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Thread: Run mouse in seperate thread

  1. #21
    I'd love to have something to speed up my mouse. My mouse always moves like a snail on a piece of elastic, making it slow to move and very hard to click precisely because when you stop moving the mouse... the cursor keeps on going... . I have a top of the line system too, so it's not a system performance issue. I wonder sometimes whether it's a graphics card issue with my Radeon 8500... Still, I never use my mouse in battle at all as a result and have to do everything using keyboard shortcuts (and I do mean everything).

    My standard combat gameplay now as an MA MP uses 3 full shortcut bars which I have to switch between all the time mid-combat to do anything. My buff run fills 2 shortcut bars and sundry buffs for other players fills another two... so in a given team mission I use 4 bars in buffing and 3 more bars full in combat itself... and when the team is fighting mixed clan/OT mobs life is truly hell because on top of switching between combat shortcut bars I have to work out whether to tab or Ctrl-Tab to the mob, because clicking on it with the mouse is absolutely hopeless in the graphics lag of battle.... /assist is about the only thing that makes it possible to play in that situation really.

    I'd kill for any improvement to mouse behaviour.


  2. #22
    Stop lagging with what you got: Adjust visual settings. I know that sucks, but turn off a lot of the effect like ground shaddows and so on.

    To shift between your shortcutbar use SHIFT + 1, SHIFT + 2 etc.

  3. #23
    Ermm... lag isn't the issue trust me. My machine flies along faster than anybody's I know. For example I zone way faster than anyone else. But then I should with an Athlon 2000+, 1 Gig DDR RAM, 160 Gig U-DMA RAID 0 (striped) hard disc array and a Radeon 8500 (top spec)...

    Still, I have fairly median settings in the visuals and have nearly all text and effects display options switched off..... My mouse is nevertheless very slow and 'boingy'. My other half has a far slower machine which lags horribly and his mouse is as fast and precise as you could wish for.

    And yes I obviously do use shift+number to switch between bars... the point I was making is that my bars are all I've got because selecting something from my inventory or from the programs section mid-battle is impossible. As a result, anything that I might conceivably need in battle has to have a shortcut on the bar.... and the damned agg/def bar slider is a nightmare (make the button bigger if you won't fix the mouse )


  4. #24
    #1 annoying GUI problem? Survey says:

    Mouse lag!

  5. #25
    Then I do not know. I got a 2Ghz P4, GF 4 ti4600, 512 DDRRAM (Or whatever) and it runs smooth in 1024x768 with all view setting on and have almost no lag except on zone change.

  6. #26
    I know gunslinger... the point is that the mouse lag is somehow different. I don't suffer from lag really at all. In general, when other players complain about lag, I haven't even noticed it unless it's really bad. But my mouse can be godawful at the very same time.

    Weird huh?


  7. #27

    me too

    I hate this mouse snail problem, noticed it in Giants: Kabuto as well.
    If i remember correctly it worked much better on win98/2000 than my current XP. Also disable/enable VSync can make it better or worse.

    //Shaeidar lvl 100 advy

    For the record:
    Athlon 1200
    WDC 120gb and IBM 60gb discs.
    Logitech Mouseman Wheel (PS/2)
    playing at 1024*768 windowed with low graphic settings

  8. #28
    Originally posted by RealGunslinger
    A normal program procedure is like this:

    1. Read the input channels.
    2. Do the scene change.
    3. Draw the scene.
    4. Show the scene.
    5. Go back to 1.
    I'm no DirectX/Win32 guru, but how about something like this;

    Thread 1:
    1. Scene change
    2. Render scene
    3. Goto 1

    Thread 2:
    1. Get input
    2. If thread 1 has finished rendering a scene, then blit it and start rendering new scene
    3. Draw GUI components (inv, mouse, chat, etc)
    4. Goto 1

    Hopefully, step 3 in thread 2 is fairly cheap and should keep the GUI responsive during expensive renderings.

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