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Thread: People who talk to much smack

  1. #21
    Originally posted by Azzazzimon

    Angelicnova don't kill her friends anymore, cuz she don't have any left.

    I bet even her pets hate her.
    Even her own guildies hate her.

    My real life friend is in mayhem. He was kinda surprised to find out that Angelicnova in same guild with him and she ganked his low lvl alt on arena when she was clan and she ganked him on same arena.

    Interesting thing he compared her to person who was with us in scout camp about 5 years ago. And he doesnt know the whole story of ninja looting.

    That person was so upset that we couldnt celebrate his birthday becasue it was on the day of arrival that he stole a birthday cake of girl who had birthday 3 days later.

    Wonder why shock14 like her... ah well he is just same like her.....

    Remeber when we were in DC with him and had event in street west and he killed her... He was so proud that he killed her so he was talking about it for 3 days in a row...

    Well what angel trying t do now, she is trying to build her reputation by playing the right tone. Omnis hate wenzell so why not gank wenzell and then make a story of it that she is so cool she killed wenzell and lets all now love Angelicnova.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  2. #22

    Re: People who talk to much smack

    "PvP in AO sucks so bad this so gimped" this actually means "I got my butt kicked just now. I have not the slightest clue what i'm doing in 25%.
    Angelicnova: I am upset
    me: why?
    Angelicnova I dont want to play my main anymore this suck i will play my alt now
    Me: Why whats happend?
    Angelicnova: I lost my Novice today to some noob...

    "All you do is gank people" this actually means "I'm really mad at you for killing me while stood in 25% not paying any attention at all"
    Me: Why you went clans???????
    Angelicnova: Omni gank.
    Me: Why?
    Angelcnova: All they do is just gank.

    "Lets duel" this actually means "I have 100% chance of winning. Hey get ready to heal me or attack this person"
    Me: Angel hon can you kill fesan he ganked us in EFP couple days ago.
    Angelicnova: No but i can gank him.

    "I could had neophtye easy by now but I dont care about ranks" this actually means "I wish could Neophyte. I'm running out excuses to make."
    Angelicnova: I killed sodie she is novice i killed many orthers novice apprentice and why i still dont have neo?

    That just few of those expressions i could remeber... during our friendship.
    Last edited by Julia; May 21st, 2002 at 18:12:39.
    Two sisters practicing medicine on Rubika and Shadowlands Pomy and Julka.

    As a doctor i would prescribe you to use some common sense and a vacation to Real Life"

    If i ever start a new character in Eve i will choose a name something like "aieerjjnnvajjnasdio11e3".

  3. #23

    too much traffic

    The link site receiving too much traffic you will have visit it later on when my data transfer rate is refreshed. Geocities doesn't make for great website host.

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