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Thread: Agent Vs. Pvp

  1. #1

    Question Agent Vs. Pvp

    I just started playing AO about 2weeks ago I have played every profession so far trying to get a feel for the one I most like I have decided on Agent I was wondering how they fair in PVP? what can a Level 200 agent do in PVP will he own or still be Fuber when compared to soldiers or Docs Etc, Etc...if you have any reasons why I shouldnt pick a agent list them plz..

    "Can anyone delete there Character Name Nyghtmare...."

  2. #2

    Red face

    Agents have uber hp, choose them!!!!

  3. #3

  4. #4


    I dont get it Robin????????????

    "school isnt for everyone.."

  5. #5
    Any profession can be good period

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Wenzell
    Any profession can be good period
    While some has a slight advantage. Like traders, doc's and soldiers =) But true.. any class can do well.

    (talking high level here. low level soldiers at least suck in pvp hehe)
    phonokol - geremi - dousk - matica [apoc]

  7. #7
    Take back low level sols suck, Im low level and dont suck.

  8. #8
    u suck!
    Nitex - lvl 184 trader
    Etin - lvl 191 ma
    Etinx - lvl 196 doctor

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Cloudeh
    Take back low level sols suck, Im low level and dont suck.
    Dont always talk, you have to prove it.
    What about a duel against me or etin ?

  10. #10
    agt's do fine in pvp, i hold rookie no prob at 75-130, 60-74 apprentice.

  11. #11
    Last edited by Sheldon; Mar 1st, 2003 at 12:39:39.

  12. #12

    agents suck

    Agents sucks in pvp

    /fopus, GEOPHYT lvl 174

  13. #13
    Congrats to Fopus (also one of the nicest people I've met ingame yet).

    Although, if I was clan, I'd probably wouldn't feel the same way
    Katelin Arinia Rhees
    Level 220 Enforcer
    Former Enforcer Professional
    Former President of the late Midnight Reveries
    Account Created: 2001-10-08; Account Expired: 2005-02-19

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