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Thread: Question about the changes to trader team heals.. not a flame/whine

  1. #1

    Question about the changes to trader team heals.. not a flame/whine

    here is a question regarding the changes being made to trader heals...

    Will traders be able to cast a team heal and have the dot running in their ncu and the cast a lower/higher team heal and get a different dot in their ncu?

    The whole idea is that the full duration of the dot should be felt as "payment" for the healing. Will they be able to cast a bunch of different team heals and stack the different dots (but still having to wait until the dot is done before casting the same heal again), or will they have to wait until all dots are clear from their ncu before casting any further heals?

    This could add an interesting dimmension to the trader team heals... cast as many different ones as you may like, but beware the consequences

    edit: for clarity and because I can't spel gode ate al
    Last edited by Rebbeca; May 15th, 2002 at 16:54:51.

  2. #2
    By that logic the agent should be allowed to throw out a DoT on someone, then throw out another weaker version.

    I wouldn't have a problem with that, but that's not how funcom does things. Not a part of their Vision(tm)

  3. #3

    Re: Question about the changes to trader team heals.. not a flame/whine

    Originally posted by Tuek
    here is a question..

    Will traders be able to cast a team heal and have the dot running in their ncu and the cast a lower/higher team heal and get a different dot in their ncu?

    The whole idea is that the full duratation of the dot should be felt as "payment" for the healing. Will they be able to cast a bunch of different team heals and stack the different dot's (but still having to wait until the dot is done before casting the same heal again), or will they have to wait until all dot's are clear from their ncu before casting any further heals?

    This could add an interesting dimmension to the trader team heals... cast as many different ones as you may like, but beware the consequences
    Happens now
    Use the 1000 heal and get a DOT.
    Use the 500 team heal and get a different DOT.
    Only thing that doesn't happen is stacking of the same DOT.
    Undercover Soccom Brother

    Blackness confirmed!!
    Welcome to the Brotherhood.

    Buying ql 161 Art of Peace nano

  4. #4
    but this is how it works right now.. cast 2 different team heals, and get 2 different dot's

  5. #5
    Well, but a portion of the question is can you continue to do this, or must you wait out the 15 seconds?

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