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Thread: PLEASE Fix the pet pathing

  1. #1

    PLEASE Fix the pet pathing

    I feel kind of selfish asking for pet pathing to be fixed with all the other classes being screwed or in dire need of help. But, the game has ceased to be fun. I am a level 148 Metaphysicist. I'm not asking for loving, but for HELP for ALL pet classes.

    Considering the lack of any real viable outside hunting areas, missions are the only real option available to us. I try to get into groups, but groups in general turn us down because our pets are useless at the level we hunt at because of the pace that teams generaly keep. When it takes as much xp as it does to level, people want to make the most of their time and go through the mission rapidly. Our pets can NOT keep up because they're getting frisky with some form of furniture... even doors. I have had groups turn me down because they would rather have an empty spot than to feel they had to wait for some pet class to try and get their pet through a door.

    I have a high level friend as well that takes pity on me and hunts with me in an effort to help me reach my goals. He has played pet classes before but has switched to melee/ranged type chars since the pet classes are so UNFUN to play because of pathing. However I feel bad when grouping with him, because I know that I'm doing nothing more than slowing him down.

    Now I'm lucky that I am a class that can solo reasonably well to reasonably high ql's. So I'm stuck doing solo missions. I don't even mind the additional time it takes to kill something solo because it allows me to read the boards or email or write reports for the office. However, 60% of my time inside a mission solo is trying to get my pets to follow me around properly.

    I'm not asking you to make us pet classes stronger. I know I can drop several hundred thousand IP into a weapon or ranged type weapon in an effort to be somewhat useful in a mission in a group... but that's not really possible at the moment. Nor should I be FORCED to do that since my class is based on pets not melee/ranged weapons as a primary damage type.

    As I said.. I don't think that my class needs any help and we're pretty well rounded and very good. But PLEASE... fix the core functionality of ALL pet classes by fixing the pathing in missions. I love my char and have spent a lot of time and effort in making him what he is today. I have never exploited in any form... including treatment stacking... I got him to where he is today because of hard work and dedication. I do NOT want to have to reroll to another class just so that I can enjoy the game... especially because of the FUBAR that pathing has become. Thank you.
    Last edited by Bartiir; May 20th, 2002 at 03:22:08.

  2. #2


    Bump, for fixing pet pathing.

    I hate to have to stand around when my pet descide to find another way in to the MOB I have ordered it to attack, especialy when it only is one way in to that room.

  3. #3

    Unhappy Bump

    Bump. Pathing needs to be fixed.

  4. #4

    big YES

    Fix petpathing NOW
    -=Vima - lvl211 Bureaucrat=-

    **After all these years I still vividly remember the warm, Fuzzy feeling I got first time I ran into a room packed With lvl200 mobs and threw my AoE calm**

  5. #5

    Nothing worse than looking right at a MOB in the next room and ordering your pet to attack it and watching it head off in the opposite direction somewhere deep in the back rooms of a mission.

    Got myself killed several times by going back to find out where my pet went and getting jumped by a MOB in an adjacent room that wasn't cleared.

    If you can't fix pathing in missions, then make outdoor hunting equally rewarding in terms of xp/loot as missions are. What's the problem the designers have with letting people hunt outdoors?

  6. #6
    Funcom denies that pet pathing got worse with 14.0 , so don't excpect any kind of fix soon.

    First they have to repeat several times that "improving pet pathing is an ongoing process", then they have to say "Oh, we were not aware of that problem, we will forward it to the developers", then they will say "It is being looked into". A few months later maybe something changes, like all interior decorations get removed from missions, making them all look like big warehouses and pets only get stuck at doors and walls until a another few months later all walls get removed as well.

    And of course they will not implement a fix for good, regardless of how long it takes to fix pet pathing if it is even possible. A 100% fix would be a /pet warp command that takes around 5 minutes to put into the game. 5 minutes is a fair assumption I would say, as the command is already ingame for all ARKs and GMs to teleport objects to their location, they just have to copy that routine and change it to make it work for the owners pet. Whatever.
    RK1 Guild Apocalypse

    Dillon "Duradas" Belote, Fixer
    Kiyoko "Selarana" Vallone, Meta Physicist
    Donald "Jorman" Dublin, Bureaucrat
    Burl "Gnorrg" Marinos, Enforcer
    Florence "Florania" Aronstein, Doctor
    RK3, Arnold "Gideon" Reineman, Enforcer

  7. #7

  8. #8


    Bump, this is coming from a level 88 Engineer and I'll i gotta say is it seems pet pathing gets worse as I gain higher level bots..

    Once Again Beating a Dead Horse(this topic will fall upon deaf ears or shall I say blind eyes)

  9. #9

    It's horrific

    I've quit doing missions in broken shores, because the extra time to fly out to Avalon or PM or even CAV is less than the time I spend coaxing my stupid slayer around tables in the type of missions that BS always spawns.

    Hey DarkGatherer, hang in there - slayers are FAR FAR better than warbots. Warbots quit attacking sometimes, or run away from mobs that are directly in front of them, IN addition to the usual pathing nightmare. Slayers only hump tables and doorframes.

  10. #10
    I wouldnt hold my breath for any major Pet pathing changes before the Expansion. I would expect maybe 3 patches before then and Pet pathing wouldnt be as high on the list as other fixes people are screaming about.
    Also expect at least one patch that will basically be to slow leveling down more. I for one beleive that pathing got worse in 14.0 by design. Engineers were able to solo 50% missions at all lvls. Unfortunately this affected the other 2 pet classes as well.

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