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Thread: Party in Newland City-Tonight!

  1. #1

    Talking Party in Newland City-Tonight!

    Title: Party in Newland City
    Dim: Rubi-ka 1
    Date: 2002-05-14
    Time: 20:00:00 PDT - My local day/time

    Date: 2002-05-15
    Time: 03:00:00 GMT - GMT for those across the Pond

    Come Party at Neuters R Us! Take a break from the politics of everyday life, and do some bootay shakin!

    DJ Shadowrunrr will be providing the LIVE stream of Alt/Rock/Techno tunes for you to groove to. Requests, shoutouts, dedications are all among the goodies to be sampled.

    Just bring yourself, a friend or 3, make sure you have WinAmp or RealPlayer installed, dress casual & PAR-TAY Attitude! If you are otherwise engaged and can't make it, you can still listen to the LIVE Gridstream, NO canned play lists here! Just tune your WinAmp or RealPlayer to: to join in the fun. Send me requests via Tells if your not at the party. I'll try to accomodate as many as possible. If I don't have what you ask for, chances are I have something pretty darn close.

    Be there, or.......well...miss out on a good time!

    Neuters is on the East end of Newland City, down by the Bronto Burger. Clan, Omni, Neutral, all welcome, it's all good.........

    This event is also on the AO Events Calendar, so you can play with the time display there to find your timezone...and we'll do it again same place, same time the following Tuesday Night!!!

  2. #2
    Looks like Wednesdays to me (by the looks of the calendar).

    I'm gonna stop using the calendar if the people who are maintaining it can't get this stuff right. That's three times now I've seen incorrect dates on it. Four if you count both wednesdays of your parties.
    --The connections that enable us to learn are infinitely more important than our state of knowing.

  3. #3

    Lightbulb AO Event Calendar & dates

    The calendar defaults to the GMT timezone. Look at the top of the calendar, there is a drop down bar for timezones, pick yours, then click the Filter button. it's displayed correctly, at least it did for me.......wish there was a way they could make it remember your preference, gee, like maybe a cookie or sumthin???

    It IS Tuesday night in any case. I would NOT do one on Monday or Wednesday, because I know everyone is at Reets dancing and listening to Deviant LTK Radio......(including me). I'm smart enough not to try and compete with the Big Guy...hehe....I'm not into the competition thing and alternatives, that's my Agenda........who knows......maybe after I've been out on the circuit awhile & paid my dues, I might get an invitation to play at Reets sometime......(fingers crossed).

  4. #4
    Hey, it's cool man, I've heard about you and I know you're not looking for competition any more than I am. I'll try to listen in to your show tonight. I actually just finished up a short show that was a feedback show, asking people about a potential guild and feedback on improvements.

    I heard that you're already in Solar Entertainment, not sure if that's true or not, but it's cool if you are. If not, I'm still looking to start up an all-DJ guild to be a conglomerate with Solar Ent, Phoenix Ent, UoR, and other entertainment guilds on Rubi-Ka. If you're interested, lemme know (or if you know other DJ's or entertainers like reporters, etc who are interested, direct them to me plz?)

    Edit-in P. S. You're right about the time-zone thing. What can I say. I'm a gimp.
    Last edited by Tarryk; May 15th, 2002 at 03:17:09.
    --The connections that enable us to learn are infinitely more important than our state of knowing.

  5. #5

    Cool Rock AND Roll

    Gimps R Us! Hey, possible name for Guild?? lol......seriously though, sounds good to me, I'm interested, and will be chattin with ya....

    Thanks to you and everyone else who showed up at the shindig, went pretty well I think.......only had 1 attempt at a Grid stream hack, that was thwarted was a pretty good time, and it's on again for next week, same place, same time!!!
    >Mikal 'Shadowrunrr' Catt - Email: shadowrunrr
    >RK1ROX - Radio Free Rubi-ka - Pirate Radio for the People

  6. #6

    Talking Slight change of Plan....

    ....but its a GOOD thing......

    The time and date is going to be the same, but the location has now changed. Instead of Neuters R Us in Newland City, I've hauled my Dog & Pony show up to Reets Retreat. A lot bigger place, and (a better sound system). My Keelars off to DJ Tarryk, who is allowing me to move into his House, bunk in the Storage Room, or the Rumble Room as it's otherwise known, and earn my keep by throwin down the Jam EVERY Tuesday Night!!! That's right Reetheads, ANOTHER night for a sure thang par-tay! If you haven't been to Reet's or any of Tarryks's other shows, you are missing out...BIG TIME!!! If you can't make his, get your butt to mine! And after a few, you'll become a Reethead too, and ALWAYS be there...whoo hoo!

    Okay, enough of that....just get on down and check us out, whaddya say......
    Last edited by shadowrunrr; May 16th, 2002 at 19:22:43.
    >Mikal 'Shadowrunrr' Catt - Email: shadowrunrr
    >RK1ROX - Radio Free Rubi-ka - Pirate Radio for the People

  7. #7
    I dont think the Rumble Room of Reets Retreat is any bigger than Neuts.
    I'd sure like to see more events in places other than Reets. There are a lot of clubs around Rubika that remain under utilized. A few events, or even better a regularly scheduled event, would help build up clientel in these places


  8. #8

    Wink Size

    Well, I'm told that size really doesnt matter.......oh wait...thats referring to something

    Reets is a lot larger, the Rumble Room is just one room in the Reets complex. And it is bigger when you consider the rafters, where a lot of people go and hang out, at least till they get too wild and fall off.....good thing the bartenders serve first aid kits as well as

    Tuesday will be my regular nite ar Reets, I never said I wouldn't be playing anywhere else at other times......I like Neuters, it's pretty convienent for most people, the infamous Newland Lag doesn't seem to affect us in the club. I will be playing there occasionally.....let me know about other locations, we'll check em out.....I can pretty much say I'll be staying out of Omni Entertainment tho, so Baboons and Rompas is

    Seriously though, we haven't posted this info yet, at least I haven't seen it, but we have a new entertainment machine rolling into Rubi-Ka......myself, DJ Tarryk, and DJ Boko have combined forces and created GridStream Productions. We are based in Reets, we have Monday nights DJ Tarryk doin his kick ass show, Tuesdays will be me, Wednesday Tarryk again, and Thursday is DJ Boko. We will also be offering our services for any Guild that has an event, party, wedding, etc, and we will be hittin the road and doing broadcasts from other places....there will be much more on this later, as we are just getting this underway, so consider this a sneak preview, not a Grand Announcement...

    So pretty much anytime ya want to party, you'll find it goin down at REETS!!!!
    >Mikal 'Shadowrunrr' Catt - Email: shadowrunrr
    >RK1ROX - Radio Free Rubi-ka - Pirate Radio for the People

  9. #9
    What time is that in GMT please?
    Sulema Keaorata Fahrni

    You dont need eyes to see, you need vision

  10. #10
    4 am gmt the next day it appears.....
    >Mikal 'Shadowrunrr' Catt - Email: shadowrunrr
    >RK1ROX - Radio Free Rubi-ka - Pirate Radio for the People

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