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Thread: Stupid pvp bug robbed me of a kill

  1. #1

    Stupid pvp bug robbed me of a kill

    I'm really <insert bad words here> because my lvl 95 MA just killed a 114 trader by the skin of my teeth and then a lvl 170 who didn't attack got credit. The 170 had almost killed him earlier and neither had zoned, I then fought him and killed him but was robbed of credit. Keep in mind I dont blame anyone for this I'm just really mad and am venting on the forums.
    Suupaslap Master 10th Dan--Rk2
    Smugglerguy Ickle baby fixer--Rk2

  2. #2
    you should be glad you killed him as Wenzell would have said..
    Cause if you wan't the kill you are addmitting you are looking for a better title
    although its bitter when it happens

  3. #3
    something is buggy with that, it isn't just you.

    i fought and killed a couple of people, don't remember when but it was in MMD. i got credit for the kill. then they got killed by someone else, and i got credit for that kill too, i don't know why.

    also, i hit an mp once, not for very much damage at all then i quit the attack because i didn't realize that the mp was doing stuff with another character...seeing what debuffs worked or whatnot. remember, i did maybe 100 dmg and quit. then the next time that mp died, i got credit for that too.

    something else weird, not game stopping, but weird. i attacked a crat last night, never got one hit in, someone else killed him. when he died, i got the message "you lost 13700 xp" ??

  4. #4

    Unhappy Whoever does the most damage

    Say for example someone duels a doctor. Doctor wins but uses a lot heals. The person the doctor just beat is setting at reclaim in the same zone. Here comes mp debuffs doctor so he doesn't buff and kills him. The person setting at reclaim strangely will get points for that kill. Not sure how doing so much damage so much damage to someone then zoning effects this but thats how it works..

  5. #5
    ok, that's how i got credit at least 2 of the times for kills i didn't make, both were doctors and the fight lasted a little longer then normal. i must've done some damage then someone else killed him/her . that explains it some

  6. #6
    Suupa, 184 thank you very much

    But yes it sucks, same thing has happened to me, i killed a Fixer and Cocio got creds for it and she had already killed him once.
    SS - Grandmaster of Fall Damage

    Property of the Devil

    On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for anyone drops to zero

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