Okay i came up with a short list of things I think should be implemented:

1. Doc heals should not atract aggro
2.Make yalmahas and other vehicles upgradable, (while in vehicle +2000 ac to all classes and +1000 to evades or something, think about it, your in a very fast moving object*for evades* and the armor on the yalmaha can give you extra ac)
3.PvP should be available everywhere, both players must agree to the condition, a little dialogue like the one where you join an organization should come up and ask "would you like to dual whoever"
4.Ammo should stay in your inventory and not go to the resurrect terminal
5.find some easier way to deal with apartment keys, no one likes having to find them.
6.Make Apartments much more decoratable, Like "The sims" add carpet, differant wall paper, furniture (more than the limit is right now), apartments should be a bigger part of the game
7.make chest tatoos female too ( Just kidding =) )
8.Make an official version of the Shopbot, it was great, but then it went down and didn't get back up

Thats all i can think about now, oh yah, make leet dolls, real ones, serciously, make em cost 10-30$ i dont care, so many ao players would buy one =)