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Thread: A CALL TO SOLDIERS- New/Improve Nanos

  1. #1

    A CALL TO SOLDIERS- New/Improve Nanos

    Ok all....lets give em hell.....well lets give em good ideas for improvements and New Ideas for Nanos....
    I bet if we get enough solid stuff....we wil get some improvements....
    Use you imagination....what should a soldier have....
    I suggest some in another thread.....

    1 - New: Give us a buff that speeds up Cycles time on special attacks(Burst, Fling, Full Auto)...not an insane amount...but a bit...a few seconds....(hmm i like that one)

    2 - New: Maybe a new self only line of buffs for all Ranged Attack weops...5, then 10, then 20..... or Number 4 below....

    3 - Improve: Make HP buff line about 75% as good as Enforcer Line...
    Currently it is 43% equivelant at Nano Skill lvl of 160 in two areas

    4 - Improve: Step up the Mastery line(self only or not)....similar to Meta's line...So we dont have to wait til sooo long to get a bonus to burst(and all others) other than 20 from General

    5 - What about a stepped up crit buff too....

    6 - Maybe a buff to change or add damage to a weopon....
    Change Nove flow to Fire (damn thats an MA buff isnt it)

    Granted some of these are stolen from other classes.....

    And thats just off the top of my head....let get some good ones going...use our imagination......think of the A - team....well..maybe not....lets do it......

    "Kill 'em all and let their god sort 'em out" NYC Hardcore.

  2. #2
    Those sound pretty good to me. Although, I would like to have some buffs that other classes would like to buy from us. I rarely ever get asked for a buff, in some ways it nice, but In the long run I would rather have buffs that help my team mates more. Also, some that will make me some cash.

  3. #3
    Perfect example of what we should have:

    An Init buff that takes up less then 49 NCUs for a good 150ish point buff for the whole team.

    and my favorite nano idea:

    This nano when enacted redirects all damage directed at the team to the soldier for a few brief minutes. It then can not be cast again for several minutes.

  4. #4
    What would be in demand....lets think about that.....

    - Nano similar to Wrangle....but Ranged Only..and slightly better.....would be in demand..

    - And a similar Weopn Mastery line like a Meta Phys would be in demand as well

    In Addition
    - Make Attack Booster a Line that adds to Initiative as well as Atk rating....

    - I think we should get a Rage/Bezerk Line as well.....
    "Patriotic Insipration" or some such....similar effect to Rage line of Enforcers..... Increase Size and Add Insane amount to Ranged Skills(hmm not bad either)

  5. #5
    Hmm...Nice but.....the damage redirect....whew.....combined with TMS..hehe are asking for several visits to the Reclaim terminal per session...
    Keep em Flowing...Nova Flowing..hehe

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Homerclees
    Hmm...Nice but.....the damage redirect....whew.....combined with TMS..hehe are asking for several visits to the Reclaim terminal per session...
    Keep em Flowing...Nova Flowing..hehe
    hehe..that is how I saw it but you'd have to cast them back to back.

  7. #7
    i like the saviour thingy, docs would love you.
    very good idea, and fits with the soldier image quite well, protecting the weaker members, etc.

    if you get it tho, the enfs are gonna go mental.
    My lungs arent blackened by tar, they're blackened by SIN!

  8. #8
    ./me can see this turning into another debate on soldier ''uberness''. All people will do is whine about how soldier suck or other profession on how we are ''uber'' and should be nerfed

    As soldiers, i don't think we need all these new buffs. Although I do think that some need to be changed a bit to more closely reflect their descriptions/requirements. As it stands now the only soldier nanos worth getting are Assault/Ranged Energy masteries, AT/OS and the shields. Every class has usless nanos and soldier should be no different. However i do think that we should be at least looked at as a profession by FC.

    1) Our hp buffs- Raise them by 10-20% to at least make them half as good as essences. They don't stack with them anyways. Our top hp buff takes 720 bio/651 MC and only adds 405 hp. Whats worse is that our thrid best one takes 533bio/515MC and gives 416 hp!!!

    2) AC line - Slighty reduced costs would be nice. I don't know too many soldier whohave 740 in MM JUST for 530acs

    3) Taunts - get rid of them or make them work. Using the highest level one i couldn't taunt a master enforcer of my doctor to save his life

    4) Phalanx -What can i say? lol.

    5) AT - For something that costs 33ncu and 493 in pm/si. +23 attack rating isn't much. Give it a 3% chance to crit like Take the shot or increase the attack rating. Would make sence that we could hit better if something was targetting for us.

    Other then that nothing is seriously wrong. I think all the soldier concern is more coming from that we never hear from FC in any way saying that they hear us. We don't even have a top ten in our forums.

    I think a word from FC regarding soldiers would put us at ease a bit. A tiny bribe like a decent soldier only weapon thats not impossible to obtain .(read: "The IMI Tellus TT sucks") It would be even better if it did enough damage so that we might actualy noticably outdamage other professions using guns would be nice.


    /me ends rant
    /me sets yet more cookie traps for Cosmik in hopes taht some day i might actually catch him
    Mick "Nuggethunter" McMullet
    Lvl 191 Soldier
    Loyal Advisor of Trinity 'till my last breath

    Plain and simple.... NERF bracers in PvP

    Hey, I’m uh.. I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.
    And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I am certain they're really really nice.
    I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "About" not "A boot".
    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I belive in peacekeeping, not policing. Diversity, not assimilation.
    And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat. A chesterfield is a couch.
    And it is pronounced "Zed"! not "Zee".. "Zed"! Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey,
    And the best part of North America! My name is Nugget… and I am Canadian!!!

  9. #9
    Coolness...not bad..
    Logically, having a Soldier in a group...the following should make sense....
    Adn these are just suggestions...I am not saying all should be added....perhaps a few concepts considered....

    - New: A Team Buff that Increases ATK Rating(hit vs miss) directly and Initiatives.....
    Along the logic that a Soldier helps coordinate strategy

    - New: A Nano that lets us summon specific weopons (need to think about specifics, and it is similar to Fixer nano i guess)
    With the logic that a Soldier should have access to weopons being military and all....he is a damn Soldier...
    Last edited by Vandegraf; May 9th, 2002 at 21:25:19.

  10. #10
    My lines:

    Reload/Swap Reduction line:
    Reduce the reload and weapon swap times by (#)%.
    Boot camp Training - Level 25 approx requirements, 10%
    Rookie Soldier - Level 50 approx requirements, 15%
    Experienced Soldier - Level 75 approx requirements, 20%
    Veteran Soldier - Level 100 approx requirements, 25%
    War Hero - Level 150 approx requirements, 50%
    Close Call - Level 200 requirements, 75%

    It would fit the soldier idea, and it'd be pretty fair, I think. Dont you guys?

    Special Buff lines:
    Reduce refresh times, give tiny crit, add special skills - SELF ONLY, 30 minute duration at first.. 1 hour at level 100..2 hours at level 175+ ones
    I dont know any names, but...
    Level 30ish - 1% Crit, +25 to all gun specials(AS too), 5% reduction in refresh
    Level 50ish - 2% crit, +30 to all gun specials, 10% reduction
    Level 80ish - 3% crit, +40 to all gun specials, 15% reduction
    Level 100ish - 4% crit, +50 to all gun specials, 20% reduction
    Level 150ish - 5% crit, +75 to all gun specials, 30% reduction
    Level 200 - 8% crit, +100 to all gun specials, 50% reduction

    I dont think any of those would be overpowered..and I honestly think they'd make our class better. =)
    ............................................Solitus Doctor
    ........................."I am he that buries his friends alive and
    ............drowns them and draws them alive again from the water." - When you sign up put 73583 as the ID of the person who recommended it to you(So I get credit) - It's fun I'm learnin it now but so far it's pretty nifty - You get your own Alien Train him, gamble, etc.. and then end up fighting people and stuff

  11. #11
    I for one would just like to see our nano line fleshed out. ATM we have all of 13 good buffs.

    Assault Rifle Mastery
    Long Ranged Energy Mastery
    Total Focus (when we get it at lvl 150 or so that is)
    Mirror's 1-10 (a very powerfull buff line, but also seriously flawed)

    Every other buff we posses can be ignored without a noticable effect on the soldiers effectiveness. None of the others are really worth the ip to cast them.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Sredni
    I for one would just like to see our nano line fleshed out. ATM we have all of 13 good buffs.

    Assault Rifle Mastery
    Long Ranged Energy Mastery
    Total Focus (when we get it at lvl 150 or so that is)
    Mirror's 1-10 (a very powerfull buff line, but also seriously flawed)

    Every other buff we posses can be ignored without a noticable effect on the soldiers effectiveness. None of the others are really worth the ip to cast them.
    I think you missed a few. here is my list and im sure lots will agree.

    Assault rifle mastery
    Long ranged energy mastery
    Riot controll (for swapping soldiers)
    Offensive steamroller (higher level scopes)
    Total focus
    Automatic Targetting (sure it sucks but +23 attack is +23 attack. adds about 150 onto a crit and you need the nanoskills for the higher buffs anyway)
    TMS line (can't count all 10 seperativly. Thats like saying an eng has 60+ good nanos[bots])
    Reflect shield line (keeps your team alive. Especially a little punk called Runawayjim :P )
    OMHH. (1/2 point. half like it, half dont)

    that 8.5 usefull nanos
    Mick "Nuggethunter" McMullet
    Lvl 191 Soldier
    Loyal Advisor of Trinity 'till my last breath

    Plain and simple.... NERF bracers in PvP

    Hey, I’m uh.. I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader. And I don't live in an igloo or eat blubber or own a dogsled.
    And I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada, although I am certain they're really really nice.
    I have a Prime Minister, not a President. I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it "About" not "A boot".
    I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack. I belive in peacekeeping, not policing. Diversity, not assimilation.
    And that the beaver is a truly proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat. A chesterfield is a couch.
    And it is pronounced "Zed"! not "Zee".. "Zed"! Canada is the second largest landmass, the first nation of hockey,
    And the best part of North America! My name is Nugget… and I am Canadian!!!

  13. #13
    some good Ideas from MD up there....

    Indeed a select few of the nanos we have are most certainly useful....but most are as you say...worth ignoring...and I don't think that should be the case...
    The nanos you mentioned are good....but need to be stepped up every so often....not just a one time mastery and bam thats it....

    I would be nice if it were like the Meta Phys line of Nanos skill buffs...
    Mastery, Infuse with Knowledge of...etc....
    There is definitely alot of room for improvement......
    Homerclees is my 38( I think) lvl Enforcer...and I have no qualms about his Nanos.....other than I dont have the points for em

    Soldiers need some minor nano tweaking or revamping

  14. #14
    You guys did see this thread right?

    It has tonnes of good ideas for new nanos.

  15. #15
    I have seen many people suggest the soldiers get a line of nano buffs similar to the agents, except for every weapon...

    ... I don't think soldiers should though. Just from a roleplaying standpoint, if the soldier relied on so many nanos for enhancement then they wouldn't be gun toting grunts anymore.
    The beef of the soldier is, and ways should be, his armor, guns, and utilities.


    That doesn't mean the soldier can't get some new and interesting things... Here is what I would give the soldier (Ideas of my own, mixed with those of others):

    Last Stand
    Attack: 1.4
    Recharge: 4
    QL 30 -- 20 seconds.
    QL 70 -- 40 seconds.
    QL 120 -- 60 seconds.
    QL 150 -- 90 seconds

    Self casted. If the soldier dies while this nano program is running it will trigger a high yeild nano explosion within his/her NCU, dealing massive damage to all nearby hostiles.

    Damage to all enemies within 15 meters:
    QL 30 -- 1000
    QL 70 -- 1500
    QL 120 -- 3000
    QL 150 -- 5000

    Total Sacrifice
    Attack:Instant cast.
    Recharge: 8

    A line of "take one for the team" nanos. Dealing massive damage to you, but regenerating the health and nano of your teammates.

    Damage done plus healing and nano given
    QL 80 -- 2000 damage to you, 1000 healing and nano to the team.
    QL 140 -- 4000 damage to you, 2000 healing and nano to the team.

    Martial Law
    Attack: 5 seconds.
    Recharge: 20 seconds

    Heals target friendly guard.

    QL 70 -- 25% health healing.

    Triple Phalanx
    (This replaces the old Phalanx, remaining the same QL)

    Increases the AC's of all soldiers in the team by 150 points.
    Thus, if you have a team of six soldiers all running this program all six of you will get +900 to your AC's.

    Nano stim boost
    Attack: Instant cast.
    Recharge: 5 seconds.
    Duration There are four versions of this nano, lasting between 10 and 40 seconds

    All nano skills are shutdown for the duration of this formula

    This nano skill is locked from use for 15 minutes, 13 minutes, 9 minutes, and 5 minutes depending on the QL of the nano (QL 40, 80, 120, and 160)

    Injects a neural stimulant into the soldier, increasing; damage, attack speed, run speed, evades, and health for a limited time.
    However this is very experimental and unstable in nature, causing the soldier to gradually lose effectiveness for the duration of the forumla

    Skill gain, time of decay, and duration based on QL (it would take too long to list the stats for all 4 nanos in the line, so I will just give the sats on the QL 120 version.)

    QL 120 -- Heals 1500, All Initiatives +200, Damage +100, All Evades +200, Attack rating +200, and Runspeed +300

    --You will start to steadily lose your bonuses every second after the forumla has started.
    --After 10 seconds has pasted you will be were you were before you activated the forumla...
    --Your attributes will not stop dropping when they return to normal, they will continue to drop for another 10 seconds, returning to normal when the forumla ends. This gives the forumla a total duration of 20 seconds

    After about 20 seconds your stats should look like this:
    Health -1500, -200 to all evades, attack rating, and initiatives. -300 to runspeed, and -100 to damage.

    Drill instruction
    QL 40 and QL100

    Decreases the reloading time of any weapon by 20%(QL 40) , or 60%(QL 100)
    Last edited by Zeroshift; May 10th, 2002 at 15:57:43.

  16. #16
    Nice Ones Zero....
    Last Stand is cool...eventhough you have to die...
    I was also thinking of a Nano the involved Stims...makes sense...
    And Drill instruction is excellent....just what I was thinking...but not only Reload/load time...
    but Special Attack(Fling, Burst & FA) recycle time as well....
    Phalanx definitely needs to be Tripled....
    Adn that is a good post also....lets keep it crankin

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