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Thread: Omni armor

  1. #1

    Omni armor

    Hi, I dont know if this is a bit off-topic in this forum but couldnt find a better to post it in.

    Yeasterday I saw a lvl 20 omni char in a full set off the good looking omni elite armor =) I have until now thought that it only dropped in much higher ql than what he could use even with extreme oe =) So.. anyone out there that can tell me how low in ql you can get omni elite/omni/omni forrest armor?

    Thx in advance

  2. #2
    Omni elite (the black one) is ql75 and up.

    All other are from low ql and up.
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  3. #3
    ql 75... how the heck did he get that on???? =) Thx for the answer

  4. #4
    Buffs and implants. It's still fairly simple to be able to get good implants in at low levels. It just takes time to calculate the path to get it on.
    Powervault ~ Legion
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  5. #5
    Also str and sta is the most easy stats to buff.

    2 concrete cushions gives +16
    The best enf essense+27
    Docs IC +20

    With a total of +75 to Sta and Str

    Its also perfectly possible to get 70ish , maybe even a couple of 80ish on implants, on low 20ish character. But as descaper says, you need time to calculate what implants you need and find the right belts, ncus etc. for it.

  6. #6
    Biggest problem is to get enought ncus, if he was a trader it would be easy, else it can be quite hard to get enought
    ICQ: 419860

    Clan Apocalypse - The guild for models

    Account closed.

  7. #7
    I tried but I got it around lvl 35 ish with Essence of behemoth, IC gens and pillows.


  8. #8
    exactly.. Ive tried oeing armor like mad as well but this guy must have broken all records =))

  9. #9

    Are you sure it was Omni-Elite?

    Are you sure it was Omni-Elite? There is a black version of the low level Omni-teck back armour. If I remember correctly the white version looks very similar to white omni pol armour.

    Funny thing: I was in the Rome advanced shop with one of my low level NT reroll's a few months ago. I was wearing a black robe and a black hood. Another player came into the store and began asking me how I was wearing Nano armour while I was still in single digits. I had to put the Black Hood in the trade window to get him to believe I was not exploiting somehow.

  10. #10
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon
    Biggest problem is to get enought ncus, if he was a trader it would be easy, else it can be quite hard to get enought
    I agree, ncus is first problem but i list some ways here to get around that and other

    NCU's is the first problem, but is done like this:

    First max your comp lit and inteligence.
    Get a pioneer backpack wich adds 150 to tutoring, get tutoring expertise and find a tutoring device for comp lit as close to this as possible. I havent looked into implants for tutoring but gues you could use some of those too.

    I have a QL44 tutoring device with 220 in reqs which adds 12 points to comp lit.

    First get some implants so you can equip 3 slot belt, then make new set of implants so you can equip 4 slot belt and as high as possible ncu's with buffs.

    Idea here is to make the implants so they get a reqs you can easy buff. So make them str,sta or ag. If neccesary make several sets so you can step upwards into a high QL as possible.

    If you want behemot, IC, general+12 and the +80+20 treatment buffs to get as high as possible implants on it can be hard as you need 120 ncu for that.

    However you only need 90 ncu if you dont need the treatment buffs. Also you should maybe skip some of the small buffs to get the big ones. Or get a not so big essense.

    Other useful buffs to equip armor and implants is:

    MA Muscle booster(22ncu): +25str dont stack with IC, but goes well with essense.
    Enf Prodigous strength(42ncu):+40str havent tested which thisone stacks with.

    I dont know if its possible to get into QL75 armor at lvl 20 doing this. For me it seems very hard, i was happy when i got into 50ish armor with my atrox MA at lvl 21. The ncus is the biggest problem.

    However there was a comp lit exploit around for a while some time ago,.I know there was quite a few people using this to equip their lvl2 noobs with 6 slot belts and 64 ncu's. That would also equiping high QL armor a bit more easy.

  11. #11


    Equiped my lvl32 nanomage fixer with QL75 Elite today. As Sta is dark blue for nanomage, chosing another breed i could probably done it ealier. Didnt twink anything either, so there is quite possible to come under lvl 30 i imagine.

  12. #12
    does the land vehicle still add 100 strength?
    MP lvl 139 Mysticknight

  13. #13

  14. #14


    Carrier crafts went the way of FAs and Sunburst Mk3s awhile ago, 13.0 I believe. LLTS just joined the club
    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

  15. #15
    wow wonder if my enforcer still has his
    it added 100 to str

    yep still got it ql 75 adds 108 strength -400 swimming
    Last edited by Mysticknight; May 22nd, 2002 at 08:34:38.
    MP lvl 139 Mysticknight

  16. #16
    I must say all the effort to put on high lvl equippment at low lvls aint really worth it, you lvl so fast you have to do it all the time, which is extremely boring, most ppl u find that is over equipped have made a super low lvl to gank ppl in the arena

    I made a hobby MA and put on ql 90 implants at lvl 30ish I think, should do for quite a few lvls before I have to get new ones, before that I just powerlvled alone wearing a medsuit & using big firstaid kits

  17. #17

    To answer an earlier question

    There is a QL1 Omni-Tek suit and Omni-Tek armour (I have a couple of each)

    They both go in the back slot and make the wearer appear to be wearing tank armour/omni suit. However they only add +10 melee AC, they require 10 token board and omni affiliation.

    There is however a bug with both of these at the moment (which I had to report) where the graphic of the clothes 'vanishes' when you zone (i.e. your appearence is that of the clothes you are wearing underneath), you still get the +10 though (for what its worth)
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
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