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Thread: New Pet Peeve: Big Difference between Trader & Fixer Shops

  1. #1

    Angry New Pet Peeve: Big Difference between Trader & Fixer Shops

    I have a new pet peeve, and I'd like something done about it.

    My adventurer character had occasion lately to buy a set of BBI Faithful 22 pistols at far above my character level. These are, as by now almost everyone knows, primarily available from the various Specality Commerce terminals in Special/Superior Supermarkets, or colloquially, the trader shops.

    They didn't have the QLs I needed. So the trader suggested I wait outside with him, so he could try again in three minutes. Why? Because the trader shop terminal cycles every five minutes, and (like all shops) in half that time if the shop is empty.

    The Fixer Shop in Borealis, which is just as important to fixers as the specialty commerce terminals are to fixers and traders, is only one shop, not the dozen or so like the trader shops. But it, like every other shop on the planet, cycles its merchandise in half hour increments.

    This is profoundly annoying to my fixer character, who has averaged not much better than a one in six chance of finding Area Burst bullets anywhere near the QL he wants. In other words, to check it the six times he's needed on average would take three hours. To check any one trader shop for merchandise with a similar range of QLs would take at most half an hour.

    Please fix the cycle time on the Fixer shop so that it matches the trader shop.

  2. #2
    Sunday here, so I can't look into this right now unfortunately, but I will tomorrow. I'll let you know what the deal with the shops is.
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    Anarchy Online Community Representative

  3. #3
    you aren't willing to spend 3 1/2 hours testing this?

  4. #4

    Testing It

    Actually, a single tester with a level 25+ trader and a fixer w/ 180+ B&E could test it in at most one hour. It would be painfully dull to do, but it could be done.

    Step 1: Log in trader. Go to nearest Special/Superior Supermarket. Keep checking the trader terminal and declining trade, until the contents change. If it takes longer than six minutes, I'm wrong. Test failed. If you want to check the exact time it takes with someone in the shop, keep checking after the first change, see if it is (as my correspondent reported) exactly five minutes.

    Step 2: Log out trader, log in fixer. Go to Fixer shop in Borealis. Repeat. If the contents change in less than 30 minutes, keep checking, and see when they change again. If it is not 30 minutes, test failed.

    You were being funny, but that's pretty nearly what I did. OK, I didn't camp the fixer terminal the whole time; I ran around a bit, ganking level 7 rollerrats with bursts from a QL79 Mausser. (I was annoyed. Getting one-shot kills on rollerrats always makes me feel better. Massive overkill makes me even happier. I hate rollerrats.) I checked back every 10 to 20 minutes ... and at the 40 minute mark, the shop had cycled, and had area burst bullets that were, if not really close to the ones I wanted, better than the ones I had.

    Of course, what I suspect that Cosmik meant is that he's going to go ask the developers, probably Monday at the earliest. But I could be wrong.

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