9. #49
    Originally posted by Zeroshift
    Why be clan?

    1. Storm.

    2. Camelot.

    3. Storm+camelot=lewt

    1: Maybe if you got off your newb ass

    2: You could make your own powerful guild.

    3: But no one would join because you're a moron.

  10. #50
    Take a look at

    No weaknesses at all kind of like a Clan DeCranums Armor w/o the hp/ncu bonus.

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