Originally posted by aaronb

I'd really like to see your math on this. At level 123, I can't get anywhere close to self-equipping my QL195 Snakeman (855 req) with a single divest. I'm using QL130ish implants and my shotgun is at max. My base shotgun is 92 higher than yours at level 100.
Maybe you should take a look at your implants...I'm 123 now aswell and using ql170-190 implants, waiting to hit skill cap to get the ql200 implants on.

I got my ql170-190 implants on at lvl 104 I think...

You don't need to have 855 in skill to not be OEd, you only need 684 or something close...

If you want numbers just send a tell ingame to Nuubi and I can help you out. I'm at work now so can't do much.